X12 EDI Release 00504
To request or identify a service, promotion, allowance, or charge; to specify the amount or percentage for the service, promotion, allowance, or charge
Code identifying the service, promotion, allowance, or charge
Codes (1090)- A010Absolute Minimum Charge
- A020Access Charge - Federal
- A030Access Charge - State
- A040Access Charges
- A050Account Number Correction Charge
- A060Acid (Battery)
- A070Acknowledgment of Delivery Fee (AOD)
- A080Activation of Carnet
- A090Ad Valorem
- A100Add on - Destination
- A110Add on - Origin
- A112Add to Make Market Value
- A120Additional Copies of Freight Bill
- A121Additional Commercial Invoices
- A122Additional Tariff Classifications
- A130Additional Material
- A140Address Correction
- A150Adjustment for Maximum Charges Billing
- A160Adjustment for Minimum Average Time Requirement Billing
- A170Adjustments
- A172Administrative
- A180Advance Charges Handling
- A190Advance Destination Amount
- A200Advance Destination Fee
- A210Advance Fee
- A220Advance Lading Charge
- A230Advance Origin Amount
- A240Advance Origin Fee
- A250Advances
- A260Advertising Allowance
- A270Affidavit
- A280Agent Disbursement - Destination
- A290Agent Disbursement - Origin
- A300Air Export Certificate
- A310Air Express Charge
- A320Air Transportation Charge
- A330Aircraft On Ground (AOG)
- A340Airline Opening Fee
- A350Airport Terminal Handling Charge
- A360Alcoholic Beverage Report Charge
- A370Allegheny County, PA Delivery Charge
- A380Allowance Advance
- A390Allowance for Consignment Merchandise
- A400Allowance Non-performance
- A410"Alterations"
- A420Amending Export Documentation
- A430Anneal/Heat (Steel or Glass Treatment)
- A440Anodizing Charge
- A445Anti-dumping Duty
- A450Appointment (Notification)
- A460Arbitrary (In Addition to Through Rates and Charges)
- A470Art Work
- A480Assembly
- A485Assist Amount
- A490Attachments to Bill of Lading Charge
- A500Bad Debt
- A510Banking Drafts
- A520Base Charge
- A530Basic Reorder Allowance
- A540Beaming Charge
- A550Bedding/Feeding/Disinfecting
- A555Beef Fee
- A560Beyond Charge
- A570Beyond Freight Charges
- A580Bill and Hold
- A590Bill of Lading Attendancy
- A600Bill of Lading Charge
- A610Billed Demand
- A620Black Lung Tax
- A630Blocking and Bracing Charge
- A640Blower Charge
- A650Bobtail Charges
- A658Bond Amount
- A660Bond Charge
- A670Bordeaux Arbitraries
- A680Both-Flat
- A690Break Bulk Surface Charge
- A691Breakbulk Services
- A700Bridge Toll
- A710Broken Lot
- A720Broken Package Charge
- A721Brokerage
- A730Brokerage or Duty
- A740Bunker Surcharge
- A750Burning
- A760Buyer Hand Carry
- A770Buyers Car Allowance
- A780Cable Pressurization
- A790Cables (sending of)
- A800Call Tag
- A810Camp Arbitrary
- A820Canada Great Lakes Additionals
- A830Canadian C.Q.Customs Clearance
- A840Canadian Currency Exchange
- A850Canadian Import Termination Fee
- A860Canadian Reconsignment Fee
- A870Canadian Remanifest Fee
- A880Cancellation Charge
- A890Cancelled Order, Heavy Duty Flatcar
- A900Capping
- A910Car Loading
- A920Car Rental
- A930Carrier Credit Allowance
- A940Carrier Debit Allowance
- A950Carrier Notification Charge
- A960Carrier
- A970Cartage Charge
- A980Cartage
- A990Cataloging Services
- ADOWPayroll Additives, Overtime Labor
- ADRWPayroll Additives, Straight Time Labor
- ALPTPort Changes
- B000Central Buy
- B010Cents Off
- B015Bop Sheet
- B020Certificate of Conformance
- B030Certificate of Origin
- B040Certificate of Registration
- B050Certification
- B060Chain and Binders
- B070Chamber of Commerce Service Charge
- B080Change of Airbill - Service Fee
- B090Charges Forward/Advance Charge
- B091Charter Services
- B100Chassis Transfer
- B110Chemical Milling Charge
- B120Chicago Loop Charge
- B130Cigarette Stamping
- B140City Delivery
- B150City maintenance fee
- B160City Pickup
- B170City Terminal Charge
- B180Cleaning Charge
- B190Closing & Sealing
- B200Co-manufacturing Discount
- B210Co-op Credit
- B220Coating (Dip, Rustproof, EDP)
- B230COD Amount
- B240COD Charges
- B250Collect on Delivery Alteration Charge
- B260Collect on Delivery Deletion Charge
- B270Collect Surcharge
- B280Combination Performance and Non-performance
- B290Combination
- B300Combine All Same Day Shipment
- B310Commission Amount
- B320Competitive Allowance
- B330Competitive Car Allowance
- B340Competitive Price
- B350Compressor Charge
- B360Concession Credit
- B370Concession Money
- B380Congestion Surcharge
- B390Connect Charge
- B400Conservation research fee
- B500Consignee Unload
- B510Consolidation
- B520Constant Surveillance Service - Armed
- B530Constant Surveillance Service
- B540Consular Legalization Service
- B550Consularization Fee
- B551Consulting Service
- B555Consumer Service Provider Charge
- B560Container Allowance
- B570Container Deposits
- B580Container Destuffing
- B581Container Discount
- B590Container Leasing
- B600Container Service Charge UK/EUR
- B610Container Service Charge USA/Canada
- B620Container Stuffing
- B630Container/Trailer Allowance
- B650Continuous Mileage
- B660Contract Allowance
- B670Contract Escalation
- B680Contract Service Charge
- B690Controlled Atmosphere
- B700Converting
- B720Cooperative Advertising/Merchandising Allowance (Performance)
- B730Copy of Bill of Lading Charge
- B740Copy of Delivery Receipt Charge
- B742Copying
- B750Core Charge
- B760Cost Recovery Factor
- B770Cost recovery/adjustment
- B775Cotton Fee
- B780Count and Recount
- B785Coupon Reimbursement
- B787Countervailing Duty
- B790Crafting
- B791Crating
- B800Credit
- B801Credit Card Processing Fee
- B802Credit Card Processing Fee - Automated Dial-up Line
- B803Credit Card Processing Fee - Leased Line
- B804Credit Card Processing Fee - Fleet Cards
- B810Currency Adjustment Factor
- B820Currency Adjustment
- B830Currency Discount
- B840Customer Account Identification
- B850Customer Equipment Allowance
- B860Customs Broker Fee
- B870Customs Charge
- B872Customs Duty
- B880Customs Entry
- B881Customs Exam
- B890Customs Formalities
- B900Customs Invoice - Additional Page
- B910Customs Invoice
- B911Customs Penalty
- B920Cut and Parallel
- B930Cut
- B940Cutting Charge
- B950Damaged Merchandise
- B960Data/Drawing Charge
- B970De-Installation
- B980Deadhead Mileage Charge
- B990Deaf and Disabled Surcharge
- B992Declared Value for Carriage
- B994Declared Value for Customs
- B996Declared Value for Insurance
- B998Deduct to Make Market Value
- BU2TBunker Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
- BU4TBunker Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
- BUATBunker Adjustment
- BURDBurden, Overhead, or Allowance for Indirect Costs
- C000Defective Allowance
- C010Deficit Freight
- C020Delay Furnishing Destination Weights
- C030Delivery Surcharge
- C040Delivery
- C050Demand charge
- C060Demurrage - Average Agreement
- C070Demurrage - Special
- C080Demurrage
- C090Deposit Charges
- C100Deposit in Lieu of Order
- C110Deposit
- C120Deramping
- C130Derrick Charge
- C140Designated Supplier Inspection
- C150Destination Charge
- C160Detention - Special Type Flat Car
- C170Detention Loading
- C180Detention of Power Units
- C190Detention of Trailers
- C200Detention Unloading
- C210Determined Freight
- C220Development Charge
- C230Die Service Charge
- C231Disbursement
- C240Disconnect Charge
- C250Discount - Drop Box/Convenience Ctr.
- C260Discount - Incentive
- C270Discount - Multiple Shipment
- C280Discount - Service Option (Delivery)
- C290Discount - Service Option (Pickup)
- C300Discount - Special
- C310Discount
- C320Display Allowance
- C330Distribution Fee
- C340Distribution Service
- C350Distributor Discount/Allowance
- C360Diversion and Reconsignment
- C370Diversion Charge
- C380Diversion to Air Charge
- C390Dockage - Boat Detention
- C400Documentation Charge
- C401Document Handling
- C402Door-to-Door
- C410Dowel Pin Charge
- C420Drayage
- C430Drayage/Line Haul
- C440Driver Assisted Unloading
- C450Driver's Wages
- C460Drop Dock
- C470Drop Yard
- C480Drum Cost
- C490Drum Deposit
- C500Drum Up Charge
- C510Dry Ice
- C520Dryer Charge
- C530Duty Charge
- C531Duty Drawback
- C540Early Buy Allowance
- C550Early Payment Allowance
- C560Early Ship Allowance
- C570Emergency Port Charge
- C580Emergency Service
- C590Emergency Surcharge
- C600Empty Weighing Charge
- C610Enclosure
- C630Endorsement Fee
- C640Energy charge
- C650Energy Surcharge (Fuel Adjustment Factor)
- C660Engineering Charge
- C670Engraving
- C675Entered Value
- C680Environmental Protection Service
- C690Escalation
- C700Escort Service
- C710Eur1 Presentation Fee
- C720European Port Charges
- C730Excess Mileage Charge
- C740Excess Periods
- C750Excess Value Fee
- C760Excess Weight
- C770Excessive Value Charge
- C780Exchange Access Credit
- C790Exclusive Use Of Equipment
- C800Exclusive Use
- C810Exhibition Delivery Charge
- C820Exhibition Pickup Charge
- C830Expanded Service
- C840Expedited One Day Consular Service
- C850Expedited Service Charge
- C860Expedited Shipments
- C870Expediting Fee
- C880Expediting Premium
- C890Export Customs Clearance
- C900Export Declarations - Automated
- C910Export Declarations - U.S. Shippers
- C920Export License Application
- C930Export Shipping Charge
- C940Export/Import Charge
- C950Extra Copies and Mailings
- C960Extra Labor (Helper Service)
- C970Extra Length
- C980Extra Service - Counter-to-Counter
- C990Fabrication Charge
- CA2TCurrency Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
- CA4TCurrency Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
- CFCTCustoms Fees - Container Level
- CFLTCustoms Fees - Lift Level
- CGTTCargo Taxes
- CLDTContainer Loss/Damage
- COMMCommunications Charges
- CONCContainer Charge
- CRLTContainer Lease
- CUFTCurrency Adjustment - Break Bulk
- D000Facsimile Charges - Additional Pages
- D010Facsimile Charges
- D015Dunnage
- D020Failed Lamp Panel Charge
- D025Fax Pre-alert
- D030Federal Transfer Surcharge
- D040Finance Charge
- D050First Article Charge
- D060First Flight Out
- D070Flat Rate
- D080Floor Stock Protection
- D100Food and Lodging
- D101Foreign Office Advance
- D103Foreign Customs Duty
- D110Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Rental
- D120Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Special Charge
- D130Forwarding Agent Commission
- D140Forwarding Charge
- D141Forward Coupons
- D142Capture Additional Data
- D143Provide Name and Address
- D144Provide Household Identifier
- D150Franchise fee
- D160Free Domicile Shipment Processing
- D170Free Goods
- D180Freight Based on Dollar Minimum
- D190Freight Charges to Border
- D200Freight Charges to Destination
- D210Freight Equalization
- D220Freight Passthrough
- D230Freight Surcharge
- D240Freight
- D242Freight, International
- D244Freight, International, U.S. Dollars
- D246Freight, International, Non-U.S. Dollars
- D250Freshness/Leaker Allowance
- D260Fuel Charge
- D270Fuel Surcharge
- D280Full Service
- D290Full Truckload Allowance
- D292Fumigation
- D300Garment District
- D301Gateway Fee
- D310Gas Pressure
- D320Glaze
- D330Gold Factor
- D340Goods and Services Charge
- D350Goods and Services Credit Allowance
- D360Goods and Services Tax Charge
- D370Government Inspection
- D380Government Warehouse Fee - Destination
- D390Government Warehouse Fee - Origin
- D400Grain Doors
- D410Grain Flow Charge
- D420Grinding
- D430Gross Receipts Surcharge
- D440Groupage Discount
- D450Grouped Items
- D460Guaranteed Inspection Technical Service
- D470Gulf Port Delivery Charge
- D480Handling Charges on Distribution Freight Forwarded Beyond
- D490Handling Freight At Positions Not Immediately Adjacent To Vehicle Charge
- D500Handling
- D501Harbor Maintenance Report
- D502Harbor Maintenance Fee
- D510Hauling and Hoisting to be Direct Billed
- D520Hauling and Hoisting
- D530Hazardous Cargo Charge
- D540Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - Domestic
- D550Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - International
- D560Hazardous Storage
- D570Heat in Transit Charges
- D580Heat Treat Charge
- D590Heavy Duty Flat Car Charge
- D600Heavy Lift
- D610High Security Red In-bond Seal Charge
- D620Highway Interchange
- D630Hointins and Hauling
- D640Holding Charge
- D650Home Line Freight Charge
- D655Honey Fee
- D660Hook-up charge
- D670Hose Charge Special
- D680Hose Charge
- D690Household Goods Pickup or Delivery
- D700IATA Airbill Preparation
- D701International Air Transport Association (IATA) Commission
- D710IATA Fee
- D711International Air Transport Association (IATA) Markup
- D720Identification
- D730Import Service Fee
- D740In Transit Price Protection
- D750Inbound Freight Charges
- D760Income Freight (Manufacturing to Shipping Point)
- D770Incorrect Billing Account Charge
- D780Industry Price Allowance
- D790Initial License Fee
- D800Inland Transportation
- D810Inside Cable Connectors
- D820Inside Delivery
- D830Inside Pickup
- D840Inspect at Destination
- D850Inspect at Origin
- D870Inspection
- D880Installation & Warranty
- D890Installation and Training
- D900Installation
- D910Insulated Tank Charge
- D920Insurance Fee
- D930Insurance Placement Cost Charge
- D940Insurance Premium
- D950Insurance Provided by Lessee
- D960Insurance Provided by Lessor
- D970Insurance Surcharge
- D980Insurance
- D990Interdivision Profit
- D995Interest Amount
- DCETDamage to Carrier Equipment
- DCVTDamage to Carrier Vessel
- DDZTDrayage at Port of Debarkation (Rate Zone)
- DEZTDrayage at Port of Embarkation (Rate Zone)
- DFDTKeep From Freezing Percent Differential
- DGETDamage to Government Equipment
- DOVTContainer Diversion
- DPDTDrayage at Port of Debarkation
- DPETDrayage at Port of Embarkation
- E000Interest on refund
- E010Interest on Security Deposit
- E020Interim Use Permitted at Special Rate
- E022International Courier
- E030International Door-to-Door Handling Fee
- E040Interplant Charge
- E050Interstate/Highway Toll
- E060Intra-plant Charge
- E063Invoice Additional Amount
- E065Invoice Adjustment
- E067Invoice At-Cost Amount
- E068Invoice Delivery Terms Amount
- E069Invoice No-Charge Amount
- E070Invoice Services
- E080Invoice with Goods
- E090Irish Arbitraries
- E100Island Delivery Charge
- E110Island Pickup Charge
- E120Italian Release Charge
- E130Item Percentage
- E140Item-Unit
- E150Koshering
- E160Label Allowance
- E170Labeling
- E180Labor (Repair and Return Orders)
- E190Labor Charges
- E191Labor, Straight-time
- E192Labor, Overtime
- E193Labor, Premium Overtime
- E200Labor Cost of Removal
- E210Labor Service
- E220Labor, Modify
- E230Labor, No Trouble Found
- E240Labor, Test and Calibrate
- E250Lading Adjustment Charge
- E260Lashing
- E270Late Order Charge
- E280Late Payment Charge
- E290Layout/Design
- E300Layover Charges
- E310Lead Factor
- E320Leaking Underground Storage Tax (LUST)
- E330Lease Shortfall Consideration
- E340Less Than Truckload (LTL) Charge
- E350Letter of Credit Processing
- E360License and Title
- E370Lifeline Surcharge
- E380Lift Gate (Truck) or Forklift Service at Pickup/Delivery
- E381Lime Fee
- E382Liquidation Anti-Dumping Duty
- E384Liquidation Countervailing Duty
- E386Liquidation Tax Amount
- E388Liquidation Total Due U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- E389Liquidation Total Fees
- E390Load Weighing Charge
- E400Loading (Labor Charges)
- E410Loading
- E420Loan Fee
- E430Local Delivery/Drayage
- E440Locomotive Delayed in Switching Service
- E450Locomotive Under Own Power
- E460Lot Charge
- E470Lump Sum
- E480Machining Charge
- E485Mail Fee
- E490Mail Invoice to Each Location
- E500Mail Invoice
- E510Mailing - Postage Cost
- E520Mailing - Service Fee
- E530Manifest Charge
- E540Manufacturing
- E550Market Development Funds
- E560Marking or Tagging Charge
- E565Markdown Allowance
- E570Marriage Rule
- E580Memo Returnable Container
- E585Merchandise Processing Fee
- E590Message Charge
- E600Message Rate Adjustment
- E610Messenger Service
- E620Metals Surcharge
- E630Meter Charge
- E640Mileage Fee (For Repair and Return)
- E650Mileage or Travel
- E660Monthly Rental
- E670Mount/Demount
- E680Mounting
- E690Municipal Surcharge
- E695Mushroom Fee
- E700N.H.D. Wharfage
- E710New Discount
- E720New Distribution Allowance
- E730New Item Allowance
- E740New Store Allowance
- E750New Store Discount
- E760New Warehouse Discount
- E770New Warehouse
- E780New York Delivery Charge
- E790New York Pickup Charge
- E800No Return Credit Allowance
- E805Non-Dutiable Charges
- E810Non Generated Freight
- E820Non-returnable Containers
- E830Normal Pump Charge
- E840Notarized Affidavit
- E850Notify Consignee Before Delivery
- E860Notify Consignee
- E870Nozzle Charge
- E880Ocean Charges - Hazardous
- E890Ocean Freight
- E900Offshore - Alaska/Hawaii
- E910On Carriage
- E920On Hand Service
- E930One - Day Service
- E940One Time Engineering Charge
- E950One-Time License Fee
- E960One-Time-Only Charge
- E970Onetime Tooling
- E980Operator Credit
- E990Option Charge (Color Fabric Office Furniture)
- ENGAEngineering Supplies
- EXLTExtra Length Surcharge
- F000Optional Charge
- F010Optional Software Support for Operational Support Systems
- F020Optional Software Support for Switching Systems
- F030Order Notify Charge
- F040Order-Flat
- F050Other (See related description)
- F060Other Accessorial Service Charge
- F061Other Advances
- F062Other Export Charges
- F063Other Government Agency Declaration
- F065Other Government Agency Exam
- F067Other Import Charge
- F070Out of Route Miles
- F080Out of Zone Pickup or Delivery
- F090Outside Cable Connectors
- F100Over Dimension
- F110Overrun Charge
- F120Oversized Premium
- F130Overtime Loading
- F140Pack Invoice with Shipment
- F150Packaging Service
- F155Packaging
- F160Painting (Primer or Finish)
- F170Pallet Exchange Charge
- F180Pallet
- F190Palletizing
- F200Paralleling
- F210Parish/County Sales Tax (only)
- F220Passing Shippers Export Entry
- F225Pecan Fee
- F230Penalty Charge
- F240Per Item Charge
- F250Per Order Charge
- F260Per Pound Charge
- F270Percent of Product
- F271Percent of Shipped Quantity that is Returnable
- F272Percent of Shipment Value that is Returnable
- F280Performance Allowance
- F290Performance Award
- F300Permit Charge
- F310Permits Bonds Escort Attendant
- F320Phosphatizing (Steel Treatment)
- F330Pickup and Delivery
- F340Pick/Up
- F350Pickle and Oil
- F360Pickup - Out of Area
- F370Pickup Surcharge
- F380Pier Charges - Wharfage
- F390Pier Charges Other Than Wharfage
- F400Pier Pickup and/or Delivery
- F401Pier Unloading
- F410Pilot Inspection
- F420Placement and/or Removal Charge
- F430Plating
- F440Pole, Wood-service Charge
- F445Pork Fee
- F450Positioning at Origin
- F460Postage
- F465Potato Fee
- F470Power Factor Adjustment
- F480Pre-carriage Excess
- F490Pre-carriage
- F500Pre-Positioned Inventory Service
- F510Precious Metal Content
- F520Preloading Charge
- F530Prelodge Charge
- F540Premise Use
- F550Premium Charge
- F560Premium Transportation
- F570Prepaid Usage Allowance
- F580Preparation and Delivery
- F590Preparation of Air Waybill - Origin
- F600Preparation of Canadian Customs Invoice
- F610Preparation of Commercial Invoice
- F620Preparation of Export Entry
- F630Preparation of Insurance Certificate
- F640Preparation of U.S. Export Documentation
- F650Preparation
- F660Previous Billing
- F670Price and Marketing Allowance
- F680Price Deviation
- F690Prior Balance
- F700Prior Billing Amount
- F710Prior Delivery Of Bill Charge
- F720Prior Month Credit
- F730Priority Service
- F740Process in Transit Privilege
- F750Processing Charge
- F760Processing
- F765Procurement Charge
- F770Professional Fees
- F780Proforma Invoice
- F790Progress Payment Requirement
- F800Promotional Allowance
- F810Promotional Discount
- F820Proof & Composition
- F830Proof of Delivery
- F840Protective Service - Cold
- F850Protective Service - Heat
- F860Protective Service Charge
- F870Pulling Eyes
- F880Pump Air Charge
- F890Pump Charge
- F900Purchase Option
- F910Quantity Discount
- F920Quantity Surcharge
- F930Equipment Manufacturer Restoration Audit
- F940Ramping
- F950Rate Code
- F955Rate Reduction Bond
- F960Re-Bill Charge
- F970Rebate
- F980Rebilled Drayage - Destination
- F990Rebilled Drayage - Origin
- F991Receiving
- FAKTBarge Freight All Kinds Service
- FLSTFlatrack Surcharge
- G000Recipient Address Correction
- G010Reclamation, Federal
- G020Reclamation, State
- G025Reconciliation
- G030Reconnect charge
- G040Reconsign Consignee Charge
- G050Reconsign Delivery Charge
- G060Reconsignment Charge
- G070Recoopering (at Owner's or Shipper's Expense)
- G080Record/Filing
- G090Recovery Fee
- G100Recovery
- G110Recrating/Recoopering - Destination
- G120Recrating/Recoopering - Origin
- G130Recurring Hardware Maintenance Charge
- G140Recurring License Fee
- G150Recurring Software Maintenance Charge
- G160Redelivery
- G170Redistribution Allowance
- G180Reduction Prepalletized Cargo
- G190Reel Cable
- G200Reel Deposit
- G210Reel
- G220Refrigeration
- G230Refrigeration/Mechanical Detention
- G240Refund
- G250Refurbishing Charge
- G260Regain
- G270Registration of Export for Reentry
- G280Registration of Export Shipments
- G290Regulatory Fee
- G300Regulatory required refund
- G310Reliability Charge
- G320Relinquishment Charge
- G322Reliquidation Anti-Dumping Duty
- G324Reliquidation Countervailing Duty
- G326Reliquidation Tax Amount
- G328Reliquidation Total Due U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- G329Reliquidation Total Fees
- G330Rental Charge
- G340Rental Deduction
- G350Rents and Leases
- G360Repack Charge
- G370Repair at Buyers Expense Charge
- G380Repair at Customer Expense Charge
- G390Repair at Government Expense Charge
- G400Repair
- G410Repickup
- G420Request Via Canada
- G430Research & Development Fee
- G440Resellers Discount
- G450Residential Delivery
- G460Residential Pickup
- G470Restocking Charge
- G480Restricted Article Fee
- G490Retainer
- G500Return Cargo Charge
- G510Returnable Container
- G520Returned Load
- G530Rework
- G540Riding Attendant Charge
- G550Rocky Mountain Bureau 583 Item 1100 Arbitrary Charge
- G560Roll Out Adjustment
- G570Roll Rebate
- G580Royalties
- G590Salvage
- G600Same - Day Service
- G610Saturday Delivery
- G620Saturday Pickup or Delivery Charge
- G630Saturday Pickup
- G640Scale Charge Unloading
- G650Scale Charge
- G660Scrap Allowance
- G670Security Signature Service
- G680Segregating (Sorting)
- G690Select Charge
- G700Self Unloader
- G710Seller Hand Carry
- G720Service Assistance Program Surcharge
- G730Service Charge (with Cash Discount)
- G740Service Charge
- G750Service Upgrade
- G760Set-up
- G770Shearing
- G775Sheep Fee
- G780Ship to Stock Quality Audit
- G790Shipper Load and Count
- G800Shipper Load Carrier Count
- G810Shipper Load Consignee Unload
- G820Shipper Load
- G821Shipping
- G830Shipping and Handling
- G840Shipside Pickup
- G850Shotblasting
- G860Shrink Allowance
- G870Shrink-Wrap Charge
- G880Shrinkage Allowance
- G890Single Invoice Allowance
- G900Single Pickup
- G910Single Shipment Fee
- G920Sleeving
- G930Slip Sheet Unloading Allowance
- G940Slip Sheet, Rail
- G950Slip Sheet, Truck
- G960Slotting Allowance
- G970Small Order Charge
- G980Software Support Service
- G990Source Inspection
- GMSTGarment Surcharge
- H000Special Allowance
- H010Special Buy
- H020Special Circus Trains
- H030Special Credit
- H040Special Delivery
- H050Special Detention Charge
- H060Special Equipment Charge
- H070Special Finish Charge
- H080Special Freight Supplements
- H090Special Handling
- H100Special Mileage Movements
- H110Special Packaging
- H120Special Permits
- H130Special Pickup
- H140Special Pump Charge
- H150Special Seal Charge
- H151Special Services
- H160Special Test Equipment Charge
- H170Special Tooling Charge
- H180Special Tooling rework charge
- H190Special Train Movement
- H200Special Use
- H210Special Vehicle Rent
- H215Specific Duty
- H220Specification Review
- H230Split Delivery
- H240Split Pickup at Pier Charge
- H250Split Pickup
- H260Spool Charge
- H270Spotting of Trailer
- H280Spreader Charge
- H290Stamp Fee
- H300Stamping
- H310Standby Charge
- H320State Motor Fuel
- H330State Sales Charge
- H340State Surcharge
- H350State/Metropolitan Transit Authority Surcharge
- H360Steaming Charge
- H370Stenciling Charge
- H380Stop-off at Pier Charge
- H390Stop-off Charge
- H400Stopcharge
- H410Stopping in Transit
- H420Storage in Transit
- H430Storage
- H440Straightening Charge
- H450Strapping
- H460Street lamps charge
- H470Stripping, Sorting, and Consolidation
- H480Subject to Cooperative Advertising Allowance
- H490Subject To Tax On Resale
- H500Sufferance Warehouse Charge (Export or Import)
- H505Sugar Fee
- H507Sum of Adds and Deducts to Make Market Value
- H510Sunday or Holiday Pickup or Delivery
- H520Super Bag Charge
- H530Supervisor Charge
- H535Supplemental Duty
- H540Supplemental Items
- H550Surcharge
- H551Surety Bond
- H560Swell
- H570Switch Charge
- H580Switching Charge
- H590Tank Car Allowance
- H600Tank Rental
- H605Tarping
- H610Tax - Airport Tax, Destination
- H620Tax - Airport Tax, Origin
- H625Tax - Beverage Tax
- H630Tax - City Sales Tax (Only)
- H640Tax - Excise Tax - Destination
- H650Tax - Excise Tax - Origin
- H660Tax - Federal Excise Tax, FET
- H670Tax - Federal Excise Tax, FET, on Tires
- H680Tax - Governmental
- H690Tax - Handling Charge Tax
- H700Tax - Local Tax
- H710Tax - Metropolitan Transit Tax
- H720Tax - Regulatory Tax
- H730Tax - Local Sales Tax
- H740Tax - Sales and Use
- H750Tax - Sales Tax (State and Local)
- H760Tax - State Hazardous Substance
- H770Tax - State Tax
- H780Tax - Super Fund Excise Tax
- H790Tax - Use Tax
- H800Tax - Value Added Tax (VAT)
- H806Tax Credit
- H810Tax Liability - Amortized
- H820Tax Liability - One Time
- H830Tax on Miscellaneous Charges
- H840Tax on Transportation
- H850Tax
- H855Tea Fee
- H860Technology Exchange
- H870Telegram Chargeback
- H880Telephone - Destination
- H890Telephone - Origin
- H900Telephone Charge
- H910Temperature Protection
- H920Temporary Allowance
- H930Temporary Voluntary Allowance
- H935Tendered as Truckload
- H940Terminal Charge
- H950Terminal Differential
- H960Terminal Service Fee
- H970Terms Allowance
- H980Test/Qualification Charge
- H990Testing Services Charge
- HZDTHazardous Cargo on Deck
- I000Testing
- I010Third Party Allowance
- I020Third Party Pallets
- I030Throughput Allowance
- I040Throughput Container Charge
- I050Thruway Charge
- I060Ticketing Service
- I070Tobacco Products Report Charge
- I080TOFC Service Charge
- I090Tool Charge
- I100Tooling Rework Charge
- I110Tooling
- I120Tools for Printing
- I130Total Assessorial Charges
- I131Total Fees
- I132Total Invoice Amount
- I133Total Due U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
- I134Total Invoice Amount, U.S. Dollars
- I136Total Invoice Amount, Non-U.S. Dollars
- I138Total Material Invoice Amount
- I140Tracing Inbound Via Other Carriers
- I150Tracing Service Fee
- I160Track Storage
- I170Trade Discount
- I180Trade In
- I190Trailer Rental Charge
- I200Transfer Charge
- I210Transfer of Lading Charge
- I220Transferred Charges
- I230Transit
- I235Transmission Charge
- I240Transportation And Setup
- I250Transportation Charge (Minimum Rate)
- I260Transportation Direct Billing
- I270Transportation Third Party Billing
- I280Transportation Vendor Provided
- I290Trimming Charge
- I300Truck Detention
- I310Truckload Discount
- I320Turning Charge
- I330Two - Day Service
- I340Two Door Pickup
- I350U.S. Vehicles
- I360Unabsorbed Switching
- I370Unitized
- I380Unloading (Labor Charges)
- I390Unloading
- I400Unloading/Reloading Charge
- I410Unsaleable Merchandise Allowance
- I411Unscheduled Fee
- I420Up Charge
- I430Usage Plan Detail Charge
- I431U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Flat Assist Amount
- I432U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Maximum Assist Amount
- I440USDA Inspected, Stamping Certification
- I450Use - Special Type Flat Car
- I460Use Charge Tooling/Personnel
- I470Valuation Fee
- I480Vehicle Ordered but Not Used
- I490Vehicle Prep Charge (Courtesy Delivery)
- I495Vehicle Road Charge
- I500Vendor Freight
- I510Venting Instructions
- I520Virgin Island Transfer Charge
- I530Volume Discount
- I540Voluntary Contribution Charge
- I550Waiting Time
- I560War Risk Surcharge
- I570Warehouse
- I580Warehousing
- I590Warranties
- I595Watermelon Fee
- I600Waybill and Invoice Distribution
- I610Weather Protection
- I620Weight Verification Charge
- I630Wharfage & Handling
- I640Wharfage Charge
- I650Wide Area Telephone Service (WATS) Usage Credit
- I660Will Call Charge
- I670Written Proof of Delivery
- I680X-ray Charge
- I690Gratuity
- I700Escrow
- I710Payment
- I720Direct Product Handling (DPC)
- I730Price Adjustment Percent (PCT)
- I740Post Damaged Handling (PDC)
- I750Reclamation Center Handling (Chute)
- I760Reclamation Shared Responsibility (SRS)
- I770Mid-Tier Lottery Winners
- I780Mid-Tier Lottery Cashing Bonus
- I790Lottery Cross Redeemed
- I800Low-Tier Lottery Winners
- I810Low-Tier Lottery Cashing Bonus
- I820Lottery Charge Back
- I830Tote
- I840Extra Hour Charges
- I850Refused Delivery Charge
- I860Reimbursement for Online Cashing Bonus
- I870Reimbursement for Online Winners
- I880Online Sales Bonus
- I890Instant Sales Bonus
- IDCTImproper Documentation
- LC2TLand Currency Adjustment Factor - 20 Foot Container
- LC4TLand Currency Adjustment Factor - 40 Foot Container
- LCLTPercent Differential - Less Than Container
- LECTLess Than Container
- LFDTLinehaul from Port of Debarkation
- LMDTLiner Terms at Port of Embarkation
- LNDTLiner Terms at Port of Debarkation
- LPDTLinehaul Percent Differential
- LQDTLiquidated Damages
- LTETLinehaul to Port of Embarkation
- MATTModified Atmosphere
- OCNTOver Height Container
- OFFAOffice Supplies
- OODTOn Deck Break Bulk Differential
- OTHROther Miscellaneous Earning or Additive
- OWCTOver Width Container
- PFCHPrepared Food Charge
- PRSTStuffing Charge
- PTAXPayroll Taxes
- PVPTPrivate Owned Vehicle Processing
- R020Personal Property, Member
- R030Personal Property, Spouse
- R040Port Handling and Unloading
- R060Packing, Crating, and Handling Charge
- R080Packing, Crating, Handling, and Transportation Charge
- RDHTRailhead Handling
- RFMTReefer Maintenance
- RPDTReefer Cargo Percent Differential
- RSTTRespotting
- SFBTSingle Factor Origination/Destination
- SFDTSingle Factor Origination/Port of Debarkation
- SFETSingle Factor Port of Embarkation/Destination
- SSCTStripping, Sorting and Consolidation
- SSUTPole Lashing Equipment (PLE) Surcharge
- STDTStop-off at Destination
- STFTStuffing
- STOTStop-off at Origination
- TERTTerminal Handling Charges
- VCLTVan Cleaning
- WBBTWharfage - Breakbulk
- WCFTWharfage - Container
- WFTTWasted/Futile Trip
- WRBTWar Risk Crew Insurance
- WRITWar Risk Insurance
- X001Auto Towing
- X002Late Return
- X003One Way/Drop Off
- X004Passenger Facility Charge
- X005Lodging
- X006Business Center
- X007Gift Shop
- X008Health Club
- X009Laundry/Dry Cleaning
- X010In-room Movie
- X011In-room Mini-bar
- X012Meals
- X013Parking
- X014Prepaid Amount
- X015Liquor Charge
- ZZZZMutually Defined
Code identifying the agency assigning the code values
Codes (195)- 10Alabama
- 11Alaska
- 12Arizona
- 13Arkansas
- 14California
- 15Colorado
- 16Connecticut
- 17Delaware
- 18District of Columbia
- 19Florida
- 20Georgia
- 21Hawaii
- 22Idaho
- 23Illinois
- 24Indiana
- 25Iowa
- 26Kansas
- 27Louisiana
- 28Kentucky
- 29Maine
- 30Maryland
- 31Massachusetts
- 32Michigan
- 33Minnesota
- 34Mississippi
- 35Missouri
- 36Montana
- 37Nebraska
- 38Nevada
- 39New Hampshire
- 40New Jersey
- 41New Mexico
- 42New York
- 43North Carolina
- 44North Dakota
- 45Ohio
- 46Oklahoma
- 47Oregon
- 48Pennsylvania
- 49Rhode Island
- 50South Carolina
- 51South Dakota
- 52Tennessee
- 53Texas
- 54Utah
- 55Vermont
- 56Virginia
- 57Washington
- 58West Virginia
- 59Wisconsin
- 60Wyoming
- 61Insurance Services Office (ISO)
- 62National Crime Information Center (NCIC)
- 64U.S. National Center for Health Statistics Commission of Professional and Hospital Activities
- 65Office of Workers Compensation Programs
- 66National Association of Convenience Stores
- 93Dun & Bradstreet
- 94Code Assigned by the Organization that is the Ultimate Destination of the Transaction Set
- A1American Land Title Association
- A2California Land Title Association
- A3Texas Land Title Association
- A4Assigned by Carrier
- AAAluminum Association
- ABAssigned by Buyer
- ACAmerican Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
- ADAgency Company Organization for Research and Development (ACORD)
- AEAdvertising Industry
- AFAutomotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA)
- AGState Agency Assigned
- AHAmerican Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
- AJReal Estate Information Industry
- ALNational Alcohol Beverage Control Association
- AMAmerican Medical Association
- APAmerican Petroleum Institute
- AQAmerican Public Works Association (APWA) One Call Systems International (OCSI)
- ARAssociation of American Railroads
- ASAssigned by Seller
- ATAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
- AWAmerican Welding Society (AWS)
- AXANSI Accredited Standards Committee, X12
- AYAmerican Yarn Spinners Association (AYSA)
- BABusiness and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer's Association (BIFMA)
- BETelcordia Technologies
- BFNational Business Forms Association
- BIBook Industry Systems Advisory Committee
- CAChemical Abstract Services (CAS)
- CBCopper and Brass Fabricators Council, Inc.
- CCNational Cotton Council of America
- CEConstruction Specification Institute (CSI) Extended
- CIChemical Industry Data Exchange (CIDX)
- CLCollision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA)
- CMCarbide Manufacturers
- COCounty Designator Code
- CPUnited States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Cotton Programs
- CRCommander - Rome Air Development Center
- CSConstruction Specification Institute (CSI)
- CUCommittee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP)
- CXNational Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
- DAFood and Drug Administration (FDA)
- DDDepartment of Defense (Military Specifications)
- DEDrug Enforcement Administration
- DFDepartment of Defense (DoD)
- DHDefense Logistics Information Service
- DIDeutsches Institut fur Normung (DIN)
- DLDefense Logistics Agency
- DNDepartment of the Navy
- DOUnited States Department of Transportation (DOT)
- DRHealthcare Distribution Management Association
- DSDefense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)
- DXUnited States Marine Corps
- DYDepartment of Air Force
- DZDepartment of Army
- EIElectronic Industries Association
- EPUnited States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- ESEnvironment and Safety Data Exchange (ESDX)
- ETTemporary Help Industry
- EUElectric Utilities
- EXElectronics Industry Data Exchange (EIDX)
- FAFabric and Supplier Linkage Council (FASLINC)
- FCFederal Communications Commission (FCC)
- FDGS1 US, Inc.
- FGFederal Government
- FHFederal Highway Administration
- FIAmerican Furniture Manufacturers Association
- GCGraphics Communications Association
- GINorth American Energy Standards Board
- GSGeneral Services Administration (GSA)
- GUNatural Gas Utilities
- HCCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- HFHuman Factors and Ergonomics Society
- HIHealth Insurance Association of America
- HSDepartment of Health and Human Services
- HUDepartment of Housing and Urban Development
- IAInternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
- IBInternational Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions
- ICInternational Air Transport Association (IATA)
- IMIron and Steel Standards Committee ISM
- INInternational Association of Corporation Administrators
- ISInternational Standards Organization
- JAJapanese Standards Association
- LALife and Annuity Industry Committee
- LBDepartment of Labor
- LILeasing Industry
- MAMortgage Bankers Association of America
- MBOffice of Management and Budget
- MCManufacturing Company
- MEAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- MIABCD - The Microcomputer Industry Association
- MPMaterial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Provider
- MSMilitary Standard
- MVAmerican Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA)
- NANational Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB)
- NBNational Association of Business and Educational Radio
- NCNational Council on Compensation Insurance
- NENational Electric Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
- NFNational Fire Protection Agency (NFPA)
- NGNational Auto Glass Specification (NAGS)
- NINational Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
- NPNational Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA)
- NRNational Retail Merchants Association
- NSNational Center for State Courts
- NTNational Toxicology Program (NTP)
- NUUnited States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- NWNewspaper Association of America
- OIOptical Industry
- OPOffice Products
- OSUnited States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- PAAmerican Paper Institute
- PCPennsylvania Courts
- PISociety of the Plastics Industry (SPI)
- RNRosettaNet
- SASociety of Automotive Engineers, Inc. (SAE)
- SESerials Industry Systems Advisory Committee (SISAC)
- SLStudent Loan Guarantor
- SPAmerican Society for Automation in Pharmacy
- STAmerican Iron & Steel Institute
- TAAir Transport Association of America
- TBTextile Distributors Association, Inc.
- TCTextile Apparel Linkage Council (TALC)
- TDTransportation Data Coordinating Committee: Electronic Data Interchange Association (TDCC:EDIA)
- TITelecommunications Industry
- TMAmerican Textile Manufacturers Institute
- TPCanadian Freight Classification
- TRAmerican Trucking Associations
- TXAmerican Apparel Manufacturers Association
- UA(UN/SPSC) United Nations Products and Services Classification Code
- UCUnited States Courts
- UEUniversal Descriptor Exchange (UDEX)
- UIIndustrial/Commercial (I/C) Electronic Data Interchange
- ULUnderwriters Laboratories
- UNUnited Nations (UN)
- UTUtility Industry Group
- VIVoluntary Inter-Industry Commerce Standard (VICS) EDI
- WHCanadian Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
- ZZMutually Defined
Code indicating on what basis allowance or charge percent is calculated
Codes (16)- 0Gross
- 1Item List Cost
- 2Item Net Cost
- 3Discount/Gross
- 4Discount/Net
- 5Base Price per Unit
- 6Base Price Amount
- 7Base Price Amount Less Previous Discount
- 8Net Monthly On All Invoices Past Due
- 9Late Payment Charge Base Amount
- AFuel Rate
- BItem Total Amount
- CItem Unit Price
- DOrder Total Amount
- HHourly Rate
- ZMutually Defined
Code specifying the units in which a value is being expressed, or manner in which a measurement has been taken
Codes (884)- 10Group
- 11Outfit
- 12Packet
- 13Ration
- 14Shot
- 15Stick
- 16115 Kilogram Drum
- 17100 Pound Drum
- 1855 Gallon Drum
- 19Tank Truck
- 2020 Foot Container
- 2140 Foot Container
- 22Deciliter per Gram
- 23Grams per Cubic Centimeter
- 24Theoretical Pounds
- 25Grams per Square Centimeter
- 26Actual Tons
- 27Theoretical Tons
- 28Kilograms per Square Meter
- 29Pounds per 1000 Square Feet
- 30Horsepower Days per Air Dry Metric Tons
- 31Catchweight
- 32Kilograms per Air Dry Metric Tons
- 33Kilopascal Square Meters per Gram
- 34Kilopascals per Millimeter
- 35Milliliters per Square Centimeter Second
- 36Cubic Feet per Minute per Square Foot
- 37Ounces per Square Foot
- 38Ounces per Square Foot per 0.01 Inch
- 39Basis Points
- 40Milliliter per Second
- 41Milliliter per Minute
- 43Super Bulk Bag
- 44500 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 45300 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 4625 Kilogram Bulk Bag
- 4750 Pound Bag
- 48Bulk Car Load
- 50Actual Kilograms
- 51Actual Tonnes
- 52Credits
- 53Theoretical Kilograms
- 54Theoretical Tonnes
- 56Sitas
- 57Mesh
- 58Net Kilograms
- 59Parts Per Million
- 60Percent Weight
- 61Parts Per Billion
- 62Percent Per 1000 Hours
- 63Failure Rate In Time
- 64Pounds Per Square Inch Gauge
- 65Coulomb
- 66Oersteds
- 67Siemens
- 68Ampere
- 69Test Specific Scale
- 70Volt
- 71Volt-Ampere Per Pound
- 72Watts Per Pound
- 73Ampere Turn Per Centimeter
- 74Milli Pascals
- 76Gauss
- 77Mil
- 78Kilogauss
- 79Electron Volt
- 80Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute
- 81Henry
- 82Ohm
- 83Farad
- 84Kilo Pounds Per Square Inch (KSI)
- 85Foot Pounds
- 86Joules
- 87Pounds per Cubic Foot
- 89Poise
- 90Saybold Universal Second
- 91Stokes
- 92Calories per Cubic Centimeter
- 93Calories per Gram
- 94Curl Units
- 9520,000 Gallon Tankcar
- 9610,000 Gallon Tankcar
- 9710 Kilogram Drum
- 9815 Kilogram Drum
- 99Watt
- 01Actual Pounds
- 02Statute Mile
- 03Seconds
- 04Small Spray
- 05Lifts
- 06Digits
- 07Strand
- 08Heat Lots
- 09Tire
- 1ACar Mile
- 1BCar Count
- 1CLocomotive Count
- 1DCaboose Count
- 1EEmpty Car
- 1FTrain Mile
- 1GFuel Usage (Gallons)
- 1HCaboose Mile
- 1IFixed Rate
- 1JTon Miles
- 1KLocomotive Mile
- 1LTotal Car Count
- 1MTotal Car Mile
- 1NCount
- 1OSeason
- 1PTank Car
- 1QFrames
- 1RTransactions
- 1TTerabecquerel
- 1XQuarter Mile
- 2ARadians Per Second
- 2BRadians Per Second Squared
- 2CRoentgen
- 2DShip Set
- 2FVolts Per Meter
- 2GVolts (Alternating Current)
- 2HVolts (Direct Current)
- 2IBritish Thermal Units (BTUs) Per Hour
- 2JCubic Centimeters Per Second
- 2KCubic Feet Per Hour
- 2LCubic Feet Per Minute
- 2MCentimeters Per Second
- 2NDecibels
- 2PKilobyte
- 2QKilobecquerel
- 2RKilocurie
- 2UMegagram
- 2VMegagrams Per Hour
- 2WBin
- 2XMeters Per Minute
- 2YMilliroentgen
- 2ZMillivolts
- 3ADegrees Lovibond
- 3BMegajoule
- 3CManmonth
- 3DPieces per 100 Grams
- 3EPounds Per Pound of Product
- 3FKilograms Per Liter of Product
- 3GPounds Per Piece of Product
- 3HKilograms Per Kilogram of Product
- 3IKilograms Per Piece of Product
- 3JPieces per 10 Pounds
- 3KProof
- 3LScoville Units
- 3MWater Activity
- 4ABobbin
- 4BCap
- 4CCentistokes
- 4DCurie
- 4E20-Pack
- 4F100-Pack
- 4GMicroliter
- 4IMeters Per Second
- 4JMeters Per Second Per Second
- 4KMilliamperes
- 4LMegabyte
- 4MMilligrams Per Hour
- 4NMegabecquerel
- 4OMicrofarad
- 4PNewtons Per Meter
- 4QOunce Inch
- 4ROunce Foot
- 4SPascal
- 4TPicofarad
- 4UPounds Per Hour
- 4VCubic Meter Per Hour
- 4WTon Per Hour
- 4XKiloliter Per Hour
- 5ABarrels per Minute
- 5BBatch
- 5CGallons per Thousand
- 5DProof Gallons
- 5FPounds per Thousand
- 5GPump
- 5HStage
- 5IStandard Cubic Foot
- 5JHydraulic Horse Power
- 5KCount per Minute
- 5PSeismic Level
- 5QSeismic Line
- 8CCord
- 8DDuty
- 8PProject
- 8RProgram
- 8SSession
- 8USquare Kilometer
- 9AApothecary Pound
- 9BBriquet
- 9FFold
- 9OApothecary Ounce
- 9PPillow
- 9SSeat
- 9YFamily Unit
- 9ZUnited States Pharmacopoeia (USP) Unit
- A1Absorbance
- A2Bloom Units
- A3Brabender Units
- A4Count per Ounce
- A5Count per Pound
- A6Count per Pouch
- A7Milligrams per Gram
- A8Dollars per Hours
- A9Millipoises
- AABall
- ABBulk Pack
- ACAcre
- ADBytes
- AEAmperes per Meter
- AFCentigram
- AGAngstrom
- AHAdditional Minutes
- AIAverage Minutes Per Call
- AJCop
- AKFathom
- ALAccess Lines
- AMAmpoule
- ANMinutes or Messages
- AOAmpere-turn
- APAluminum Pounds Only
- AQAnti-hemophilic Factor (AHF) Units
- ARSuppository
- ASAssortment
- ATAtmosphere
- AUOcular Insert System
- AVCapsule
- AWPowder-Filled Vials
- AXTwenty
- AYAssembly
- AZBritish Thermal Units (BTUs) per Pound
- B0British Thermal Units (BTUs) per Cubic Foot
- B1Barrels per Day
- B2Bunks
- B3Batting Pound
- B4Barrel, Imperial
- B5Billet
- B6Bun
- B7Cycles
- B8Board
- B9Batt
- BABale
- BBBase Box
- BCBucket
- BDBundle
- BEBeam
- BFBoard Feet
- BGBag
- BHBrush
- BIBar
- BJBand
- BKBook
- BLBlock
- BMBolt
- BNBulk
- BOBottle
- BP100 Board Feet
- BQBrake horse power
- BRBarrel
- BSBasket
- BTBelt
- BUBushel
- BVBushel, Dry Imperial
- BWBase Weight
- BXBox
- BYBritish Thermal Unit (BTU)
- BZMillion BTUs/Dekatherm
- C0Calls
- C1Composite Product Pounds (Total Weight)
- C2Carset
- C3Centiliter
- C4Carload
- C5Cost
- C6Cell
- C7Centipoise (CPS)
- C8Cubic Decimeter
- C9Coil Group
- CACase
- CBCarboy
- CCCubic Centimeter
- CDCarat
- CECentigrade, Celsius
- CFCubic Feet
- CGCard
- CHContainer
- CICubic Inches
- CJCone
- CKConnector
- CLCylinder
- CMCentimeter
- CNCan
- COCubic Meters (Net)
- CPCrate
- CQCartridge
- CRCubic Meter
- CSCassette
- CTCarton
- CUCup
- CVCover
- CWHundred Pounds (CWT)
- CXCoil
- CYCubic Yard
- CZCombo
- D1Dollars, Canadian
- D2Shares
- D3Square Decimeter
- D4Degrees Brix
- D5Kilogram Per Square Centimeter
- D6Degrees Lintner
- D8Draize Score
- D9Dyne per Square Centimeter
- DADays
- DBDry Pounds
- DCDisk (Disc)
- DDDegree
- DEDeal
- DFDram
- DGDecigram
- DHMiles
- DIDispenser
- DJDecagram
- DKKilometers
- DLDeciliter
- DMDecimeter
- DNDeci Newton-Meter
- DODollars, U.S.
- DPDozen Pair
- DQData Records
- DRDrum
- DSDisplay
- DTDry Ton
- DUDyne
- DWCalendar Days
- DXDynes per Centimeter
- DYDirectory Books
- DZDozen
- E1Hectometer
- E3Inches, Fraction-Average
- E4Inches, Fraction-Minimum
- E5Inches, Fraction-Actual
- E7Inches, Decimal-Average
- E8Inches, Decimal-Actual
- E9English, (Feet, Inches)
- EAEach
- EBElectronic Mail Boxes
- ECEach per Month
- EDInches, Decimal-Nominal
- EEEmployees
- EFInches, Fraction-Nominal
- EGDouble-time Hours
- EHKnots
- EJLocations
- EMInches, Decimal-Minimum
- EPEleven pack
- EQEquivalent Gallons
- EVEnvelope
- EXFeet, Inches and Fraction
- EYFeet, Inches and Decimal
- EZFeet and Decimal
- F0International Units per Gram
- F1Thousand Cubic Feet Per Day
- F2International Unit
- F3Equivalent
- F4Minim
- F6Price Per Share
- F9Fibers per Cubic Centimeter of Air
- FAFahrenheit
- FBFields
- FDMillion Particles per Cubic Foot
- FETrack Foot
- FFHundred Cubic Meters
- FGTransdermal Patch
- FHMicromolar
- FJSizing Factor
- FKFibers
- FLFlake Ton
- FMMillion Cubic Feet
- FOFluid Ounce
- FPPounds per Sq. Ft.
- FRFeet Per Minute
- FSFeet Per Second
- FTFoot
- FUFurlong
- FVGrams per 100 Cubic Inches
- FZFluid Ounce (Imperial)
- G1Gallons Capacity
- G2U.S. Gallons Per Minute
- G3Imperial Gallons Per Minute
- G4Gigabecquerel
- G5Gill (Imperial)
- G6Bit
- G7Microfiche Sheet
- G8Gigacalories
- G9Gigabyte
- GAGallon
- GBGallons/Day
- GCGrams per 100 Grams
- GDGross Barrels
- GEPounds per Gallon
- GFGrams per 100 Centimeters
- GGGreat Gross (Dozen Gross)
- GHHalf Gallon
- GIImperial Gallons
- GJGrams per Milliliter
- GKGrams per Kilogram
- GLGrams per Liter
- GMGrams per Sq. Meter
- GNGross Gallons
- GOMilligrams per Square Meter
- GPMilligrams per Cubic Meter
- GQMicrograms per Cubic Meter
- GRGram
- GSGross
- GTGross Kilogram
- GUGauss per Oersteds
- GVGigajoules
- GWGallons Per Thousand Cubic Feet
- GXGrain
- GYGross Yard
- GZGage Systems
- H1Half Pages - Electronic
- H2Half Liter
- H318-Pack
- H4Hectoliter
- H522-Pack
- H630-Pack
- H738-Pack
- H862-Pack
- H975-Pack
- HAHank
- HBHundred Boxes
- HCHundred Count
- HDHalf Dozen
- HEHundredth of a Carat
- HFHundred Feet
- HGHectogram
- HHHundred Cubic Feet
- HIHundred Sheets
- HJHorsepower
- HKHundred Kilograms
- HLHundred Feet - Linear
- HMMiles Per Hour
- HNMillimeters of Mercury
- HOHundred Troy Ounces
- HPMillimeter H20
- HQHectare
- HRHours
- HSHundred Square Feet
- HTHalf Hour
- HUHundred
- HVHundred Weight (Short)
- HWHundred Weight (Long)
- HXHospital Beds
- HYHundred Yards
- HZHertz
- I1Persons, Capacity
- I2Pellet
- IAInch Pound
- IBInches Per Second (Vibration Velocity)
- ICCounts per Inch
- IEPerson
- IFInches of Water
- IGInner Package
- IHInhaler
- IIColumn-Inches
- IKPeaks per Inch (PPI)
- ILInches per Minute
- IMImpressions
- INInch
- IPInsurance Policy
- ISStops
- ITCounts per Centimeter
- IUInches Per Second (Linear Speed)
- IVInches Per Second Per Second (Acceleration)
- IWInches Per Second Per Second (Vibration Acceleration)
- J180-Pack
- J2Joule Per Kilogram
- J381-Pack
- J482-Pack
- J584-Pack
- J685-Pack
- J796-Pack
- J85000-Pack
- J9Left Unit
- JAJob
- JBJumbo
- JCCaplet
- JEJoule Per Kelvin
- JGJoule per Gram
- JKMega Joule per Kilogram
- JLRefill
- JMMegajoule/Cubic Meter
- JNPan
- JOJoint
- JPPrepack
- JRJar
- JSUse
- JTTin
- JUJug
- JVOvule
- JXExposure
- K1Kilowatt Demand
- K2Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Demand
- K3Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Hour
- K4Kilovolt Amperes
- K5Kilovolt Amperes Reactive
- K6Kiloliter
- K7Kilowatt
- K9Kilograms per Millimeter Squared (KG/MM2)
- KACake
- KBKilocharacters
- KCKilograms per Cubic Meter
- KDKilograms Decimal
- KEKeg
- KFKilopackets
- KGKilogram
- KHKilowatt Hour
- KIKilograms/Millimeter Width
- KJKilosegments
- KK100 Kilograms
- KLKilograms/Meter
- KMKilograms per Square Meter, Kilograms, Decimal
- KNKilocalorie
- KOMillequivalence Caustic Potash per Gram of Product
- KPKilometers Per Hour
- KQKilopascal
- KRKiloroentgen
- KTKit
- KUTask
- KVKelvin
- KWKilograms per Millimeter
- KXMilliliters per Kilogram
- L1Right Unit
- L2Liters Per Minute
- LAPounds Per Cubic Inch
- LBPound
- LCLinear Centimeter
- LELite
- LFLinear Foot
- LGLong Ton
- LHLabor Hours
- LILinear Inch
- LJLarge Spray
- LKLink
- LLLifetime
- LMLinear Meter
- LNLength
- LOLot
- LPLiquid Pounds
- LQLiters Per Day
- LRLayer(s)
- LSLump Sum
- LTLiter
- LXLinear Yards Per Pound
- LYLinear Yard
- M0Magnetic Tapes
- M1Milligrams per Liter
- M2Millimeter-Actual
- M3Mat
- M4Monetary Value
- M5Microcurie
- M6Millibar
- M7Micro Inch
- M8Mega Pascals
- M9Million British Thermal Units per One Thousand Cubic Feet
- MAMachine/Unit
- MBMillimeter-Nominal
- MCMicrogram
- MDAir Dry Metric Ton
- MEMilligram
- MFMilligram per Sq. Ft. per Side
- MGMetric Gross Ton
- MHMicrons (Micrometers)
- MIMetric
- MJMinutes
- MKMilligrams Per Square Inch
- MLMilliliter
- MMMillimeter
- MNMetric Net Ton
- MOMonths
- MPMetric Ton
- MQ1000 Meters
- MRMeter
- MSSquare Millimeter
- MTMetric Long Ton
- MUMillicurie
- MVNumber of Mults
- MWMetric Ton Kilograms
- MXMixed
- MYMillimeter-Average
- MZMillimeter-minimum
- N1Pen Calories
- N2Number of Lines
- N3Print Point
- N4Pen Grams (Protein)
- N6Megahertz
- N7Parts
- N9Cartridge Needle
- NAMilligrams per Kilogram
- NBBarge
- NCCar
- NDNet Barrels
- NENet Liters
- NFMessages
- NGNet Gallons
- NHMessage Hours
- NINet Imperial Gallons
- NJNumber of Screens
- NKNights
- NLLoad
- NMNautical Mile
- NNTrain
- NQMho
- NRMicro Mho
- NSShort Ton
- NTTrailer
- NUNewton-Meter
- NVVehicle
- NWNewton
- NXParts Per Thousand
- NYPounds Per Air-Dry Metric Ton
- NZThousand Gallons Per Day
- OAPanel
- OBOutlet
- OCBillboard
- OGApothecary Grain
- ONOunces per Square Yard
- OPTwo pack
- OTOvertime Hours
- OUOperating Unit
- OZOunce - Av
- P0Pages - Electronic
- P1Percent
- P2Pounds per Foot
- P3Three pack
- P4Four-pack
- P5Five-pack
- P6Six pack
- P7Seven pack
- P8Eight-pack
- P9Nine pack
- PAPail
- PBPair Inches
- PCPiece
- PDPad
- PEPounds Equivalent
- PFPallet (Lift)
- PGPounds Gross
- PHPack (PAK)
- PIPitch
- PJPounds, Decimal - Pounds per Square Foot - Pound Gage
- PKPackage
- PLPallet/Unit Load
- PMPounds-Percentage
- PNPounds Net
- POPounds per Inch of Length
- PPPlate
- PQPages per Inch
- PRPair
- PSPounds per Sq. Inch
- PTPint
- PUMass Pounds
- PVHalf Pint
- PWPounds per Inch of Width
- PXPint, Imperial
- PYPeck, Dry U.S.
- PZPeck, Dry Imperial
- Q1Quarter (Time)
- Q2Pint U.S. Dry
- Q3Meal
- Q4Fifty
- Q5Twenty-Five
- Q6Thirty-Six
- Q7Twenty-Four
- Q9Five
- QAPages - Facsimile
- QBPages - Hardcopy
- QCChannel
- QDQuarter Dozen
- QEPhotographs
- QFQuarter
- QHQuarter Hours
- QKQuarter Kilogram
- QRQuire
- QSQuart, Dry U.S.
- QTQuart
- QUQuart, Imperial
- R1Pica
- R2Becquerel
- R3Revolutions Per Minute
- R4Calorie
- R5Thousands of Dollars
- R6Millions of Dollars
- R7Billions of Dollars
- R8Roentgen Equivalent in Man (REM)
- R9Thousand Cubic Meters
- RARack
- RBRadian
- RCRod (area) - 16.25 Square Yards
- RDRod (length) - 5.5 Yards
- REReel
- RGRing
- RHRunning or Operating Hours
- RKRoll-Metric Measure
- RLRoll
- RMReam
- RNReam-Metric Measure
- RORound
- RPPounds per Ream
- RSResets
- RTRevenue Ton Miles
- RURun
- RXThousand Rounds
- S1Semester
- S2Trimester
- S3Square Feet per Second
- S4Square Meters per Second
- S5Sixty-fourths of an Inch
- S6Sessions
- S7Storage Units
- S8Standard Advertising Units (SAUs)
- S9Slip Sheet
- SASandwich
- SBSquare Mile
- SCSquare Centimeter
- SDSolid Pounds
- SESection
- SFSquare Foot
- SGSegment
- SHSheet
- SISquare Inch
- SJSack
- SKSplit Tanktruck
- SLSleeve
- SMSquare Meter
- SNSquare Rod
- SOSpool
- SPShelf Package
- SQSquare
- SRStrip
- SSSheet-Metric Measure
- STSet
- SVSkid
- SWSkein
- SXShipment
- SYSquare Yard
- SZSyringe
- T0Telecommunications Lines in Service
- T1Thousand pounds gross
- T2Thousandths of an Inch
- T3Thousand Pieces
- T4Thousand Bags
- T5Thousand Casings
- T6Thousand Gallons
- T7Thousand Impressions
- T8Thousand Linear Inches
- T9Thousand Kilowatt Hours/Megawatt-Hour
- TATenth Cubic Foot
- TBTube
- TCTruckload
- TDTherms
- TETote
- TFTen Square Yards
- TGGross Ton
- THThousand
- TIThousand Square Inches
- TJThousand Sq. Centimeters
- TKTank
- TLThousand Feet (Linear)
- TMThousand Feet (Board)
- TNNet Ton (2,000 LB).
- TOTroy Ounce
- TPTen-pack
- TQThousand Feet
- TRTen Square Feet
- TSThousand Square Feet
- TTThousand Linear Meters
- TUThousand Linear Yards
- TVThousand Kilograms
- TWThousand Sheets
- TXTroy Pound
- TYTray
- TZThousand Cubic Feet
- U1Treatments
- U2Tablet
- U3Ten
- U5Two Hundred Fifty
- UATorr
- UBTelecommunications Lines in Service - Average
- UCTelecommunications Ports
- UDTenth Minutes
- UETenth Hours
- UFUsage per Telecommunications Line - Average
- UHTen Thousand Yards
- ULUnitless
- UMMillion Units
- UNUnit
- UPTroche
- UQWafer
- URApplication
- USDosage Form
- UTInhalation
- UULozenge
- UVPercent Topical Only
- UWMilliequivalent
- UXDram (Minim)
- UYFifty Square Feet
- UZFifty Count
- V1Flat
- V2Pouch
- VAVolt-ampere per Kilogram
- VCFive Hundred
- VIVial
- VPPercent Volume
- VRVolt-ampere-reactive
- VSVisit
- W2Wet Kilo
- W7Thimble Full
- WAWatts per Kilogram
- WBWet Pound
- WDWork Days
- WEWet Ton
- WGWine Gallon
- WHWheel
- WIWeight per Square Inch
- WKWeek
- WMWorking Months
- WPPennyweight
- WRWrap
- WWMilliliters of Water
- X1Chains (Land Survey)
- X2Bunch
- X3Clove
- X4Drop
- X5Head
- X6Heart
- X7Leaf
- X8Loaf
- X9Portion
- XPBase Box per Pound
- Y1Slice
- Y2Tablespoon
- Y3Teaspoon
- Y4Tub
- YDYard
- YL100 Lineal Yards
- YRYears
- YTTen Yards
- Z1Lift Van
- Z2Chest
- Z3Cask
- Z4Hogshead
- Z5Lug
- Z6Conference Points
- Z713-pack Marketing
- Z8Newspaper Agate Line
- Z914-pack Marketing
- ZABimonthly
- ZBBiweekly
- ZCSemiannual
- ZDKilojoule
- ZEPing
- ZF16-pack Marketing
- ZG48-pack Component Parts
- ZH51-pack Component Parts
- ZI52-pack Component Parts
- ZJ60-pack Gift Packs
- ZK72-pack Gift Packs
- ZL83-pack Gift Packs
- ZM10-pack Marketing
- ZN120-pack Promotional
- ZO150-pack Component Parts
- ZPPage
- ZQ200-pack Component Parts
- ZR1000-pack Component Parts
- ZS15-Pack
- ZWBarrel, Dry
- ZXBarrel, Liquid
- ZYApothecary Scruple
- ZZMutually Defined
Code indicating method of handling for an allowance or charge
Codes (22)- 10Allowance To Be Issued by Reseller
- 11Charge Denied by Vendor
- 12Cancel Allowance
- 13Provide Amount
- 15Information Only
- 18Non-Payable Tax
- 20Accrual Fund
- 21Flat Fund
- 25Cash in Advance
- 01Bill Back
- 02Off Invoice
- 03Vendor Check to Customer
- 04Credit Customer Account
- 05Charge to be Paid by Vendor
- 06Charge to be Paid by Customer
- 07Optional
- 08Off Gross Quantity Invoiced
- 09Allowance To Be Issued by Vendor
- CACalculate and Add to Invoice
- CCCollect
- PPPrepaid
- ZZMutually Defined