X12 EDI Release 00504
To identify the specific railroad carrier codes associated with the station
Code identifying the time. In accordance with International Standards Organization standard 8601, time can be specified by a + or - and an indication in hours in relation to Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) time; since + is a restricted character, + and - are substituted by P and M in the codes that follow
Codes (51)- 10Equivalent to ISO P10
- 11Equivalent to ISO P11
- 12Equivalent to ISO P12
- 13Equivalent to ISO M12
- 14Equivalent to ISO M11
- 15Equivalent to ISO M10
- 16Equivalent to ISO M09
- 17Equivalent to ISO M08
- 18Equivalent to ISO M07
- 19Equivalent to ISO M06
- 20Equivalent to ISO M05
- 21Equivalent to ISO M04
- 22Equivalent to ISO M03
- 23Equivalent to ISO M02
- 24Equivalent to ISO M01
- 01Equivalent to ISO P01
- 02Equivalent to ISO P02
- 03Equivalent to ISO P03
- 04Equivalent to ISO P04
- 05Equivalent to ISO P05
- 06Equivalent to ISO P06
- 07Equivalent to ISO P07
- 08Equivalent to ISO P08
- 09Equivalent to ISO P09
- ADAlaska Daylight Time
- ASAlaska Standard Time
- ATAlaska Time
- CDCentral Daylight Time
- CSCentral Standard Time
- CTCentral Time
- EDEastern Daylight Time
- ESEastern Standard Time
- ETEastern Time
- GMGreenwich Mean Time
- HDHawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time
- HSHawaii-Aleutian Standard Time
- HTHawaii-Aleutian Time
- LTLocal Time
- MDMountain Daylight Time
- MSMountain Standard Time
- MTMountain Time
- NDNewfoundland Daylight Time
- NSNewfoundland Standard Time
- NTNewfoundland Time
- PDPacific Daylight Time
- PSPacific Standard Time
- PTPacific Time
- TDAtlantic Daylight Time
- TSAtlantic Standard Time
- TTAtlantic Time
- UTUniversal Time Coordinate