X12 EDI Release 00504
To qualify percent amounts and supply percent amounts
Code to qualify percent
Codes (279)- 1Lease Rate Factor
- 2Early Termination Rate
- 3Renewal Rate
- 4Renewal Rate Cap
- 5One Family
- 62-4 Family
- 7Multifamily
- 8Commercial
- 9Other
- 10Complete
- 11Remaining
- 12Vacant
- 13Owner Occupancy
- 14Availability Factor
- 15Efficiency Factor
- 16Scrap or Rework Yield
- 17Physical (Percent) Completed
- 18Percent of Value
- 19Premium Rate
- 20Loan-to-Value Balance Remaining
- 21Annual Demand Quantity Weighting Factor
- 22Annual Demand Value Weighting Factor
- 23Essentiality Weighting Factor
- 24Procurement Lead-time Weighting Factor
- 25Months To Procurement Weighting Factor
- 26Annual Demand Frequency Weighting Factor
- 27Tenant Occupancy
- 28Occupancy Rate
- 29Working Capital Need to Sales
- 30Active Contracts Delinquent-Contractor Caused
- 31Active Contracts Delinquent-All Causes
- 32Active Line Items Delinquent-Contractor Caused
- 33Active Line Items Delinquent-All Causes
- 34Contracts Completed Delinquent-Contractor Caused
- 35Contracts Completed Delinquent-All Causes
- 36Line Items Completed Delinquent-Contractor Caused
- 37Line Items Completed Delinquent-All Causes
- 38Delinquent Active Line Items in the Aging Population
- 39Liquid Assets to Sales
- 40Participation
- 41Servicing Fee
- 42Percentage of Original Loan Amount
- 43Percentage of Principal Balance
- 44Percentage of Principal and Interest Payment
- 45Percentage of Total Mortgage Payment
- 46Guarantee Fee Per Contract
- 47Guarantee Fee After Alternate Payment Method
- 48Guarantee Fee After Buyup or Buydown
- 49Buyup or Buydown Rate per Basis Point
- 50Security Margin
- 51Insurance Coverage
- 52Guarantee Amount
- 53Participation Retained or Owned
- 54Inventory to Cost of Goods Sold
- 55Net Profit Margin
- 56Financial Expenses to Sales
- 57Return on Value Added
- 58Employee Costs to Value Added
- 59Basement Finished
- 60Late Charge Rate
- 62Total Assets to Total Liability
- 65Indebtedness
- 66Liquid Ratio
- 67Net Worth to Total Assets
- 68Subcontracted
- 69Percent of Points Paid by Borrower
- 70Percent of Points Paid by Seller
- 71Percent of Points Paid by Other
- 72Cooperative
- 73Markup
- 76Sales per Employee
- 77Sales to Net Working Capital
- 78Tax Percentage Factor
- 79Total Liability to Net Worth
- 80Percentage of Time
- 81Predominant Occupancy Vacant
- 82Asset to Sales
- 83Capital per Employee
- 84Cash Sales
- 85Collection Period (Days)
- 86Costs per Employee
- 87Accounts Payable (Creditors) to Sales
- 88Current Liabilities to Net Worth
- 89Current Liabilities to Inventory (Stock)
- 90Current Ratio
- 91Fixed Assets to Net Worth
- 92Inventory (Stock) Turnover
- 93Profit per Employee
- 94Quick Ratio (Acid Test)
- 95Retainage Required for Project
- 96Return on Assets
- 97Return on Sales (Profit Margin)
- 98Return on Capital
- 99Shareholders' Return (Return on Net Worth)
- ANon-recoverable Depreciation
- BRecoverable Depreciation
- CDepreciation
- DOverhead on Recoverable Depreciation
- EProfit on Recoverable Depreciation
- FOverhead
- GNet Sales to Fixed Assets Ratio
- HTotal Liabilities to Total Assets Ratio
- JDiscount
- KNon-current Assets to Net Worth
- LNon-current Assets to Total Assets
- MMiscellaneous Ownership Percentage
- NNet Profit Payment Ownership Percentage
- OOverriding Royalty Payment Ownership Percentage
- PProduction Payment Ownership Percentage
- QPercent Relative to Industry Average
- RRoyalty Ownership Percentage
- SSpecial Overriding Royalty Ownership Percentage
- TTax Ownership Percentage
- USales to Current Assets
- VWorking Capital to Sales
- WWorking Ownership Percentage
- XPurchase Ownership Percentage
- YPercent Relative to National Average
- 01Guaranteed Interest Rate
- 02Locked Interest Rate
- 03Creditors to Sales Costs
- 04Interest Payable to Sales
- 05Target Fee or Profit
- 06Current Schedule Variance
- 07Current Cost Variance
- 08Cumulative Schedule Variance
- 09Cumulative Cost Variance
- ABContracts Obtained by Negotiation
- ACCost Plus Basis
- ADLump Sum Payments
- AEPurchases on Letter of Credit
- AFPurchases on Floor Plan
- AGChange in Sales
- AHChange in Profit
- AIDamage
- AJInterest on Liabilities
- AKRisk Margin
- ALLiability Ratio
- AMInterest Cover
- ANAnnual Limit
- APAllocation
- AQOrdinance Percentage
- ARAccounts Receivable Turnover
- ASAnnual Interest
- ATApartments
- AUMinimum Purchase Liability
- AVAssessment Ratio
- AYAnnual Yield
- AZStudents Enrolled in Postsecondary Programs
- BAAll Shares of Stock Owned
- BBClass of Stock Owned
- BCVoting Shares Issued
- BDProperty in County
- BEProperty in State
- BFApportionment
- BGBid Guarantee
- BHOwnership
- BIFixed Assets to Total Assets
- BJInventory to Total Assets
- BKAccounts Receivable to Total Assets
- BLIndustry Probability of Distress
- BMInventory Financing
- BPTotal Base Period Wages
- BSBusiness Portion
- BTBetterment Percentage
- BUBuilt-up
- CAContribution
- CBCommission
- CHChange
- CJCharge
- CNCondominium
- COCorporate
- CPContract to Lease
- CRContractor Share Ratio
- CSCustomer Share Ratio
- CUCapacity Used
- CVCurrent Bad Debt Provision
- DFDecrement Factor
- DYPer Day Limit
- EAEstimate Accuracy
- EFEscalation Factor
- EGActual Direct Federal Support
- EHActual Direct Non-Federal Support
- EIEstimated Direct Federal Support
- EJEstimated Direct Non-Federal Support
- EKFederal
- ELFederal Allocation
- EMFixed Federal
- ENMinimum
- EONon-Federal
- EPExpense Percentage
- EQNon-Federal Allocation
- ERPrime Interest Rate
- ESInflation
- ETProbability of Distress
- FTFault Isolation Time
- FVForecasted Vacancy and Collection Loss
- GAGross Adjustment
- IAIntersell
- INIndustrial
- KAVariation in Quantity Over
- KBVariation in Quantity Under
- LMLimit
- MAMaximum Allowable Withholding from Disposable Income
- MNMonthly Limit
- MSMarket Share
- MXMaximum Owned by Small Shareholders
- NANet Adjustment
- NHNew Homes
- OCOverall Capitalization Rate
- OFOfftake
- OHOutside Hours
- OPOption Percentage
- PALease Production
- PBPrevious Bad Debt Provision
- PCPrimary Coverage
- PDPaid in Capital
- PFPer Person Deductible
- PHPer Occurrence Deductible
- PMPer Person Monthly Limit
- PNPer Occurrence Monthly Limit
- PPPer Person Limit
- PRPer Occurrence Limit
- PTPrevious Participation
- PVPercent of Value of Real Estate Taxes
- PWPercent of Funding
- Q1Percent of Day Employed
- Q2Percent of Time Employed
- Q3Percent of Time Employed in This District
- Q4Percent of Time Spent in This Assignment
- Q5Percent of Time Spent as Administrator
- RAAbove Share
- RBBelow Share
- RCContractor Above Share
- RDContractor Below Share
- REPercent Removed
- RFFixed Fee Rate
- RGProgress Payment Rate
- RIIncentive Fee Rate
- RLProgress Payment Liquidation Rate
- ROReal Estate Owned and Foreclosures
- RPRoyalty
- RQEstimated
- RRAlternate Progress Payment Liquidation Rate
- RSResale
- SASet Aside
- SCSubcontracted Costs
- SDMoisture Content
- SEProtein Content
- SFPercent Dockage
- SGTest Weight
- STPercent from Stormwater
- TAChange in Ordinary Income
- TBChange in Taxable Income
- TCCommon Stock Reported
- TDEarnings per Share
- TEEquity to Deposit
- TFEquity to Loan
- TGInvested Capital
- THLoan to Deposit
- TIOperates at Capacity
- TJOrdinary Profit to Sales
- TKPayment Period
- TLPreferred Stock Reported
- TMPrevious Percent of Value
- TNReturn on Equity of Minority Interest
- TPTract
- TQCurrent Liabilities to Total Liabilities
- TRGross Profit Margin
- TSCurrent Assets to Total Liabilities
- TXTax Rate
- WIWorking Interest
- WKPer Week Limit
- X1Interest
- X2Percent of Day
- X3Percent of Week
- X4Percent of Year
- XTAsset Turnover
- ZZMutually Defined