X12 EDI Release 00504
To identify the payment pattern of specific, credit-related items
Code indicating the date format, time format, or date and time format
Codes (42)- CCFirst Two Digits of Year Expressed in Format CCYY
- CDMonth and Year Expressed in Format MMMYYYY
- CMDate in Format CCYYMM
- CQDate in Format CCYYQ
- CYYear Expressed in Format CCYY
- D6Date Expressed in Format YYMMDD
- D8Date Expression in Format CCYYMMDD
- DARange of Dates within a Single Month Expressed in Format DD-DD
- DBDate Expressed in Format MMDDCCYY
- DDDay of Month in Numeric Format
- DTDate and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMM
- EHLast Digit of Year and Julian Date Expressed in Format YDDD
- KADate Expressed in Format YYMMMDD
- MDMonth of Year and Day of Month Expressed in Format MMDD
- MMMonth of Year in Numeric Format
- RDRange of Dates Expressed in Format MMDDCCYY-MMDDCCYY
- TCJulian Date Expressed in Format DDD
- TMTime Expressed in Format HHMM
- TQDate Expressed in Format MMYY
- TRDate and Time Expressed in Format DDMMYYHHMM
- TSTime Expressed in Format HHMMSS
- TTDate Expressed in Format MMDDYY
- TUDate Expressed in Format YYDDD
- UNUnstructured
- YMYear and Month Expressed in Format YYMM
- YYLast Two Digits of Year Expressed in Format CCYY
- DDTRange of Dates and Time, Expressed in CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDDHHMM
- DTDRange of Dates and Time, Expressed in CCYYMMDDHHMM-CCYYMMDD
- DTSRange of Date and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMMSS-CCYYMMDDHHMMSS
- RD2Range of Years Expressed in Format YY-YY
- RD4Range of Years Expressed in Format CCYY-CCYY
- RD5Range of Years and Months Expressed in Format CCYYMM-CCYYMM
- RD6Range of Dates Expressed in Format YYMMDD-YYMMDD
- RD8Range of Dates Expressed in Format CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDD
- RDMRange of Dates Expressed in Format YYMMDD-MMDD
- RDTRange of Date and Time, Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMM-CCYYMMDDHHMM
- RMDRange of Months and Days Expressed in Format MMDD-MMDD
- RMYRange of Years and Months Expressed in Format YYMM-YYMM
- RTMRange of Time Expressed in Format HHMM-HHMM
- RTSDate and Time Expressed in Format CCYYMMDDHHMMSS
- YMMRange of Year and Months, Expressed in CCYYMMM-MMM Format
Code identifying the status of the credit account rating
Codes (21)- 10Currently Active
- 11Currently Owing
- 12Currently Past Due
- 13Paid Anticipate
- 14Paid Discount
- 15Paid in Cash
- 16Paid Prompt
- 17Paid Slow
- 18Placed for Collection Paid
- 19Placed for Collection Partially Paid
- 20Unfavorable Comments
- 21Inconclusive - Refer to Other Information in Report
- 00Not Used, Too New to Rate, or Unclassified
- 01Current or Account Paid According to Terms
- 0230-59 Days Past Due
- 0360-89 Days Past Due
- 0490-119 Days Past Due
- 05120 Days or More Past Due
- 07Making Payments Under Wage Earner Plan
- 08Repossession
- 09Bad Debt Placed for Collection