X12 EDI Release 00504
To specify pertinent dates and times
Code specifying type of date
Codes (139)- 10Requested Ship Date/Pickup Date
- 11Shipped on This Date
- 12Terms Discount Due Date
- 13Terms Net Due Date
- 14Preferred Payment Date
- 15Promotion Start
- 16Promotion End
- 17Estimated Delivery Date
- 18Date Available/Constructive Replacement
- 19Date Unloaded
- 20Check Date
- 21Charge Back Date
- 22Freight Bill Date
- 23Promotion Order Date - Start
- 24Promotion Order Date - End
- 25Promotion Ship Date - Start
- 26Promotion Ship Date - End
- 27Promotion Requested Delivery Date - Start
- 28Promotion Requested Delivery Date - End
- 29Promotion Performance Date - Start
- 30Promotion Performance Date - End
- 31Promotion Invoice Protection Date - Start
- 32Promotion Invoice Protection Date - End
- 33Promotion Floor Stock Protect - Start
- 34Promotion Floor Stock Protect - End
- 35Delivered on This Date
- 36Expiration Date
- 37Ship Not Before Date
- 38Ship Not Later Than Date
- 39Ship Week Of Date
- 40Original Purchase Order Date
- 41Date Invoice Created
- 42Buy Period Date - Start
- 43Buy Period Date - End
- 44Arrival at Destination Yard
- 45Notified
- 46Actual Placement
- 47Released
- 48Customs Release
- 49Duty Paid
- 50Charged From
- 51Charged To
- 52Ordered
- 53Deliver Not Before Date
- 54Deliver No Later Than Date
- 55Deliver Week Of
- 56Actual Free Time Expiration Date
- 57Guarantee Expiration Date
- 58Price Change Last Order Date
- 59Price Change Last Arrival Date
- 60Price Change Last Ship Date
- 61Price Change Effective Date
- 62Accrual Start Date
- 63Accrual End Date
- 64Must Respond By
- 67Delivered By This Date
- 68Requested Delivery Date
- 69Scheduled Pickup Date
- 70Scheduled Delivery Date
- 71Est. Next Promo. Date Start
- 72Est. Next Promo. Date End
- 73Est. Next Promo. Ship Date Start
- 74Estimated Next Promotion Ship Date End
- 76Bill of Lading
- 77Pickup Appointment Scheduled Date
- 78Delivery Appointment Scheduled Date
- 79Pickup Requested Scheduled Date
- 80Delivery Requested Scheduled Date
- 81Pickup Appointment Granted Date
- 82Delivery Appointment Granted Date
- 83Equipment Furnished Date
- 84Bill of Lading Initiated Date
- 85Date Issued
- 86Actual Pickup Date
- 87First Order Date
- 88First Ship Date
- 89First Arrival Date
- 90Requested Pack Date
- 91Superseded Date
- 92Spot for Load Date
- 93Spot for Unload Date
- 94Spot for Storage Date (No Shipment)
- 95Spot for Load Exchange Date (Export)
- 96Scheduled Pickup Date, Needs Confirmation
- 97Scheduled Delivery Date, Needs Confirmation
- 98Scheduled Pickup Date, Appointment Confirmed
- 99Scheduled Delivery Date, Appointment Confirmed
- 01Cancel After This Date
- 02Delivery Requested on This Date
- 03Invoice Date
- 04Purchase Order Date
- 05Sailing Date
- 06Sold Date
- 07Effective Date
- 08Purchase Order Received
- 09Process Date
- AAStore Inventory Stock
- ABWarehouse Inventory Stock
- BBTransaction Control Date
- BCPublication Date
- BDRequired By
- BEValidated
- BFPack Date
- BGBackorder Release Date
- BHOffered for Delivery
- BIInspection
- BJShelf-Life Expiration
- BKWarranty Expiration
- BLManufacture
- BMContract Physically Completed
- BNContract Final Payment
- BOEstimated Contract Completion
- BPContract Closed
- BQExtended Closeout
- BRDate Delivery Commenced
- BSProduct Receipt Date
- BTAcceptance
- BURejection
- BVRecorded
- BWSignature
- BXAction
- BYExpected Reply
- BZDemand Receipt Date
- CACutoff Date
- CBBeginning Date of Customer Plant Shutdown
- CEEnding Date of Customer Plant Shutdown
- CLDate Loading Completed
- EPEarliest Pickup Date
- FDFreshness Date
- KAScheduled Service Completion
- LALast Acquisition
- LCDate Loading Commenced
- LDLast Demand
- LPLatest Pickup Date
- PEPeriod End
- RSReady to Ship
- SEDate Shipped to Port of Embarkation (POE)
- TAOriginal Transaction
- TRTransfer
Code specifying the reported time
Codes (43)- 0Original Transaction
- 1Must Respond By
- 2Pickup Appointment Scheduled Time
- 3Delivery Appointment Scheduled Time
- 4Pickup Requested Scheduled Time
- 5Delivery Requested Scheduled Time
- 6Pickup Appointment Granted Time
- 7Delivery Appointment Granted Time
- 8Actual Pickup Time
- 9Actual Delivery Time
- AActual Departure Time
- BReleased
- CConstructive Placement
- DEstimated Departure Time
- EEstimated Arrival Time
- FActual Unloading Completed
- GEarliest Requested Deliver Time
- HCustoms Release
- IEarliest Requested Pickup Time
- JDuty Paid
- KLatest Requested Pickup Time
- LLatest Requested Delivery Time
- MCharged From
- NNotified
- OCharged To
- PActual Placement
- QOrdered
- RActual Arrival Time
- SScheduled Departure Time
- TScheduled Arrival Time
- UScheduled Pickup Time
- VActual Unloading Started
- WEffective Time
- XScheduled Delivery Time
- YRequested Pickup Time
- ZRequested Delivery Time
- CBBeginning of Customer Plant Shutdown
- CEEnding of Customer Plant Shutdown
- EDEarliest Delivery Time
- EPEarliest Pickup Time
- LDLatest Delivery Time
- LPLatest Pickup Time
- RSReady to Ship
Time expressed in 24-hour clock time as follows: HHMM, or HHMMSS, or HHMMSSD, or HHMMSSDD, where H = hours (00-23), M = minutes (00-59), S = integer seconds (00-59) and DD = decimal seconds; decimal seconds are expressed as follows: D = tenths (0-9) and DD = hundredths (00-99)
Code identifying the time. In accordance with International Standards Organization standard 8601, time can be specified by a + or - and an indication in hours in relation to Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) time; since + is a restricted character, + and - are substituted by P and M in the codes that follow
Codes (51)- 10Equivalent to ISO P10
- 11Equivalent to ISO P11
- 12Equivalent to ISO P12
- 13Equivalent to ISO M12
- 14Equivalent to ISO M11
- 15Equivalent to ISO M10
- 16Equivalent to ISO M09
- 17Equivalent to ISO M08
- 18Equivalent to ISO M07
- 19Equivalent to ISO M06
- 20Equivalent to ISO M05
- 21Equivalent to ISO M04
- 22Equivalent to ISO M03
- 23Equivalent to ISO M02
- 24Equivalent to ISO M01
- 01Equivalent to ISO P01
- 02Equivalent to ISO P02
- 03Equivalent to ISO P03
- 04Equivalent to ISO P04
- 05Equivalent to ISO P05
- 06Equivalent to ISO P06
- 07Equivalent to ISO P07
- 08Equivalent to ISO P08
- 09Equivalent to ISO P09
- ADAlaska Daylight Time
- ASAlaska Standard Time
- ATAlaska Time
- CDCentral Daylight Time
- CSCentral Standard Time
- CTCentral Time
- EDEastern Daylight Time
- ESEastern Standard Time
- ETEastern Time
- GMGreenwich Mean Time
- HDHawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time
- HSHawaii-Aleutian Standard Time
- HTHawaii-Aleutian Time
- LTLocal Time
- MDMountain Daylight Time
- MSMountain Standard Time
- MTMountain Time
- NDNewfoundland Daylight Time
- NSNewfoundland Standard Time
- NTNewfoundland Time
- PDPacific Daylight Time
- PSPacific Standard Time
- PTPacific Time
- TDAtlantic Daylight Time
- TSAtlantic Standard Time
- TTAtlantic Time
- UTUniversal Time Coordinate