X12 EDI Release 00504
To identify shipment details that may impact the rates requested
Specifies the location or type of pickup or delivery
Codes (32)- HSunday and Holiday Pickup Service
- JSaturday Pickup Service
- MMultiple Shipment
- OOther
- PCut Flowers
- SSpecial Pickup Service
- UContainer Shipment
- VHigh Value Shipment
- ATAirport Terminal
- BCCanadian Business Delivery
- CACarrier Advance
- CBBusiness Delivery (Contracted)
- CCConvenience Center
- CPCustomer Counter Pickup
- CRResidential Delivery (Contracted)
- CSContract Shipment Delivery
- CTCity Terminal
- DBDrop Box
- DTDrop Trailer
- IBInternational Business Delivery
- IRInternational Residential Delivery
- LDLive Delivery
- LLLive Load
- OCOn-call Pickup
- OTOther Carrier's Terminal
- PBPrivate Box
- RBBusiness Delivery (Regular)
- RCCanadian Residential Delivery
- RDResidential Door
- RGRegular Pickup
- RRResidential Delivery (Regular)
- SDShippers Door
Code defining the type of weight
Codes (52)- AConsolidated Weight
- BBilled Weight
- CActual Net Repeated for Combination
- DDestination Weight Agreement
- EEstimated Net Weight
- FDeficit Weight
- GGross Weight
- HWeight Per 100 Feet
- IWeight Per 1000 Feet
- JLight Weight
- KClean Out
- LLegal Weight
- MMinimum Weight (for rate)
- NActual Net Weight
- OExcess Weight Over Maximum
- PWeight Per 100 Units
- QWeight Per 1000 Units
- RPer Unit Dunnage
- SState Weight
- TTare Weight
- UWeight Per Unit
- VNon Transit Weight (On Transit Bills Only)
- WTransit Weight (On Transit Bills Only)
- XMaximum Weight (for Rate)
- YTheoretical Weight
- ZMutually Defined
- A1Dimensional Weight
- A2Reweighed By Carrier
- A3Shippers Weight
- A4Average Weight per Load
- CDChargeable Dunnage
- CECertified Weight of Cargo
- DRDrained Weight
- FRFreight Weight
- LCMaximum Lading Capacity
- NDNonchargeable Dunnage
- NINon-Temporary Storage Weight In
- NRNon-Temporary Storage Weight Re-handled
- NTNon-Temporary Storage Weight Out
- PAPallet Weight
- RGReweigh Gross Weight
- RNReweigh Net Weight
- RTReweigh Tare Weight
- SFStorage in Transit Final Weight Out
- SIStorage in Transit Weight in
- SKSkid Weight
- SOStorage in Transit Weight Out
- WAAdministrative Weight Allowance
- WBUnaccompanied Baggage Weight
- WGProfessional Gear Weight
- WJJoint Travel Regulation Weight
- WXNet Explosive Weight