X12 EDI Release 00504
To specify carrier and routing sequences and details
Code describing the relationship of a carrier to a specific shipment movement
Codes (23)- 11st Carrier after Origin Carrier
- 22nd Carrier after Origin Carrier
- 33rd Carrier after Origin Carrier
- 44th Carrier after Origin Carrier
- 55th Carrier after Origin Carrier
- 66th Carrier after Origin Carrier
- 77th Carrier after Origin Carrier
- 88th Carrier after Origin Carrier
- 99th Carrier after Origin Carrier
- AOrigin Carrier, Agent's Routing (Rail)
- BOrigin/Delivery Carrier (Any Mode)
- DDELY (Delivery Switch Carrier)
- HHaulage Rights Carrier and Junction
- IOrigin Switch Carrier
- MHaulage Movement Carrier and Junction
- OOrigin Carrier (Air, Motor, or Ocean)
- ROrigin Carrier, Rule 11 Shipment
- SOrigin Carrier, Shipper's Routing (Rail)
- VIntermediate Switch Carrier
- XLast Carrier in Route on Return Route Move
- ZMutually Defined
- JDJunction Settlement Carrier Following (Destination carrier receiving revenues resulting from junction contract)
- JOJunction Settlement Carrier Predecessor (Origin carrier receiving revenues resulting from junction contract)
Code (Standard Point Location) defined by National Motor Freight Tariff Association (NMFTA) or the Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) point development group as the official code assigned to a city or point (for ratemaking purposes) within a city
Code specifying the method or type of transportation for the shipment
Codes (81)- 6Military Official Mail
- 7Mail
- AAir
- BBarge
- CConsolidation
- DParcel Post
- EExpedited Truck
- FFlyaway
- GConsignee Option
- HCustomer Pickup
- ICommon Irregular Carrier
- JMotor
- KBackhaul
- LContract Carrier
- MMotor (Common Carrier)
- NPrivate Vessel
- OContainerized Ocean
- PPrivate Carrier
- QConventional Ocean
- RRail
- SOcean
- TBest Way (Shippers Option)
- UPrivate Parcel Service
- WInland Waterway
- XIntermodal (Piggyback)
- YMilitary Intratheater Airlift Service
- ACAir Charter
- AEAir Express
- AFAir Freight
- AHAir Taxi
- APAir (Package Carrier)
- ARArmed Forces Courier Service (ARFCOS)
- BBBreakbulk Ocean
- BPBook Postal
- BUBus
- CCCommingled Ocean
- CECustomer Pickup / Customer's Expense
- DADriveaway Service
- DWDriveaway, Truckaway, Towaway
- EDAir Mobility Command (AMC) Channel and Special Assignment Airlift Mission
- FAAir Freight Forwarder
- FLMotor (Flatbed)
- GGGeographic Receiving/Shipping
- GRGeographic Receiving
- GSGeographic Shipping
- HHHousehold Goods Truck
- IPIntermodal (Personal Property)
- LAMilitary Air
- LDLocal Delivery
- LTLess Than Trailer Load (LTL)
- MBMotor (Bulk Carrier)
- MPMotor (Package Carrier)
- MSMilitary Sealift Command (MSC)
- PAPooled Air
- PGPooled Piggyback
- PLPipeline
- PPPool to Pool
- PRPooled Rail
- PTPooled Truck
- RCRail, Less than Carload
- ROOcean (Roll on - Roll off)
- RRRoadrailer
- SBShipper Agent
- SCShipper Agent (Truck)
- SDShipper Association
- SESea/Air
- SFSurface Freight Forwarder
- SRSupplier Truck
- SSSteamship
- STStack Train
- TATowaway Service
- TCCab (Taxi)
- TTTank Truck
- VAMotor (Van)
- VEVessel, Ocean
- VLVessel, Lake
- WPWater or Pipeline Intermodal Movement
- XEIntermodal Expedited
- Y1Ocean Conference Carrier
- Y2Ocean Non-Conference Carrier
- ZZMutually defined
Code specifying extent of transportation service requested
Codes (21)- AAAirport-to-Airport
- AITransport Mode Change
- BBBreakbulk
- CSContainer Station
- CYContainer Yard
- DADoor-to-Airport of Debarkation
- DDDoor to Door
- DRDoor to Ramp
- HAHaulage
- HHHouse-to-house
- HLHeadload or Devanning
- HPHouse-to-pier
- LTLess than Trailer/Container Load
- MCMulti-country Consolidation
- MDMixed Delivery
- NCNon-containerized cargo
- PHPier-to-house
- PPPier-to-pier
- RDRamp to Door
- RERamp to Ramp
- RRRoll-on Roll-off