X12 EDI Release 00504
To transmit shipment manifest data
Code indicating the level of transportation service or the billing service offered by the transportation carrier
Codes (74)- 01Bulk Commodity Train
- 02Coal Train
- 03Unit Train
- 09Premium Surface
- 3DThree Day Service
- 9A9 A.M.
- ACAir Cargo
- AEAir Economy
- AMA.M.
- BCBusiness Class
- CBConsignee Billing Service
- CECourier Express
- CGGround
- CXExpress Service
- D1Delivery Scheduled Next Day by Cartage Agent
- D2Delivery scheduled second day by cartage agent
- D3Delivery scheduled third day by cartage agent
- DCDelivery Confirmation
- DFDeferred Service
- DRDelivery Confirmation Return
- DSDoor Service
- DTDelivery Notification Only
- ESExpedited Service
- ETProof of Delivery (POD) with Signature
- FCFirst Class
- G2Standard Service
- GPExpress Service Plus
- GTTracking - Ground
- I2International Second Day
- IEExpedited Service - Worldwide
- ISInternational Service
- IXExpress Service - Worldwide
- MEMetro
- MWMultiweight
- NDNext Day Air
- NFNext Flight Out
- NHNext Day Hundred Weight
- NMNext Morning
- NSNot Served
- ONOvernight
- P1Priority Service
- P2Primary Service Area
- PAPrimary Service Area - Next Day by 10:30 A.M.
- PBPriority Mail
- PCPrimary Service Area - Next Day By 9:30 AM
- PIPriority Mail Insured
- PNPrimary Service Area - Next Day by Noon
- POP.O. Box/Zip Code
- PRPrimary Service Area - Next Day by 5:00 P.M.
- PSPrimary Service Area - Second Day by Noon
- PXPremium Service
- R1Passenger Service
- R2Quality Intermodal High Speed 70 Miles Per Hour (MPH)
- R3Other Intermodal and Stack Service
- R460 Miles Per Hour (MPH) Service
- R5Manifest Freight
- R6Circus Train
- R7Work Train
- R8Commuter Service
- R9Vehicle (Automobile) Train
- RSAuthorized Return Service
- SASame Day
- SCSecond Day Air
- SDSaturday
- SESecond Day
- SGStandard Ground
- SHSecond Day Hundred Weight
- SIStandard Ground Hundred Weight
- SMSecond Morning
- SPSaturday Pickup
- STStandard Class
- ZZMutually Defined
Specifies the location or type of pickup or delivery
Codes (32)- HSunday and Holiday Pickup Service
- JSaturday Pickup Service
- MMultiple Shipment
- OOther
- PCut Flowers
- SSpecial Pickup Service
- UContainer Shipment
- VHigh Value Shipment
- ATAirport Terminal
- BCCanadian Business Delivery
- CACarrier Advance
- CBBusiness Delivery (Contracted)
- CCConvenience Center
- CPCustomer Counter Pickup
- CRResidential Delivery (Contracted)
- CSContract Shipment Delivery
- CTCity Terminal
- DBDrop Box
- DTDrop Trailer
- IBInternational Business Delivery
- IRInternational Residential Delivery
- LDLive Delivery
- LLLive Load
- OCOn-call Pickup
- OTOther Carrier's Terminal
- PBPrivate Box
- RBBusiness Delivery (Regular)
- RCCanadian Residential Delivery
- RDResidential Door
- RGRegular Pickup
- RRResidential Delivery (Regular)
- SDShippers Door