X12 EDI Release 00504
To provide safety data information to recipients of the transaction, including identification of the hazard that the material being described represents, and the organization or party which declared this material to be a hazard or established exposure limits or other guidelines for that material
Code indicating precautionary measures, means of treatment and hazard information and warnings
Codes (153)- ACTAcute Toxicity Data
- AM2Analytical Methods
- AP2Approvals
- CARCarcinogenicity
- CI2Chemical Product and Company Information
- CO2Composition or Information on Ingredients
- CONConditions to Avoid
- CTDChronic Toxicity Data
- DCLDisclaimer
- DECDecomposition, Decomposition Products
- DEHHazardous Decomposition Products
- DI2Disposal Considerations
- DISDistribution of Chemical in Environment
- DM2Detection Methods
- EDDSensitive to Static Charge
- EFAEmergency and First Aid Procedures
- EFBEmergency Procedures
- EFXEffects of Overexposure
- EIMExplosion Impact Sensitive Material
- EN2Ecological Information
- ENAEnvironmental - Acute Aquatic Effects
- ENBEnvironmental - Bioconcentration Material
- ENGEngineering Controls
- ENOEnvironmental - Oxygen Demand
- ENSEnvironmental - Summary
- EO2Emergency Overview
- EP2Exposure Controls or Personal Protection
- EPAEmployee Protection
- ESDStatic Sensitive Material
- EVPEnvironmental Protection
- EXCEcotoxicological Information
- EXGExposure Guidelines
- EXIExposure Information
- EXLExposure Limits, Occupational Exposure Limits
- EYAEye Contact: Acute Exposure
- EYCEye Contact: Chronic Exposure
- EYFEye Contact
- EYZEye
- FA2First Aid Measures
- FAAExtinguishing Media: All Fires
- FALExtinguishing Media: Large Fires
- FASExtinguishing Media: Small Fires
- FATEnvironmental Fate (i.e., Oxidized, Photodegraded, etc.)
- FAZExtinguishing Media
- FE2Fire Fighting Measures
- FEHFire and Explosion Hazards
- FEZFire and Explosion Data
- FLCFlammability Conditions
- FLPFlammable Properties
- GCAGeneral Controls
- GMAGeneral Measures
- GPIGeneral Safe Handling Procedures or Information
- HAIHandling Information
- HCAHazardous Component or Ingredient
- HCPHazardous Product of Combustion
- HH2Hazards Identification
- HHAHealth Hazard Information
- HI2Potential Health Effects
- HZCHazard Class
- HZRHazard Rating System
- IA2Other Information
- IGAIngestion: Acute Exposure
- IGCIngestion: Chronic Exposure
- IGZIngestion
- IHAInhalation: Acute Exposure
- IHCInhalation: Chronic Exposure
- IHZInhalation
- INCIncompatibility
- INSInstability
- INXIncompatibility Conditions
- IRRIrritancy
- KY2Key or Legend
- LABLabel Text
- LKILeak Avoidance, Remediation, or Hazards
- MATMaterial to Avoid
- MCEMedical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure
- MUTMutagenicity
- NOTNotification of Chemical Storage Amount, Spill or Release to the Environment
- NTENote to Physician: Eyes
- NTRNote to Physician: Respiratory
- NTSNote to Physician: Skin
- NTZNote to Physician
- OPHOther Physical Hazards
- OPROther Precautions
- ORCOther Regulatory Controls
- PD2Physical and Chemical Properties
- PM2Preventive Measures
- POLHazardous Polymerization
- PPAPersonal Protection: Additional Equipment
- PPBPersonal Protection: Boots
- PPCPersonal Protection: Clothing
- PPDPersonal Protection: Eye/Face
- PPEPersonal Protection: Eye
- PPFPersonal Protection: Face
- PPGPersonal Protection: Gloves
- PPRPersonal Protection: Respiratory
- PPSPersonal Protection: Skin
- PPZPersonal Protection Equipment
- PR2Preparation and Revision Information
- PREPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Eye Contact
- PRFPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Eye, Inhalation
- PRGPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Eye, Oral
- PRHPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Eye, Oral, Skin
- PRIPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation
- PRJPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation, Oral
- PRKPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation, Oral, Skin
- PRLPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation, Skin
- PRMPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation, Eye, Oral
- PROPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Oral
- PRQPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Oral, Skin
- PRSPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Skin Contact
- PRTPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Eye and Skin Contact
- PRUPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Eye, Skin, Inhalation
- PRZPrimary Route(s) of Entry
- RE2Stability and Reactivity Information
- REAReactivity
- RECReactivity Conditions
- REPReproduction
- RG2Regulatory Information
- RLIRelease Information
- RTKRight to Know Statement of Hazard Code/Information
- SAPSafety Precautions
- SBYStability
- SCESub-chronic Effects
- SGWSignal Word
- SH2Transport Information
- SHIShipping Information, Transportation Requirements
- SKASkin Contact: Acute Exposure
- SKCSkin Contact: Chronic Exposure
- SKSSkin Sensitization
- SKTSkin Contact
- SKZSkin
- SL2Accidental Release Measures
- SNSSensitization
- SPFSpecial Fire Fighting Instructions
- SPISpecial Information
- SPJSpill Information
- SPLSpill and Leak Information
- SPPSpecial Precautions
- ST2Handling and Storage
- STAStorage Conditions
- SUBSubchronic
- SYPSynergistic Products
- SYSSystematic Effects
- TERTeratogenicity
- TOCToxicity of Other Components
- TOGTarget Organ
- TRHTransportation Hazard
- TS2Trade Secret Exemptions
- TX2Toxicological Information
- VRZVentilation Requirements
- WARWarning
- WDIWaste Disposal Information
Code identifying the agency assigning the code values
Codes (195)- 10Alabama
- 11Alaska
- 12Arizona
- 13Arkansas
- 14California
- 15Colorado
- 16Connecticut
- 17Delaware
- 18District of Columbia
- 19Florida
- 20Georgia
- 21Hawaii
- 22Idaho
- 23Illinois
- 24Indiana
- 25Iowa
- 26Kansas
- 27Louisiana
- 28Kentucky
- 29Maine
- 30Maryland
- 31Massachusetts
- 32Michigan
- 33Minnesota
- 34Mississippi
- 35Missouri
- 36Montana
- 37Nebraska
- 38Nevada
- 39New Hampshire
- 40New Jersey
- 41New Mexico
- 42New York
- 43North Carolina
- 44North Dakota
- 45Ohio
- 46Oklahoma
- 47Oregon
- 48Pennsylvania
- 49Rhode Island
- 50South Carolina
- 51South Dakota
- 52Tennessee
- 53Texas
- 54Utah
- 55Vermont
- 56Virginia
- 57Washington
- 58West Virginia
- 59Wisconsin
- 60Wyoming
- 61Insurance Services Office (ISO)
- 62National Crime Information Center (NCIC)
- 64U.S. National Center for Health Statistics Commission of Professional and Hospital Activities
- 65Office of Workers Compensation Programs
- 66National Association of Convenience Stores
- 93Dun & Bradstreet
- 94Code Assigned by the Organization that is the Ultimate Destination of the Transaction Set
- A1American Land Title Association
- A2California Land Title Association
- A3Texas Land Title Association
- A4Assigned by Carrier
- AAAluminum Association
- ABAssigned by Buyer
- ACAmerican Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
- ADAgency Company Organization for Research and Development (ACORD)
- AEAdvertising Industry
- AFAutomotive Aftermarket Industry Association (AAIA)
- AGState Agency Assigned
- AHAmerican Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
- AJReal Estate Information Industry
- ALNational Alcohol Beverage Control Association
- AMAmerican Medical Association
- APAmerican Petroleum Institute
- AQAmerican Public Works Association (APWA) One Call Systems International (OCSI)
- ARAssociation of American Railroads
- ASAssigned by Seller
- ATAmerican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
- AWAmerican Welding Society (AWS)
- AXANSI Accredited Standards Committee, X12
- AYAmerican Yarn Spinners Association (AYSA)
- BABusiness and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer's Association (BIFMA)
- BETelcordia Technologies
- BFNational Business Forms Association
- BIBook Industry Systems Advisory Committee
- CAChemical Abstract Services (CAS)
- CBCopper and Brass Fabricators Council, Inc.
- CCNational Cotton Council of America
- CEConstruction Specification Institute (CSI) Extended
- CIChemical Industry Data Exchange (CIDX)
- CLCollision Industry Electronic Commerce Association (CIECA)
- CMCarbide Manufacturers
- COCounty Designator Code
- CPUnited States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), Cotton Programs
- CRCommander - Rome Air Development Center
- CSConstruction Specification Institute (CSI)
- CUCommittee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP)
- CXNational Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
- DAFood and Drug Administration (FDA)
- DDDepartment of Defense (Military Specifications)
- DEDrug Enforcement Administration
- DFDepartment of Defense (DoD)
- DHDefense Logistics Information Service
- DIDeutsches Institut fur Normung (DIN)
- DLDefense Logistics Agency
- DNDepartment of the Navy
- DOUnited States Department of Transportation (DOT)
- DRHealthcare Distribution Management Association
- DSDefense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)
- DXUnited States Marine Corps
- DYDepartment of Air Force
- DZDepartment of Army
- EIElectronic Industries Association
- EPUnited States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- ESEnvironment and Safety Data Exchange (ESDX)
- ETTemporary Help Industry
- EUElectric Utilities
- EXElectronics Industry Data Exchange (EIDX)
- FAFabric and Supplier Linkage Council (FASLINC)
- FCFederal Communications Commission (FCC)
- FDGS1 US, Inc.
- FGFederal Government
- FHFederal Highway Administration
- FIAmerican Furniture Manufacturers Association
- GCGraphics Communications Association
- GINorth American Energy Standards Board
- GSGeneral Services Administration (GSA)
- GUNatural Gas Utilities
- HCCenters for Medicare and Medicaid Services
- HFHuman Factors and Ergonomics Society
- HIHealth Insurance Association of America
- HSDepartment of Health and Human Services
- HUDepartment of Housing and Urban Development
- IAInternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
- IBInternational Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions
- ICInternational Air Transport Association (IATA)
- IMIron and Steel Standards Committee ISM
- INInternational Association of Corporation Administrators
- ISInternational Standards Organization
- JAJapanese Standards Association
- LALife and Annuity Industry Committee
- LBDepartment of Labor
- LILeasing Industry
- MAMortgage Bankers Association of America
- MBOffice of Management and Budget
- MCManufacturing Company
- MEAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- MIABCD - The Microcomputer Industry Association
- MPMaterial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Provider
- MSMilitary Standard
- MVAmerican Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA)
- NANational Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB)
- NBNational Association of Business and Educational Radio
- NCNational Council on Compensation Insurance
- NENational Electric Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
- NFNational Fire Protection Agency (NFPA)
- NGNational Auto Glass Specification (NAGS)
- NINational Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
- NPNational Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA)
- NRNational Retail Merchants Association
- NSNational Center for State Courts
- NTNational Toxicology Program (NTP)
- NUUnited States Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- NWNewspaper Association of America
- OIOptical Industry
- OPOffice Products
- OSUnited States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- PAAmerican Paper Institute
- PCPennsylvania Courts
- PISociety of the Plastics Industry (SPI)
- RNRosettaNet
- SASociety of Automotive Engineers, Inc. (SAE)
- SESerials Industry Systems Advisory Committee (SISAC)
- SLStudent Loan Guarantor
- SPAmerican Society for Automation in Pharmacy
- STAmerican Iron & Steel Institute
- TAAir Transport Association of America
- TBTextile Distributors Association, Inc.
- TCTextile Apparel Linkage Council (TALC)
- TDTransportation Data Coordinating Committee: Electronic Data Interchange Association (TDCC:EDIA)
- TITelecommunications Industry
- TMAmerican Textile Manufacturers Institute
- TPCanadian Freight Classification
- TRAmerican Trucking Associations
- TXAmerican Apparel Manufacturers Association
- UA(UN/SPSC) United Nations Products and Services Classification Code
- UCUnited States Courts
- UEUniversal Descriptor Exchange (UDEX)
- UIIndustrial/Commercial (I/C) Electronic Data Interchange
- ULUnderwriters Laboratories
- UNUnited Nations (UN)
- UTUtility Industry Group
- VIVoluntary Inter-Industry Commerce Standard (VICS) EDI
- WHCanadian Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
- ZZMutually Defined