X12 EDI Release 00504
To transmit data relating to the rates for the switching service being performed.
Code qualifying how to extend charges or interpret value
Codes (180)- AAPercent Of Amount Advanced
- ABAccelerated
- ACPercent Of Amount Of Collection
- ADAddition
- AEPercent of Outstanding Principal Balance
- AFPercent of Original Principal Balance
- AGPercentage
- AIEffective Payment Rate
- AJFixed Dollar Amount
- AVAd Valorum (Per Cent of Value)
- B0Per Board Feet
- B1Per 100 Board Feet
- BFPer 1,000 Board Feet
- BLBill of Lading Declared Value
- BRPer Barrel
- C5Per 50 Cubic Feet
- CBCommodity Based
- CDPer Car Per Day
- CECeiling
- CFPer 40 Cubic Feet (Measurement Ton)
- CMPer Cubic Meter
- COCost per Unit
- CPComputer Units
- CSPer Special Charge
- CTCharge or Credit Based on Percentage of Total
- CWPer Hundred Weight
- DDDepartment of Defense Unique Codes
- DEDecrease
- DHPer Hundred Dollars
- DIDivisor
- DOFlat Division
- DPPer $1000
- DRPer Dromedary Service Shipment
- DSPer Hundredweight Per Mile Per Dromedary Service Shipment
- DVPer Day Per Vehicle
- EIEx Parte Increase
- ERPer Each Request
- FAFloor
- FBFull
- FCFlat Charge
- FFPercent Of Tariff Rate
- FIFirst
- FLPer Flat Bed
- FNPer Two Weeks
- FRFlat Rate
- FTPer Foot
- FVLoaded to Full Visible Capacity
- GTPer Gross Ton
- HDPer Hundredweight Per Dromedary Service Shipment
- HLPer Hour Per Load
- HMRate Per Hundred Weight Per Mile
- HNPer Half Month
- HXHundredweight Per Day
- HYPer Half Year
- IAIncrease
- IMIntermodal Unit
- INPer Inch
- KGPer Kilograms
- KLPer Kiloliter
- KPPer Kilometer
- KTPer Kilotons
- LAPer Pound Per Article
- LBPer Pound
- LFPer Loaded 436L Pallet
- LILiability per Pound per Piece
- LLLife of Loan
- LPPer Label
- LRPer Litre
- LSLump Sum
- LTPer Long Ton
- LVPer Pound Per Vehicle
- M1Minimum Per Person
- MAMinimum per Service
- MBPer Mile per Service
- MCMinimum Per Car
- MDPer Man Per Day
- MEMultiple Equipment
- MFMaximum
- MGMiles Per Week Per Driver
- MHPer Man Per Hour
- MINegative Charge
- MMPer Metric Ton (Tonne)
- MNMinimum
- MOPer Month
- MPMaximum Per Shipment
- MRPer Mile Per Vehicle Used Per Round Trip
- MSMinimum Per Shipment
- MTPer Permit
- MUMultiplier
- MVPer Mile Per Vehicle (Rail Car) Moved
- MWMinimum Per Vehicle
- MXMixed Shipment Rule
- MZPer Mile Per Shipment
- NANegative
- NBNonamortizing
- NDMinimum Per Driver
- NENet Package Charge
- NMPer Mile Per Person
- NPMinimum Per Day Per Person
- NVMinimum Per Day Per Vehicle
- OPOptional Value
- OSPer Season
- OTOne-Time Charge
- P0Per Year per Square Foot
- P1Per Advancement
- P2Per Person Per Night
- P3Per Car Including Special Equipment Charges
- P4Per Hundred Weight Including Special Equipment Charges
- P8Potential
- P9Partial
- PAPer Container
- PBPer Barge
- PCPer Car
- PDPer Day
- PEPer 20 Foot Equivalent (TEU)
- PFPer Cubic Foot
- PGPer Gallon
- PHPer Hundred (of Basic Unit)
- PIHourly Rate Per Vehicle
- PJProjected
- PKPer Cord
- PLPer Load
- PMPer Mile
- PNPer Night
- POPositive
- PPPer Piece
- PQPer Period
- PRPer Hour
- PSPer Shipment
- PTPer Net Ton
- PUPer Unit
- PVPer Vehicle
- PWPercentage of Charges
- PXPayment
- PYPer Gallon Per Mile
- PZPer Package Charge
- QYPer Quarter Year
- RARate per Thousand
- RBRate per Hundred
- RCRate
- RLPer Relocation
- RPPercent Of Rate
- RTPer Vehicle Used Per Round Trip
- S0Per 1000 Square Feet
- S1Per 100 Square Feet
- SASubtraction
- SBSubsequent
- SCPer Stencil
- SDShipper's Export Declaration Value
- SESecond
- SFPer Square Feet
- SGStated
- SHScheduled
- SPPer Stop
- STPer Short Ton
- SUPer Stack Car Unit
- SVPer Vehicle Per Stop
- SYSquare Yard
- SZPer Day Per Shipment
- TBPer 2 Trailers Same Day
- TCPer 3 Trailers Same Day
- TDPer 4 Trailers Same Day
- TMPer Mile Per Ton
- TNPer Train Rate
- TPPer Tag
- TRPer Trailer (Per Train)
- VAPer Vehicle Moved
- VHPer Vehicle Used
- VMVolume
- VPMaximum Per Vehicle
- VRPer Rail Car Used
- VSVarious
- VTPer Mile per Vehicle
- VUPer Mile Per Vehicle (Rail Car) Used
- VVPer Vehicle per State
- WKPer Week
- WMWeight or Measurement
- XPMaximum Per Person
- YRPer Year
- ZZMutually Defined
Code to qualify amount
Codes (1770)- 1Line Item Total
- 2Batch Total
- 3Deposit Total
- 4Lock Box Total
- 5Total Invoice Amount
- 6Amount Subject to Total Monetary Discount
- 7Discount Amount Due
- 8Total Monetary Discount Amount
- 9Total Operational Statement Amount
- 10Shipment Value in U.S. Dollars
- 11Liabilities at Bankruptcy
- 12Account Average Balance Account
- 13Outstanding Balance at Foreclosure
- 14Legal Obligation Debt Amount
- 15Estimated Closing Cost Amount
- 16Discount Fees Paid by Borrower Amount
- 17Closing Costs or Concessions Paid by Seller
- 18Prepaid Items Amount
- 19Federal Housing Administration, Mortgage Insurance Premium Funding Fee Financed Amount
- 20Federal Housing Administration, Mortgage Insurance Premium or Veteran's Administration Funding Fee Amount
- 21Original Cost of Property Amount
- 22Owner's Estimate of Value Amount
- 23Appraised Value Amount
- 24Gross Monthly Income Amount
- 25Assets at Bankruptcy
- 26Negotiated Cost
- 27Authorized Unpriced Work
- 28Target Price
- 29Estimated Price
- 30Contract Ceiling
- 31Estimated Contract Ceiling
- 32Target Fee or Profit Amount
- 33Original Contract Target Cost
- 34Negotiated Contract Changes
- 35Current Target Cost
- 36Contract Budget Base (CBB)
- 37Current Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled (BCWS)
- 38Current Budgeted Cost for Work Performed (BCWP)
- 39Current Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP)
- 40Current Schedule Variance (SV)
- 41Current Cost Variance (CV)
- 42Cumulative Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled (BCWS)
- 43Cumulative Budgeted Cost for Work Performed (BCWP)
- 44Cumulative Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP)
- 45Cumulative Schedule Variance (SV)
- 46Cumulative Cost Variance (CV)
- 47Reprogram Cost Variance
- 48Reprogram Budget
- 49At Complete Budget (BAC)
- 50At Complete Latest Revised Estimate (LRE)
- 51At Complete Variance
- 52Total Allocated Budget
- 53Difference (Contract Budget Base - Total Allocated Budget)
- 54Forecast
- 55At Complete Forecast
- 56Current Cost Performance Index (CPIe) - Efficiency (BCWP/ACWP)
- 57Current Cost Performance Index (CPIp) - Planned (ACWP/BCWP)
- 58Current Schedule Performance Index (SPI)
- 59Cumulative Cost Performance Index (CPIe) - Efficiency (BCWP/ACWP)
- 60Cumulative Cost Performance Index (CPIp) - Planned (ACWP/BCWP)
- 61Cumulative Schedule Performance Index (SPI)
- 62To Complete Performance Index (TCPI) for Budget at Complete (BAC)
- 63To Complete Performance Index (TCPI) for Estimate At Complete (EAC)
- 64Initial Contract Price Target
- 65Initial Contract Price Ceiling
- 66Adjusted Contract Price Target
- 67Adjusted Contract Price Ceiling
- 68Funds Authorized to Date
- 69Accrued Expenditures
- 70Open Commitments
- 71Forecast of Billings
- 72Estimated Termination Costs
- 73Accrued Expenditures plus Open Commitments
- 74Contract Work Authorized - Definitized
- 75Contract Work Authorized - Not Definitized
- 76Contract Work Authorized - Total
- 77Forecast of Work - Not Yet Authorized
- 78Forecast of Work - All Other
- 79Forecast of Work - Total
- 80Funding - Total Requirements
- 81Funds Carryover
- 82Net Funds Required
- 83Contract Work Authorized (with fee/profit) Actual or Projected
- 84Contract Work Authorized (with fee/profit) Actual or Projected - At Complete
- 85Best Case Estimate
- 86Worst Case Estimate
- 87Most Likely Estimate
- 88"As Is" Appraisal Amount
- 89"Subject To" Appraisal Amount
- 90"Completion Per Plans" Appraisal Amount
- 91Site Value Amount
- 92Compensation
- 93Contribution
- 94Death Benefit
- 95Death Benefit Decrement
- 96Employee Account Balance
- 97Loan Repayment
- 98Prior W2
- 99Single Premium
- AAdjusted Chargeback Claim Amount
- BEstimated
- CCity
- DPayor Amount Paid
- EEstimated Credit
- FAnnual Limit
- GCollateral
- HBid Amount
- IInterest
- JTrustee Fees
- KAttorney and Trustee Fees
- LLocal
- MAmount Due from Buyer at Appraisal Notice Date
- NNet
- OCourt Cost
- PPenalty
- QAmount Owed to Buyer at Appraisal Notice Date
- RSpend Down
- SSubmitted Chargeback Claim Amount
- TTax
- UUnderpayment
- VCost of Deficiency
- WDeficiency Judgment Fees
- XDeficiency Judgment Expenses and Fees
- YCurrent List Price
- ZList Price When Sold
- 00Downpayment on the Repayment Plan Amount
- 01Fixed Installment Control Accounting Error
- 02Graduated Payment Mortgage Adjustment
- 03Growing Equity Mortgage Adjustment
- 04Adjustable Rate Mortgage Change
- 05Fixed Installment Control Substitution Adjustment
- 06Interest Adjustment
- 07Deferred Graduated Payment Mortgage Interest Paid
- 08Interest Accounting Error
- 09Principal Accounting Error
- 0AInterest Substitution Adjustment
- 0BPrincipal Substitution Adjustment
- 0CPrepaid Interest
- 0DPrepaid Principal
- 0EDelinquent Interest
- 0FDelinquent Principal
- 0GCurtailment Adjustment
- 0HSerial Note Principal Available for Distribution
- 0IServicing Fee
- 0JGuarantee Fee Adjustment
- 0KAmount Under-collateralized
- 0LAmount Over-collateralized
- 0MTrial Balance Adjustment
- 0NCustodial Bank Account Adjustment
- 0PItem
- 0QSchedule
- 0RRegular Plan
- 0SPreviously Billed
- 0TCurrently Due
- 0UCoverage Premium
- 1AVariance
- 1BVariance Adjustment Cost
- 1CVariance Adjustment Schedule
- 1DEscalation
- 1EFixed Price
- 1FLodging
- 1GMeals
- 1HTravel Expense
- 1JInsurance Expense
- 1KUnion Dues
- 1LRegular Income
- 1MIncome on Real Property
- 1NIncome from Social Security and/or other Government Assistance
- 1PTotal Monthly Income
- 1QElectric and/or Fuel Payment
- 1RWater and/or Sewer Payment
- 1STelephone Payment
- 1TMaintenance Expense
- 1UFood Expense
- 1VClothing Expense
- 1WLaundry Expense
- 1XMedical and/or Dental Expense
- 1YRecreation Expenses
- 1ZCharitable Contributions
- 2AHome Insurance Expense
- 2BLife Insurance Expense
- 2CHealth Insurance Expense
- 2DAutomobile Insurance Expense
- 2EValue of Property Claimed as Exempt
- 2FAutomobile Payment
- 2GOther Type of Installment Payment
- 2HOperating Expenses
- 2ITotal Projected Monthly Income
- 2JTotal Projected Monthly Expenses
- 2KExcess Income
- 2LValue of Personal Property
- 2MMonthly Overtime
- 2NTotal All Repairs
- 2PTotal Recommended Repairs
- 2QState Quarterly Total Gross Wages
- 2RState Quarterly Unemployment Insurance (UI) Total Wages
- 2SState Quarterly Unemployment Insurance (UI) Excess Wages
- 2TState Quarterly Unemployment Insurance (UI) Taxable Wages
- 2UState Quarterly Disability Insurance Taxable Wages
- 2VState Quarterly Tip Wages
- 2WAsset-Long Term
- 2XAsset-Short Term
- 2YBase Coverage
- 2ZCommission Retained
- 3AAccounting
- 3BAccounts Payable
- 3CAccounts Receivable
- 3DAdvanced Dividends
- 3EAdvertising Expenses
- 3FAmortization
- 3GAmortization Costs
- 3HAmount of Decree
- 3IAsset Investment
- 3JAuthorized Capital
- 3KAvailable Reserves
- 3LBad Debt Allowance
- 3MBad Debts
- 3NBank Account(s)
- 3OLong Term Assets
- 3PLong Term Liabilities
- 3QLong Term Tangible Assets
- 3RLosses on Capital
- 3SMachines and Tools
- 3TMember Risk Capital
- 3UMiscellaneous After Tax Exempt
- 3VMortgage
- 3WNominal Capital
- 3XNominal Damages
- 3YNon-operational Fixed Assets
- 3ZExcess Amount Requested
- 4ANonissued Capital
- 4BNotes Payable
- 4CNotes Receivable
- 4DBank Debentures
- 4EBank Obligations
- 4FBuildings
- 4GBuildings Under Construction
- 4HCapital
- 4ICapital Associated with Principal
- 4JCapital of Other Subsidiaries
- 4KCapital Stock
- 4LCash
- 4MCapital Subsidies Received
- 4NCommercial Debt
- 4OCommercial Expenses
- 4PCommon Stock
- 4QConsequential Damages
- 4RCompensatory Damages
- 4SConvertible Debentures
- 4TCost of Goods Sold
- 4UCost of Sales
- 4VCost(s)
- 4WCurrent Assets
- 4XCurrent Liabilities
- 4YDamages
- 4ZDeferred Cost
- 5ADeferred Credit or Income
- 5BDeferred Taxation
- 5CDeposits
- 5DDepreciation
- 5EDepreciation of Fixed Assets
- 5FDepreciation of Revaluation of Fixed Assets
- 5GDirector's Remuneration
- 5HDividends
- 5IDoubtful Receivables
- 5JEquipment
- 5KEquipment Subsidies
- 5LEquities, Stocks
- 5MEquity
- 5NExceptional Item
- 5OExports
- 5PExternal Charge
- 5QExtraordinary Charge
- 5RExtraordinary Current Asset Write Downs
- 5SExtraordinary Result
- 5TFinancial Assets
- 5UFinancial Charges
- 5VFinancial Debt
- 5WFinancial Expenses
- 5XFinancial Income
- 5YFinished Goods
- 5ZFixed Asset Debts
- 6AFixed Assets
- 6BFixed Assets for Sale
- 6CFixtures
- 6DFixtures and Equipment
- 6EFranchise
- 6FFranchise Tax Balance
- 6GFranchise Tax Paid
- 6HFree Reserves
- 6IFurniture
- 6JFuture Loan
- 6KGeneral Accounts
- 6LGeneral Expenses
- 6MGoodwill
- 6NGrants for Operating Costs
- 6OGroup Related Financial Income
- 6PIncome Stated in Advance
- 6QIncome Tax
- 6RIncome Tax, Corporate
- 6SIncome Tax, Noncorporate
- 6TInjunction
- 6UIntangible Depreciation
- 6VIntangibles
- 6WInterest of Third Party
- 6XInterest on Loans
- 6YOperating Income (Loss)
- 6ZOptional Reserves
- 7AOrganizational Expenses
- 7BOutside Share in Profit or Loss
- 7COutstanding Debts against Board of Directors/Managers
- 7DOwing
- 7EOwing from Affiliates
- 7FOwing from Participants
- 7GOwing to Affiliates
- 7HOwing to Fiscal Office
- 7IOwing to National Social Security Office
- 7JOwing to Participants
- 7KOwn Work Capitalized
- 7LPaid in Capital
- 7MPar Value
- 7NParticipating Interest
- 7OPatents
- 7PPension Debts
- 7QPensions Provision
- 7RPreferred Stock
- 7SPrepaid Orders in Progress
- 7TPrior Results Carried Forward
- 7UProfit or Loss
- 7VProfit or Loss after Taxes
- 7WProfit or Loss before Taxes
- 7XProfit or Loss on Ordinary Activities after Tax
- 7YProgress Payments
- 7ZProposed Dividend
- 8AProvision for Depreciation of Stock or Inventory
- 8BProvision for Future Purchases
- 8CProvision for Risks
- 8DPunitive Damages
- 8EPurchase Price
- 8FPurchases
- 8GRaw Materials
- 8HReal Estate
- 8IReceivables
- 8JRegularization Account
- 8KResearch and Development
- 8LRestructuring Costs
- 8MResult
- 8NRetained Earnings
- 8ORevenues
- 8PSales
- 8QSales and Use Tax
- 8RSavings
- 8SSecured Liability
- 8TSecured Loans
- 8USelling Expenses
- 8VServices
- 8WShare Capital
- 8XShare in Profit or Loss of Minority Interest
- 8YShare Premium Capital
- 8ZShares in Affiliated Companies
- 9ASocial Charges
- 9BSocial Security (FICA)
- 9CSpecial Reserves
- 9DSpecially Secured Creditors
- 9ESpecific Performance
- 9FStarting Capital
- 9GStatutory Reserves
- 9HSubscribed Capital
- 9ISuit Amount
- 9JSupplies
- 9KSurplus of Revaluation
- 9LTangible Net Worth
- 9MTax Adjustments
- 9NTax Balance
- 9OTax Capital Amount
- 9PTax on Extraordinary Items
- 9QTax Recoverable
- 9RTaxed Reserves
- 9STrade Creditors
- 9TInventory (Stock)
- 9UInventory (Stock) Depreciation
- 9VInventory (Stock) Purchases
- 9WInvestment in Own Shares
- 9XInvestments
- 9YIssued Capital
- 9ZLabor Costs
- A0Assistantship from Admitting Educational Institution
- A1Average Negative Ledger Balance
- A2Average Positive Collected Balance
- A3Average Negative Collected Balance
- A4Average Positive Ledger Balance
- A5Disallowed - Estimated
- A6Disallowed - Actual
- A7Noncovered Charges - Estimated
- A8Noncovered Charges - Actual
- A9Allowed - Estimated
- AAAllocated
- ABAdjusted Collected Balance
- ACAverage Collected Balance
- ADAdjusted Total
- AEArrearage
- AFAverage Float
- AGAdjusted Gross Income
- AHLoan Balance Difference
- AISale Amount
- AJFunds Held by Mortgagee
- AKAttorney Fees
- ALAverage Ledger Balance
- AMAmount Financed
- ANBankruptcy Fee
- AOAmount Override
- APAmount Prior to Fractionalization
- AQAverage Price Per Call
- ARFees to Public Officials for Foreclosure
- ASAverage Price Per Minute
- ATTotal Received
- AUCoverage Amount
- AVActual Cash Value
- AWReplacement Cost
- AXPrevious Price
- AYTitle Cost
- AZOther Foreclosure and Acquisition Expenses
- B0Bond
- B1Benefit Amount
- B2Bonuses and Commissions Divided Over 12 Months
- B3Bonuses Divided Over 12 Months
- B4Bonuses and Commissions
- B5Budgeted
- B6Allowed - Actual
- B7Deductible - Estimated
- B8Co-insurance - Estimated
- B9Co-insurance - Actual
- BABargain
- BBMortgage Insurance Premiums
- BCBilling Cycle Net Fee Position (Excess/Deficit)
- BDBalance Due
- BEDisbursements for Authorized Repair
- BFHazard Insurance Premium
- BGEviction Attorney Fees
- BHEviction Expenses
- BIProperty Taxes
- BJDisbursements Not Shown Elsewhere
- BKDisbursements for Protection and Preservation
- BLDisbursements for Inspections and Boarding
- BMAdjustments
- BNRental Income
- BORental Expense
- BPAverage Net Collected Balance
- BQBail
- BRAdjusted Insured Loss Amount
- BSMortgage Note Interest
- BTBank Reject Total
- BUOverhead Costs
- BVUncollected Interest
- BWAmount Due from Buyer at Closing
- BXAmount Owed to Buyer at Closing
- BYAdditional Closing Expenses
- BZDeficiency Judgment Expenses
- C0Current Expenditures
- C1Co-Payment Amount
- C2Child Rider Coverage
- C3Prior Payment - Estimated
- C4Prior Payment - Actual
- C5Claim Amount Due - Estimated
- C6Claim Amount Due - Actual
- C7Payor Responsibility - Estimated
- C8Payor Responsibility - Actual
- C9Disallowed Cost Containment - Actual
- CAContractor Cumulative to Date
- CBCollected Balance Required
- CCChargeback Claim Amount
- CDOverpaid Section 235 Subsidy
- CESummary Amount
- CFAppraisal Fees
- CGCommission Fees Deducted
- CHChange Amount
- CIFunds Held for Insured
- CJOther Deductions
- CKBack End Load
- CLOutstanding Balance Current Lender
- CMClaimant Requested Total
- CNSpecial Assessments
- COTaxes on Deed
- CPStatutory Disbursements
- CQNet Claim Amount
- CRContractor at Complete
- CSCommission Sales
- CTContract
- CUSubcontractor Cumulative to Date
- CVSubcontractor at Complete
- CWEarned Value
- CXActual
- CYCumulative Budget
- CZCumulative Earned Value
- D0Administration and Management Costs
- D1Deferred Compensation Commissions
- D2Deductible Amount
- D3Deferred Compensation Commissions and Bonuses
- D4Deferred Compensation
- D5Dependent Care Contribution
- D6Disallowed Cost Containment - Estimated
- D7Dispensing Fee
- D8Discount Amount
- D9Cumulative Actual
- DAOriginal Mortgage
- DBUnapplied Section 235 Funds
- DCUnapplied Buydown Fund
- DDDirect Deposit
- DEEstimate of Damage
- DFAuthorized Bid
- DGEscrow Balance
- DHTotal Disbursements
- DICharge Off
- DJLiens Amount Original
- DKRelease of Lien
- DLDebit
- DMAsset
- DNLiability
- DOSatisfaction
- DPExemption
- DQSettlement
- DRAlimony Expense
- DSAlimony Income
- DTChild Support Expense
- DUChild Support Income
- DVSeparate Maintenance Expense
- DWSeparate Maintenance Income
- DXDeductible Waived
- DYPer Day Limit
- DZJob-related Expense
- E0Administration and Management Indemnity Charge
- E1Employer Year to Date Contribution
- E2Employee Annual Pledge Amount
- E3Employee Current Contribution
- E4Employer Pledge Amount
- E5Employer Current Contribution
- E6Eligible Wage Amount
- E7Employee Year to Date Contribution
- E8Education Contribution
- E9Initial Fee
- EAEarnings Allowance
- EBCollected Balance (Excess/Deficit)
- ECAllowance (Excess/Deficit)
- EDEstimated Cost of Attendance
- EEOther Expense
- EFEstimated Financial Aid
- EGOther Income
- EHAmount of Mortgages and Liens
- EIMortgage Payment(s)
- EJInsurance, Maintenance, Taxes and Miscellaneous
- EKNet Rental Income
- ELPresent Market Value
- EMGross Rental Income
- ENCancellation Fee
- EOCapital Reserves
- EPEmployer Annual Pledge Amount
- EQCondominium Association Fees
- ERHomeowner Association Fees
- ESMortgage Insurance Proceeds
- ETNet Proceeds from Sale of Real Estate Property
- EUInsurance Proceeds (Primary Settlement)
- EVPresale Proceeds
- EWPledged Savings
- EXAs Is Broker's Opinion
- EYSubject To Broker's Opinion
- EZUniform Commercial Code Filing Office Fee
- F0Commercial Staff Labor Costs
- F1Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) Penalty Copay
- F2Patient Responsibility - Actual
- F3Patient Responsibility - Estimated
- F4Postage Claimed
- F5Patient Amount Paid
- F6Provider Reserves
- F7Sales Tax
- F8Usual and Customary Charge - Estimated
- F9Usual and Customary - Actual
- FACoordination Fee
- FBCalculation Fee
- FCExpected Family Contribution
- FDDirect Deposit Flipped to Check
- FEFee
- FFApplication Fee
- FGLicensing Fee
- FHRegulatory Fee
- FIFirst Interest Payment Amount
- FJWaiver Fee
- FKOther Unlisted Amount
- FLFloat
- FMFair Market Value
- FNFine
- FOFees Paid
- FPFees Paid Year to Date
- FQFirm Contractor Share
- FREstimated Government Share
- FSExpense
- FTEndorsement Premium Amount
- FUCommercial Staff Indemnity Charge
- FVFlat Fee Paid to Date
- FWFlat Fee Paid Current Month
- FXEndorsement
- FYFirst Payment
- FZEarned Income
- G0Initial Adjustment Total
- G1Indicated Value by Sales Comparison Approach
- G2Indicated Value by Income Approach
- G3Price per Unit Area
- G4Reconciliation of Final Value Estimate
- G5Estimated Monthly Market Rent
- G6Adjusted Sales Price
- G7Sales or Financing Concessions
- G8Indicated Value by Cost Approach
- G9As-is Value of Site Improvements
- GADepreciated Value of Improvements
- GBPrice, High Value
- GCPrice, Low Value
- GDPhysical Depreciation
- GEFunctional Depreciation
- GFExternal Depreciation
- GGAdjusted Sales Price of Comparable Sales
- GHPredominate Value
- GIAverage Customer Income
- GJAverage Neighborhood Income
- GKAverage Customer Purchase
- GLWeekly Dollar Sales
- GMAverage Case Sales
- GNBuy-down
- GOCredit Line
- GPAppraisal Repair Amount
- GQBrokers Opinion Repair Amount
- GRCredit Line Available
- GSSubsequent Adjustments Total
- GTGoods and Services Tax
- GUTaxes Paid
- GVGross Value
- GWTotal Charge
- GXTotal Credit
- GYTotal Debit
- GZTotal Finance Charge
- H0Host Government (government of the institution) Financing for Education
- H1Legal Reserves
- H2Cancellation
- H3Deposit Inception to Date
- H4Deposit Year to Date
- H5Dump in Remittance
- H6Earnings
- H7Life Insurance Cash Value
- H8Structure Value
- H9Original List Price
- HACoin
- HBCurrency
- HCU.S. Treasury Checks
- HDPostal Money Orders
- HECity Checks
- HFOther Checks
- HGHome Government Financing for Education
- HHAnnual Social Security Wages
- HIAnnual Social Security Tips
- HJAnnual Wages, Tips, and Other Compensation
- HKSocial Security Employee Tax Withheld
- HLFederal Income Tax Withheld
- HMAdvance Earned Income Credit
- HNCommission
- HOVacation Pay
- HPGross Pay Submitted
- HQIntersell Commission Sales
- HRTotal Payroll Approved
- HSHoliday Pay
- HTOvertime Pay
- HURegular Pay
- HVSick Pay
- HWSpecial Pay
- HXContract Price
- HYCommercial Space Income
- HZUtilities Paid by Owner
- I0Life Insurance Coverage
- I1Investment Income
- I2Income
- I3Price, Gross Living Area
- I4Total Estimated Rent
- I5Gross Annual Income
- I6Custodian's Salary
- I7Engineer's Salary
- I8Elevator Operator's Salary
- I9Indicated Value by Market Approach Estimate of Market Value
- IAAdjusted Monthly Rent
- IBInvestable Balance
- ICAccrued Unpaid Interest To Be Capitalized
- IDImport Duty Amount
- IEExcise Tax Amount
- IFInspection Fee
- IGAdjustment for Gross Living Area
- IHPredominant Price High
- IIIrregular Interest Payment Amount
- IJNet Adjusted Monthly Rent
- IKIndicated Monthly Market Rent
- ILPredominant Price Low
- IMAdjustment for Rooms
- INInstallment
- IOAdjustment for Bedrooms
- IPInterest Payable During Repayment Period
- IQContingent Debt
- IRInsurance Recovery
- ISIndependent Scholarship
- ITIncentive Fee
- IUAccrued Unpaid Interest Not To Be Capitalized
- IVUtilities Allowance
- IWFurniture Allowance
- IYDebentures
- IZAccount High Balance
- J0Limited Partnership Capital
- J1Current Face Amount
- J2Original Face Amount
- J3Fixed Default Note Holder's Amount
- J4Initial Monthly Payment
- J5Original Principal and Interest Payment
- J6Final Principal and Interest Payment
- J7Conversion Fee
- J8Ending Balance
- J9Beginning Balance
- JAAssessment
- JBEquity Claimed as Exempt
- JCCounter Claim
- JDWeekly Benefit
- JELease
- JFAdministrative Load
- JGAsset Cost Applicable to Entire Contract
- JHAsset Cost Applicable to Portion of Contract
- JIAnnual Fee
- JJCost Basis
- JKDisability Premium
- JLEmployee Additional Contribution
- JMEmployee Match Contribution
- JNEmployer Contribution
- JOFree Look Value
- JPFree Withdrawal Value
- JQFront End Load
- JRGuaranteed Minimum Death Benefit
- JSInterim Value
- JTMonthly Rent
- JUJudgment
- JVLoan Value
- JWMarket Value
- JXMarket Value Adjusted Value
- JYMarket Value Adjustment
- JZNet Contract Value
- K0Discounted Bills not Due
- K1Unpaid Security Balance
- K2Total Unpaid Security Balance
- K3Veterans Affairs Funding Fee
- K4Initial Target Fee
- K5Minimum Fee
- K6Maximum Fee
- K7Price
- K8Special Accounting Classification Reference Number (ACRN) Amount
- K9New Price
- KAEstimated Contract
- KBEstimated Net Adjustment
- KCObligated
- KDUndefinitized
- KEAnnual Revenue
- KFNet Paid Amount
- KGNet Collected Amount
- KHDeduction Amount
- KINet Variance Amount
- KJMinimum Contract Amount
- KKItem Gross Amount
- KLCollected Amount
- KMDisbursed Amount
- KNGross Amount of Payment
- KOCommitted Amount
- KPPrincipal and Interest
- KQIncremental Order Amount
- KRLiability-Long Term
- KSTaxes and Insurance
- KTDefault Principal
- KUDefault Interest
- KVLiability-Short Term
- KWDefault Taxes and Insurance
- KXMiscellaneous Fee Collections
- KYNot-To-Exceed Price
- KZMortgagor's Monthly Obligations
- L0Liquid Assets
- L1Legal Contribution
- L2Leasehold Insurance Amount
- L3Total Unidentified Payments Rejected
- L4Total Credits Received
- L5Total Debits Received
- L6Total Pre-advices Received
- L7Total Prenotes Received
- L8Total Post-advices Received
- L9Total Debit for Settlement
- LADefinitized
- LBDefinitized Total
- LCLessor's Cost
- LDIncremental
- LELoan Eligibility Amount
- LFLoan Remittance or Repayment
- LGLaundry Income
- LHBaseline
- LILine Item Unit Price
- LJLegal and Audit
- LKLoan Amount Requested
- LLLump Sum
- LMLimit
- LNLien Payoff
- LOMoney Purchase
- LPList Price
- LQMaximum Potential Liability
- LRTotal Credit for Settlement
- LSNet Settlement
- LTTotal Award
- LUOption Amount
- LVPlanned Periodic Payment
- LWTax and Insurance Escrow Fund Balance
- LXLoan Expense
- LYTotal Remaining Principal Balance for the Issuer
- LZDelinquent Payment
- M0Loans from Officers
- M1Maximum Out of Pocket Amount
- M2Medical Contribution
- M3Tax rate expressed as a flat fee
- M4Minimum amount of tax to be paid
- M5Minimum amount to which tax rate is applied
- M6Maximum amount of tax to be paid
- M7Maximum amount to which tax rate is applied
- M8Markup Amount
- M9Net of Surrender Withdrawal
- MAMaximum Amount
- MBUndistributed Budget
- MCCost of Money
- MDMinimum Due
- MEMinimum Default Note Holder's Cost
- MFAdministrative Fees
- MGMaximum Late Charge
- MHMinimum Late Charge
- MIMinimum Incentive Fee
- MJMaximum Default Note Holder's Cost
- MKGross to Pay
- MLPrior Net Invoice Total
- MMPayout
- MNMonthly Limit
- MOMinimum Order Value
- MPMonthly Payment Amount
- MQPost Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) Cost Basis
- MRManagement Reserve
- MSPast-Due Taxes and Assessment Remaining Unpaid
- MTPre Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) Cost Basis
- MUPremium Tax Paid on Surrender
- MVPremium Tax Paid up Front
- MWSales Loads
- MXMaximum Incentive Fee
- MYSurrender Value
- MZValuation Price
- N0Loans or Financial Borrowings
- N1Net Worth
- N2Individual Income Taxes and Other
- N3Corporate Income and Excess Profits Tax
- N4Excise Taxes
- N5Estate and Gift Taxes
- N6Carrier Tax Act Taxes
- N7Federal Unemployment Tax Act Taxes
- N8Miscellaneous Taxes
- N9Withheld and Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) Taxes
- NANet Adjustment
- NBNet Compensation Position
- NCNegative Collected Balance
- NDPer Person Monthly Limit
- NENet Billed
- NFMonthly Net Fee Position (Excess/Deficit)
- NGMedicare Copayment
- NHMedicare Deductible
- NIMedicare Paid
- NJOther Insurance Paid Amount
- NKTotal in Force and Applied Coverage
- NLNegative Ledger Balance
- NMNon-collateralized Amount
- NNTransaction Fee
- NONon Commission Sales
- NPNet to Pay Total
- NQAdjusted Nonrecurring
- NRNonrecurring
- NSNet Savings Amount
- NTUnit Value
- NUReinsurance Amount
- NVRenewal Amount
- NWRetention Per Life
- NXRetention Per Policy
- NYNet Year to Date (Excess/Deficit)
- NZEqualization Account
- O0Extraordinary Income
- O1Amount of First Mortgage Being Refinanced
- O2Other Family Financing for Education
- O3Intangible Assets Written Off
- O4Interest Payable
- O5Interest Receivable
- O6Joint Venture Results
- O7Long Term Debt
- O8Long Term Provisions
- O9Loss
- OAPrincipal Balance Amount
- OBOutstanding Loan Balance
- OCOpening Bank Charges
- ODDraft Amount
- OEMiscellaneous Charges
- OFContractor's Offer
- OGCable Charge
- OHHandling Charges
- OINon-commission Charges
- OJMerchandise
- OKLetter of Credit Amount
- OLOutstanding Balance Other Lender
- OMOther Monthly Income
- ONNegotiating Bank Charges
- OOOverdrafts
- OPOriginal Payment Total
- OQPayroll Costs
- ORLetter of Credit Remaining Amount
- OSOther Salaries
- OTCommission Amendment Charges
- OUProfit
- OVProfit and Loss Deficit
- OWProfit after Extraordinary Items and before Tax
- OXProfit after Tax and Before Extraordinary Items
- OYPayment Commission
- OZProfit Distributed to Employees
- P0Parental Financing for Education
- P1Partner's Calendar Year Salary
- P2Prior Plan Year Gross Salary
- P3Premium Amount
- P4Prior Year's Wage
- P5Partner's Tax Year Salary
- P6Premium Due
- P7Partner's K1 Tax Year Amount
- P8Partner's K1 Calendar Year Amount
- P9Current Mortgage Principal Balance
- PAPayment Cancellation Total
- PBBilled Amount
- PCPositive Collected Balance
- PDCredit
- PEPlan Period Election
- PFPrincipal
- PGPayoff
- PHPer Occurrence Deductible
- PIPer Occurrence Monthly Limit
- PJPast Due
- PKPhotograph Fee
- PLPositive Ledger Balance
- PMLast Premium Amount
- PNPrior Gross Invoice Total
- POPercent Override
- PPPayment Prior to Advance
- PQAdvance Amount
- PRPer Occurrence Limit
- PSPer Occurrence per Day Limit
- PTPer Occurrence Aggregate Limit
- PUUnsecured Priority Claim
- PVPrepetition Charges
- PWPer Occurrence Maximum per Week Limit
- PXPer Person Maximum per Week Limit
- PYPer Person per Day Limit
- PZOriginal Principal Balance
- Q0Loans to Affiliated Companies
- Q1Proposed
- Q21035 Exchange
- Q3401K Transfer
- Q4Total Prenotes Accepted
- Q5Total Prenotes Rejected
- Q6Automatic Premium Deduction
- Q7Total Post-advices Accepted
- Q8Total Post-advices Rejected
- Q9Cash With Application
- QACombined
- QBCredit Card
- QCDeposit Fund
- QDDirect Billing
- QEDisc Premium
- QFElectronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
- QGGovernment Allotment
- QHInitial Premium
- QIIndividual Retirement Account 60 Day Rollover
- QJIndividual Retirement Account Direct Transfer
- QKIndividual Retirement Account Regular Contribution
- QLKeogh/HR 10
- QMKeogh/HR 10 Transfer
- QNQuarterly Net Fee Position (Excess/Deficit)
- QOList Billing
- QPModal Premium
- QQPayroll Taxes
- QRParking Income
- QSNon-Qualified (1035 Exchange)
- QTPAC - Pre-Authorized Check
- QUPayroll Deduction
- QVPension
- QWPremium Received With Application
- QXProfit Sharing Trust
- QYQualified
- QZPayment Amount
- R0Loans to Participants
- R1Fixed, Liquidated Secured Debt
- R2Contingent Secured Debt
- R3Disputed Secured Debt
- R4Unliquidated Secured Debt
- R5Fixed, Liquidated Unsecured Debt
- R6Contingent Unsecured Debt
- R7Disputed Unsecured Debt
- R8Unliquidated Unsecured Debt
- R9At Time of Filing
- RAAccelerated Royalty
- RBPer Person Deductible
- RCRefund Check
- RDPer Person Limit
- RERoyalty Due
- RFRestitution
- RGBudgeted Redemption
- RHPer Person Aggregate Limit
- RIResidual Value
- RJRate Amount
- RKProvision for Long Term Depreciation
- RLRegular Remittance
- RMRemittance Refund
- RNResident Manager's Salary
- ROProvisions
- RPRepair
- RQRecommended Amount
- RRReserve Requirement Amount
- RSReserves
- RTLast Payment
- RUTotal Debits Rejected
- RVTotal Payments Rejected
- RWTotal Delinquency
- RXTotal Pre-advices Accepted
- RYTotal Pre-advices Rejected
- RZLender's Total Delinquency
- S0Self-Financing for Education
- S1Salary Amount
- S2Salary with Bonuses
- S3Salary with Commissions
- S4Salary with Subchapter S Corporation Income
- S5Salary with Partner's Bonuses
- S6Subchapter S Corporation
- S7Sole Proprietorship
- S8Period Rental
- S9Secured Claim Allowed
- SACampaign Summary Amount
- SBStated Amount
- SCTotal Service Charge
- SDSales Charge
- SEService Charges Which Cannot Be Compensated by Balances
- SFScholarship from Admitting Educational Institution
- SGSponsor-Financing for Education
- SHSurrender Charge
- SISubsequent Interest Payment Amount
- SJSurrender Full
- SKSurrender Partial
- SLSecurity Personnel's Salary
- SMSupplemental
- SNSales Administration Expense
- SOSpecial Creditors Amount
- SPSales Price
- SQSpecial Debtors Amount
- SRSecured Claim
- SSCampaign Summary Amount to be Shared
- STState
- SUSurcharge
- SVFixed Monthly Principal Payment
- SWBase Award Fee
- SXSeverance Tax
- SYInitial Buydown Balance
- SZCertification Fee
- T0Third-Party Government-Financing for Education
- T1Teacher
- T2Total Claim Before Taxes
- T3Total Submitted Charges
- T4Total Current Balance
- T5Total Claims
- T6Claim
- T7Total Credits Accepted
- T8Total Credits Rejected
- T9Total Debits Accepted
- TATotal Annual Sales
- TBTotal Annual Sales to Customer
- TCProposed Cost
- TDProposed Profit
- TEProposed Fee
- TFTotal Proposed Price
- TGAlternate Proposed Price
- THTotal Claim Allowed
- TITitle Insurance Amount on Loan
- TJTime and Expense Paid to Date
- TKTotal Amount of Contract
- TLTotal Prior Loan Amount Owed
- TMTime and Expense Paid Current Month
- TOTelephone Operator's Salary
- TPTotal payment amount
- TQSubsidies for Operating Costs
- TRTarget Cost
- TSTotal Sales
- TTTotal Transaction Amount
- TUTransportation Cost per Unit of Measure
- TVLevel of Premium Insurance - Retention
- TWTechnicians Indemnity Provision
- TXTotal to Date
- TYTotal at Complete
- TZTransportation Cost Total
- U0U.S. Government-Financing for Education
- U1Unsecured, Priority Claim Allowed
- U2Ingredient Cost Claimed
- U3Miscellaneous Expenses
- U4Present Value of Lot
- U5Cost of Improvements
- U6Alterations, Improvements, Repairs
- U7Land
- U8Refinance
- U9Estimated Prepaid Items
- UAUnliquidated Amount
- UBUnpaid Principal Balance
- UCUnspecified Aggregate Limit
- UDUnsecured, Nonpriority Claim Allowed
- UEMortgage Insurance
- UFDiscount (If Borrower Paid)
- UGTotal Unpaid Principal Balance for Stafford Loans
- UHSubordinate Financing
- UITotal Costs
- UJOther Credits
- UKBase Loan Amount (w/o financed Mortgage Insurance)
- ULMortgage Insurance Financed
- UMTotal Loan Amount
- UNUnsecured, Nonpriority Claim
- UOCash from or to Borrower
- UPTotal Unpaid Principal Balance for Parental Loans for Students
- UQMonthly Income
- URUnearned Income
- USTotal Unpaid Principal Balance for Supplemental Loans for Students
- UTValue Added Sales
- UUClearing House Settlement
- UVDrawback
- UWTotal Monthly Liabilities
- UXUtilities, Furniture, and Amenities Included in Rent
- UYTotal Assets
- UZTotal Liquid Assets
- V0Value Added
- V1Tax and Insurance Escrow Fund
- V2Interest Due to Investor
- V3Total Principal Due to the Investor
- V4Total Interest Due to the Investor
- V5Total Curtailment Due to the Investor
- V6Total Principal Payoff and Repurchase Due to the Investor
- V7Total Interest Payoff and Repurchase Due to the Investor
- V8Actual Outstanding Principal Balance
- V9Face Amount
- VATotal Current Rent or Mortgage Payment (Issue)
- VBTotal Non-liquid Assets
- VCAuthorized
- VDActual Person Day Rate
- VEEstimated Person Day Rate
- VFTotal Monthly Expenses
- VGCurrent Monthly Principal and Interest
- VHLevy Amount
- VICurrent Support
- VJPast Due Support
- VKMedical Support
- VLNet Negative Amortization Amount
- VMWithhold From Wages
- VNCommission Basis
- VOCommission Earned
- VPCurrent Monthly Payment
- VQCommission Netted
- VRTotal Monthly Debt
- VSOther Financing Payment
- VTCurrent Value
- VUClosing Cost
- VVCapitalized Mortgage Amount
- VWFirst Mortgage Monthly Principal and Interest
- VXInterest Amount Paid to Date
- VYMinimum Transfer
- VZMaximum Transfer
- W0Trade Debtors
- W1W-2
- W2W-2 with Bonuses
- W3W-2 with Deferred Compensation
- W4W-2 without Bonuses
- W5Deposit Sub Total
- W6Direct Rollover
- W7Direct Transfer
- W8Discounted
- W9Secondary Finance
- WAMinimum Deposit
- WBSub-Agency Compensation
- WCBuyers Agency Compensation
- WDVariable Rate Compensation
- WECompensation Bonus on Sale of Property
- WFVeterans Affairs Loan Guarantee
- WGSecurity Trade Amount
- WHBalance Owing All Other Liens, Subject Property
- WIOther Financing
- WJDual Agency Compensation
- WKPer Week Limit
- WLLender's Opinion of Value
- WMTotal Original Principal Balance
- WNOther Agent Compensation
- WODock Usage Fee
- WPPool Usage Fee
- WQClubhouse Fee
- WROptional Service Fee
- WSOther Association Fees
- WTPrincipal, Interest, Taxes
- WUPrincipal, Interest, Taxes and Insurance
- WVTotal Points Paid at Closing
- WWAmount that Would Have Been Paid in the Absence of Capitation
- WXPoints Paid by Seller
- WYLoan Withdrawal
- WZSeverance Pay
- X0Treble Damages
- X1Transfer to Untaxed Reserves
- X2Reissued
- X3Rollover Amount
- X4Annual Rental
- X5Gross Monthly Rent
- X6SEP - Self Employee Pension
- X8Funding Amount
- X9Tax Sheltered Annuity (403B Transfer)
- XAMaximum Award Fee
- XBMaturity Value
- XCEarned Wages
- XDBase Period Wage
- XEWithdrawal
- XFWithdrawal Inception to Date
- XGWithdrawal Less Market Value Adjustment
- XHWithdrawal Less Surrender
- XIWithdrawal Less Taxes
- XJWithdrawal Year to Date
- XKUnavailable Reserves
- XLUncalled Capital
- XMUnemployment Contribution
- XNUnlimited Capital, Minimum Fixed
- XOUnpaid Capital
- XPUnsecured Liabilities
- XQValue Added Tax
- XRValue of Shares
- XSVehicles
- XTVoluntary Reserves
- XUWages
- XVWithholding
- XWOriginal Value
- XXWorking Capital
- XYSales Price Per Dwelling Unit
- XZSales Price Per Room
- Y0Self Insurance Amount
- Y1Year to Date Eligible Salary
- Y2Total Real Estate Owned
- Y3Total Liabilities
- Y4Total Liability Monthly Payments
- Y5Total Real Estate Owned Market Value
- Y6Total Real Estate Owned Gross Rental Income
- Y7Total Real Estate Owned Mortgages and Liens
- Y8Total Real Estate Owned Mortgage Payments
- Y9Total Real Estate Owned Miscellaneous Expenses
- YATotal Real Estate Owned Net Rental Income
- YBActual Unpaid Principal Balance
- YCScheduled Unpaid Principal Balance
- YDPrincipal Due to Investor
- YEConstant Principal and Interest
- YFOther Fee Collection
- YGBeginning Scheduled Unpaid Principal Balance
- YHTax and Insurance Principal Balance
- YINew Principal and Interest
- YJCurtailment
- YKPrepayment Penalty
- YLPartial Annuitization
- YMPartial Withdrawal
- YNPost Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) Gain
- YOPre Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) Gain
- YPPolicy Amount
- YQPayments in Advance
- YRPayments in Arrears
- YSCancelled
- YTDenied
- YUIn Process
- YVRequested
- YWPaid
- YXPaid for This Facility
- YYReturned
- YZTotal Aggregate Limit
- Z0Insertion Cost
- Z1Repackaging Labor Cost
- Z2Repackaging Material Cost
- Z3Unit Cost of Discrepant Material
- Z4Liquidation Principal
- Z5Remaining Pool Balance
- Z6Remaining Security Balance
- Z7Program Cost
- Z8Override to Handling Fee
- Z9Production Cost
- ZAFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 1
- ZBFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 2
- ZCFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 3
- ZDFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 4
- ZEFederal Medicare or Medicaid Claim Mandate - Category 5
- ZFFederal Pension Mandate - Category 1
- ZGFederal Pension Mandate - Category 2
- ZHFederal Pension Mandate - Category 3
- ZIFederal Pension Mandate - Category 4
- ZJFederal Pension Mandate - Category 5
- ZKFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 1
- ZLFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 2
- ZMFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 3
- ZNFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 4
- ZOFederal Medicare or Medicaid Payment Mandate - Category 5
- ZPCoupon Face Value
- ZQInitial Target Cost
- ZRIncrease
- ZSDecrease
- ZTProrated Amount
- ZULoan Charge
- ZVMortgage Recording Fee
- ZWDeed Recording Fee
- ZXRelease Recording Fee
- ZYAssumption
- ZZMutually Defined
- AA1Excess Funds
- AA2Cumulative Total
- AA3Reimbursable Amount
- AA4Total Reimbursable Amount
- AA5Direct Citation Amount
- AA6Total Direct Citation Funds
- AA7Chargeable Amount
- AAATemporary Term Coverage
- AABConditional Receipt Coverage
- AACBinding Interim Coverage
- AADApplication Amount
- AAEApproved Amount
- AAFUltimate Face Amount
- AAGRequested Amount from All Reinsurers
- AAHReplacement Amount
- AAIScheduled Contribution
- AAJScheduled Disbursement
- AAKShort Term Investment
- AALSubsequent Contribution
- AAMSubsequent Distribution
- AANTax-Federal
- AAOTax-Local
- AAPTax-State
- AAQTrust Fund
- AARCapital Leases
- AASSurplus
- AATRestated Assets
- AAUOwing to Clients
- AAVShareholder Loans
- AAWAccumulated Deficit
- AAXLoan from Parent Company
- AAYContribution Not Subject to Repayment
- AAZIncome Before Depreciation
- ABAIncome After Depreciation
- ABBProfit (Loss) Before Financial Items
- ABCInterest Expenses
- ABDProfit (Loss) Before Extraordinary Items
- ABEProfit (Loss) After Financial Items
- ABFIncome Before Allocations
- ABGIncome from Sale of Fixed Assets
- ABHContribution to Group
- ABIDeferred Tax Assets
- ABJBlocked Accounts
- ABKNon-taxed Reserves
- ABLPledged Assets
- ABMRestricted Equity
- ABNNon-restricted Equity
- ABODepreciable Assets
- ABPTaxable Assets
- ABQIncome from Business
- ABRIncome Subject to Taxes
- ABSTaxable Amount of Real Estate
- ABTEnding Principal Balance
- ABUAverage Daily Principal Balance
- ABVInterest Amount
- ABWAdjustments for Difference in Average Daily Principal Balance
- ABXBeginning Principal Balance
- ABYLoan Principal Disbursements
- ABZPrincipal Increases
- ACAPrincipal of Loans Purchased
- ACBPrincipal Cured
- ACCPrincipal Sold
- ACDPrincipal Insurance Claims
- ACEPrincipal Guarantee Voided
- ACFPrincipal Paid by Borrowers
- ACGLoans in School and Grace
- ACHLoans in Authorized Deferment
- ACILoans Repay or Forebearance - Current or Less than 31 Days
- ACJLoans Repay or Forebearance - 31 to 60 Days Past Due
- ACKLoans Repay or Forebearance - 61 to 90 Days Past Due
- ACLLoans Repay or Forebearance - 91 to 120 Days Past Due
- ACMLoans Repay or Forebearance - 121 to 180 Days Past Due
- ACNLoans Repay or Forebearance - 181 to 270 Days Past Due
- ACOLoans Repay or Forebearance - 271 or More Days Past Due
- ACPLoans Repay or Forebearance - Claims Filed, Not Yet Paid
- ACQAgent Sales
- ACRAmount Involved
- ACSAssigned Capital
- ACTCredit Line Utilized
- ACUDirect Sales
- ACVEarnings per Share
- ACWInheritance
- ACXInvested Capital
- ACYLoan from Family Members
- ACZNon Depreciable Assets
- ADAPartially Paid Amount per Share
- ADBPending Orders
- ADCPersonal Loan
- ADDPlant and Machinery
- ADEPre-Tax Loss
- ADFPre-Tax Profit
- ADGRegistered Capital
- ADHRevaluation Reserves
- ADISocial Capital
- ADJStatutory Profit
- ADKTraining Pay
- ADLRetroactive Pay
- ADMExpected Reimbursement Amount
- ADNPermit Cost
- ADOMinimum
- ADPAdditional Amount to Meet Minimum
- ADQLabor Per Hour
- ADRNon-recoverable Depreciation
- ADSRecoverable Depreciation
- ADTOverhead
- ADUIndemnity Benefit
- ADWReplacement Cost of Repairs
- ADXActual Cash Value of Repairs
- ADYRecoverable Depreciation of Repairs
- ADZNon-recoverable Depreciation of Repairs
- AEANon-indemnity Benefit
- AEBActual Cash Value of Building
- AECGovernment Share
- AEDContractor Share
- AEEAward Fee
- AEFBase Fee
- AEGTarget Profit Floor
- AEHTarget Profit Ceiling
- AEILabor Per Day
- AEJDifference in Interest Due
- AEKDifference in Prepayment Penalty
- AELDifference in Principal Due
- AEMAppropriation of Retained Earnings Less Reversals
- AENAppropriations
- AEOBillings and Costs-Profit Differential
- AEPCommon Stock Par Value
- AEQCost of Services Rendered
- AERCreditors
- AESDeclared Profit
- AETDiscounted Notes
- AEUEndorsed Notes
- AEVGeneral Reserves
- AEWImport Volume
- AEXIncome Tax Credit
- AEYLong-Term Deposits
- AEZLong-Term Loans
- AFAMinority Interest
- AFBNon-Operating Expense
- AFCNon-Operating Income
- AFDOperating Profit or Loss
- AFEPreferred Stock Par Value
- AFFProfit After Tax and Minority Interest
- AFGRetained Earnings to be Appropriated
- AFHRevaluation Surplus or Deficit
- AFIReversal of Voluntary Earned Surplus
- AFJShare Price
- AFKShort-Term Deposits
- AFLShort-Term Loans
- AFMTax Provisions
- AFNUnallocated Profit
- AFOVoluntary Earned Surplus
- AFPCalculated Weekly Compensation Amount
- AFQBenefit Type Gross Weekly Amount
- AFRBenefit Type Net Weekly Amount
- AFSEmployee Gross Wage
- AFTGarage Gross Wages
- AFUOfficer Compensation - Actual Flat
- AFVOfficer Compensation - Statutory Maximum
- AFWOfficer Compensation - Statutory Minimum
- AFYPrevious Balance
- AFZDisputed Amount
- AGANon-Operating Income or Expense
- AGBOperating Income or Expense
- AGCIncome or Expense
- AGDPurchase Authority
- AGECapital Decrease
- AGFCapital Increase
- AGGDeed Capital
- AGHTransferred Amount
- AGIUnadjusted Sales Price
- AGJSales Concessions
- AGKProperty Value
- AGMPartial Release Amount
- AGNLien Filing Fee
- AGOAdditional Repair Price
- AGPQualified Tuition and Related Expenses
- AGQQualified Financial Assistance
- AGRAggregate Reimbursements or Refunds
- AGSNew Loan Balance
- AGTRaw Material Purchases
- AGUWork in Progress Purchases
- AGVOperating Cash Flow
- AGWPayments for Outside Work
- AGXSet Aside for Provisions
- AGYFinancial Income or Expense
- AGZExtraordinary Income or Expense
- AHAUnfinished Production Carried Forward
- AHBInstallation Materials Cost
- AHCNew Mortgage Amount
- AHDCapitalized Assets
- AHEProfit Reserves
- AHFShare in Profit or Loss in Other Companies
- AHGMonetary Correction
- AHIScheduled Repayment Amount
- AHJAmounts Placed with Other Banks
- AHKDue from Parent Company
- AHLOwing from Subsidiary Companies
- AHMCertificates of Deposit Amount
- AHNPublicly Traded Shares Amount
- AHONon Publicly Traded Shares Amount
- AHPTrading Securities Amount
- AHQInvestment Securities Amount
- AHREarnings Per Share Minus Dividends
- AHSActive Partner Capital
- AJCAdjusted Claim
- ANCAccrued Income
- APTAmount of Purchase Exempt From Tax or Fee
- ASPAnnual Sales or Premiums
- ATFAmount of Tax or Fee Exemption
- AVEAverage
- BAANet Taxable Income
- BABOriginal Amount of Instrument
- BACAddition to Tax
- BADReinstatement Fee
- BAEPermit Fee Due
- BAFPermit Fee with Extension
- BAGNet Annual Permit Fee Due
- BAHPermit Fee Penalty Due
- BAIPermit Fee Interest Due
- BAJTotal Permit Fee Due
- BAKFranchise Tax
- BALUnclaimed Franchise Tax Credit
- BAMNet Franchise Tax Due
- BANFranchise Tax Penalty Due
- BAOTotal Franchise Tax Due
- BAPTotal Amount Due
- BAQOverpayment
- BARAmount to be Refunded
- BASGross In-State Receipts
- BATGross Receipts
- BAUOccupation Fee
- BAVTotal Assessed Value
- BAWTotal Value of All Property
- BAXValue of In-State Property
- BAYTotal Value of Out-of-State Property
- BAZTotal Par Value
- BBATotal Assessable Capital Stock
- BBBApportioned Value
- BBCEstimated In-State Real Property Value
- BBDPar Value of In-State Assets
- BBEIn-State Business Revenue
- BBFSubscription Price
- BBGValue of Authorized Shares
- BBHOrdinance Amount
- BBICapital for a Cooperative
- BBJDirectors Legal Obligation Debt
- BBKSilent Partner Capital
- BLDBridge Loan Not Deposited
- BOABorrower Advance
- BORBorrowed Amount
- BTRBetterment
- BXPBills of Exchange Payable
- CDCClean-up Costs Associated with Deficiency
- CJLCollections, Judgments, and Liens
- COACorporate Assets
- CPOClosing Costs Paid by Any Other Party Other Than Seller or Buyer
- CPSClosing Costs Paid by Seller
- CRCContainer Replacement Cost
- CRLContainer Replacement Labor Cost
- CRMContainer Replacement Material Cost
- D4DDollar For Dollar Deductions
- DEIDelayed Interest
- DFADeferred Assets
- DLQDelinquent Taxes
- DPFDiscount Points Financed
- DPNDiscount Points Not Financed
- DPPDefaulted Tax Plan Payment
- DVPDevelopment Properties
- EAAAdministrative Expenses
- EABAir Travel Expenses
- EACAmount Forgiven
- EADAmount Guaranteed
- EAEAmount Over Fair Market Value
- EAFAmount Owed
- EAGAmount Payable
- EAHAmount Raised
- EAIAmount Received
- EAJAmount Refunded
- EAKAmount Rescinded
- EALAnonymous Contribution
- EAMBalance Owed
- EANBank Charges
- EAOBank Loan
- EAPBrochure Expenses
- EAQBus Travel Expenses
- EARConsultant Expenses
- EASCorrected Amount
- EATDisability Expenses
- EAUDisposed Amount
- EAVDraw Amount
- EAWElection Expenses
- EAXEndorsement Amount
- EAYEntertainment Expenses
- EAZExcess Expenses
- EBAExpected Expenditure Amount
- EBBExpenditure Amount
- EBCFamily Care Expenses
- EBDFederal Share Amount
- EBEFiling Fee
- EBGIn-Kind Contribution
- EBHIncurred Amount
- EBILoan Amount Plus Interest
- EBJLoan Balance
- EBKMatching Contribution
- EBLMeeting Expenses
- EBMMiscellaneous Income
- EBNMiscellaneous Receipts
- EBONew Loan Amount
- EBPNew Unpaid Expenditure
- EBQNewsletter Expenses
- EBRNewspaper Advertising Expenses
- EBSNomination Expenses
- EBTNon-Federal Share
- EBUOffice Expenses
- EBVOffice Rental
- EBWOriginal Asset Value
- EBXOriginal Loan Amount
- EBYParty Expenses
- EBZPayment
- ECAPersonal Expenses
- ECBPersonal Funds
- ECCPledged Amount
- ECDPostage Expenses
- ECEPrinting Expenses
- ECFPublic Funds
- ECGRadio Advertising Expenses
- ECHReimbursed Amount
- ECIReported Amount
- ECJRetainer
- ECKSign Expenses
- ECLSub-Contract Value
- ECMTax Receipts
- ECNTaxi Travel Expenses
- ECOTelecommunication Expenses
- ECPTelevision Advertising Expenses
- ECQUnpaid Expenditure
- ECRUtilities Expenses
- ECSTotal
- ECTSubtotal
- ECUGrand Total
- ECVIncidental Expenses
- ECWTransportation Expenses
- ECXGift Value
- ECYFood and Refreshments
- ECZPolling Expenses
- ED4Tuition and Required Fees
- EDBBooks and Supplies
- EIPMaintenance Expense on Income Producing Property
- ELTElectroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Adjustment
- ENPMaintenance Expense on Non-Income Producing Property
- ENTEntitlement Amount
- ERNEarnest Money
- ETDEver To Date (ETD) Claim Loss
- EXCExploration Costs
- FARFederal Housing Administration (FHA) Appraiser Required Repairs and Improvements
- FBAFinal Balance
- FLAFirst Lien Advance
- FOAForeign Assets
- GARGarnishments
- GATAnnual Tax
- GCBCorrected Tax Bill
- GCLGross Claim
- GFDGifts Not Deposited
- GFTGift Amount
- GRCGross Contribution
- GRDGrants Not Deposited
- GRRGross Restoration
- GRTGrant Amount
- GSPGood Standing Tax Plan Payment
- GTSTotal Supplemental Tax Due
- GUITax Installment Due
- GUPTax Installment Paid
- GUSTotal Supplemental Tax Paid
- HDAHome Equity Line of Credit Draw Amount
- HEMHemophilia Adjustment
- HOAHead Office Account
- HZCHazardous Clean-up Cost
- IBLInter-Bank Loans
- INBInstallment Balance After the Current Installment is Applied
- IPDInterest per Diem
- ISSInterest Since Claim Submission
- IVPInvestment Property
- LDRLand Rights
- LOWLower Fund
- LPCTotal Subject Property Liens Paid by Closing
- LPFLease Purchase Funds
- LPYLease Payments
- LSPTotal Liabilities to be Paid at Closing Not Including Subject Property Liens
- LSTLoss on Sale Of Property
- MADMiscellaneous Adjustment
- MMAModified Mortgage Amount
- NBFNet Benefit
- NBONet Worth of Business Owned
- NCTNet Contribution
- NPPNo Tax Plan Payment
- NRENet Restoration Expenses
- NTANew Technology Adjustment
- OEQOffice Equipment
- OLAOther Liability Amounts
- OUTInpatient Outlier Adjustment
- PADPolicy Advance
- PANPenalty and Interest
- PBGProfit (Loss) Before Grants
- PCAProcessing Allowance
- PCCPrior Contract Cost Basis
- PCPPrevious Claim Payments
- PCSPrior Contract Surrender Charge
- PCVPrior Contract Value
- PEXProfit (Loss) after Extraordinary Items and Tax
- PGRProposed Gross Rent for the Subject Property
- PPNPending Net Sale Proceeds from Non-Real Estate Assets
- PPRPending Net Sale Proceeds from Real Estate Assets
- PRDProperty Damage
- PRLPartial Payroll Payment
- RPCRepackaging Cost
- SAASystem Adjusted Amount
- SAGSurplus (Deficit) after Grant
- SALSalvage
- SFDSecured Borrowed Funds Not Deposited
- SOFSetoff
- SSCShares in Subsidiary Companies
- TBCTotal Buyer Closing Costs
- TCSTotal Commission from Primary and Secondary Sources
- TDATotal Depository Accounts
- TENTotal Maintenance Expense on All Non-Income Producing Properties
- TEPTotal Maintenance Expense on All Income Producing Properties
- TGDTotal Gifts Not Deposited
- TISTotal Self-employed Income from Primary and Secondary Sources
- TLATotal Other Liquid Assets
- TLVTotal Life Insurance Net Cash Value
- TMMTotal Monetary Markup Amount
- TOLTotal Omitted Liabilities
- TPATotal Previous Adjusted Claim
- TPRTotal Net Proceeds from Real Estate Assets
- TPSTotal Paid as Submitted
- TRFTotal Retirement Funds
- TRITotal Non-rental Income
- TRLTotal Resubordinated Liabilities
- TRPTotal Liabilities for Rental Properties
- TSBTotal Stocks and Bonds
- U8LTax Payment Refinanced by Same Lender
- UAAUser Adjusted Amount
- UEPUpdated Expenses on Presale
- UFDUnsecured Borrowed Funds Not Deposited
- UHIUnsecured Home Improvements
- UIPUpdated Interest on Presale
- UNKUnknown Tax Plan Payment
- UPFUpper Fund
- VESVested/Earned Upper Fund
- VSIValue of Securities at Issue Date
- VSMValue of Securities at Maturity
Code identifying type of special charge or allowance
Codes (1116)- 100Airport Terminal Handling Charge
- 105Acknowledgment of Delivery Fee (AOD)
- 110Amending Export Documentation
- 115Assembly Fee
- 120Banking Drafts
- 135Cables (sending of)
- 140Call Tag
- 145Canadian C.Q.Customs Clearance
- 150Canadian Currency Exchange
- 155Canadian Import Termination Fee
- 160Canadian Reconsignment Fee
- 165Canadian Remanifest Fee
- 170Certificate of Origin
- 175Certificate of Registration
- 180Chamber of Commerce Service Charge
- 185Change of Airbill - Service Fee
- 186Chemical Milling Charge
- 190City Terminal Charge
- 205Collect Surcharge
- 210Constant Surveillance Service
- 215Consular Legalization Service
- 220Consularization Fee
- 225Constant Surveillance Service - Armed
- 230Credit
- 235Customer Account Identification
- 240Customs Broker Fee
- 245Customs Invoice
- 250Customs Invoice - Additional Page
- 255Data/Drawing Charge
- 260Delivery Surcharge
- 265Development Charge
- 270Discount - Drop Box/Convenience Ctr.
- 275Discount - Incentive
- 280Discount - Multiple Shipment
- 285Discount - Service Option (Delivery)
- 290Discount - Service Option (Pickup)
- 295Discount - Special
- 297Contingency Credit Charge
- 300Distribution Fee
- 310Dry Ice
- 315Duty Charge
- 320Endorsement Fee
- 325Eur1 Presentation Fee
- 335Excise Tax - Destination
- 340Excise Tax - Origin
- 345Expedited One Day Consular Service
- 350Expedited Shipments
- 355Extra Copies and Mailings
- 360Export Customs Clearance
- 365Export Declarations - Automated
- 370Export Declarations - U.S. Shippers
- 375Export License Application
- 380Extra Service - Counter-to-Counter
- 385Facsimile Charges
- 390Facsimile Charges - Additional Pages
- 392Failed Lamp Panel Charge
- 393First Article Charge
- 395Free Domicile Shipment Processing
- 400Freight
- 405Fuel Surcharge
- 410Government Warehouse Fee - Destination
- 415Government Warehouse Fee - Origin
- 416Grain Flow Charge
- 420Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - Domestic
- 425Hazardous Materials Handling Fee - International
- 426Heat Treat Charge
- 430IATA Airbill Preparation
- 435IATA Fee
- 440Import Service Fee
- 445Insurance Fee
- 450Inland Transportation
- 455Insurance Premium
- 460International Door-to-Door Handling Fee
- 462Incorrect Billing Account Charge
- 465Italian Release Charge
- 470Letter of Credit Processing
- 475Mailing - Postage Cost
- 480Mailing - Service Fee
- 485Messenger Service
- 490Minimum Air Transportation Charge
- 495Miscellaneous - Destination
- 500Miscellaneous - Origin
- 505Missing Account NBR Charge
- 510Offshore - Alaska/Hawaii
- 515On Hand Service
- 520Oversized Premium
- 525Passing Shippers Export Entry
- 535Pickup - Out of Area
- 540Pickup Surcharge
- 545Pre-Positioned Inventory Service
- 550Preparation of Air Waybill - Origin
- 555Preparation of Canadian Customs Invoice
- 560Preparation of Commercial Invoice
- 565Preparation of Export Entry
- 570Preparation of Insurance Certificate
- 580Priority Service
- 585Preparation of U.S. Export Documentation
- 586Processing Charge
- 590Rebilled Drayage - Destination
- 593Re-Bill Charge
- 595Proforma Invoice
- 600Recipient Address Correction
- 605Rebilled Drayage - Origin
- 610Record/Filing
- 615Recovery Fee
- 620Recrating/Recoopering - Destination
- 625Recrating/Recoopering - Origin
- 635Registration of Export Shipments
- 640Registration of Export for Reentry
- 641Reliability Charge
- 645Restricted Article Fee
- 650Repickup
- 665Saturday Delivery
- 670Saturday Pickup
- 675Security Signature Service
- 680Service Upgrade
- 685Special Delivery
- 690Special Handling Service
- 695Special Pickup
- 696Special Test Equipment Charge
- 697Special Tooling Charge
- 700Special Vehicle Rent
- 705Stamp Fee
- 706Straightening Charge
- 720Telephone - Destination
- 725Telephone - Origin
- 730Terminal Service Fee
- 731Test/Qualification Charge
- 732Tooling Rework Charge
- 735Tracing Inbound Via Other Carriers
- 736Tracing Service Fee
- 740Transfer of Lading Charge
- 745Valuation Fee
- 750Value Added Tax (VAT)
- 760Waybill and Invoice Distribution
- 761Written Proof of Delivery
- 762X-ray Charge
- 763Auto Towing Charge
- 764Late Return Charge
- 765One Way Drop Off Charge
- 766Business Center Charge
- 767Gift Shop Charge
- 768Health Club Charge
- 769Laundry and Dry Cleaning Charge
- 770In-room Mini-bar Charge
- 771In-room Movie Charge
- 772Passenger Facility Charge
- 773Prepaid Expenses
- 999Other (See related description)
- 000Pump Out Charge
- 002Renewal
- 003Account Number Correction Charge
- 004Dividend
- 005Activation of Carnet
- 006Overpayment
- 007Suspense
- 008Balance Forward
- 009Dividend Interest
- 010Add on - Destination
- 011Loan Interest
- 012Premium Waiver
- 015Add on - Origin
- 016Dividend Adjustment
- 017Interest
- 020Address Correction
- 025Advance Destination Amount
- 026Integrated Business Services (IBS) Service Charge
- 027Special Packaging
- 028Box Liners
- 029Product Personalization
- 030Advance Destination Fee
- 031Tape Charges
- 032Subject to Tax
- 035Advance Origin Amount
- 040Advance Origin Fee
- 045Advance Fee
- 050Agent Disbursement - Destination
- 055Agent Disbursement Fee - Destination
- 060Agent Disbursement - Origin
- 065Agent Disbursement Fee - Origin
- 070Air Export Certificate
- 075Air Express Charge
- 080Air Transportation Charge
- 085Airline Opening Fee
- 090Airport Tax - Destination
- 095Airport Tax - Origin
- AAAAdvertising Allowance
- AAJAdjustments
- AAMAdditional Material
- AANAllowance Non-performance
- AAOAllowance Advance
- AASAttendants Accompanying
- AATHandling Charge Tax
- ABCAlcoholic Beverage Report Charge
- ABLAttachments to Bill of Lading Charge
- ACDAllegheny County, PA Delivery Charge
- ACFAccess Charge - Federal
- ACHAccess Charges
- ACLActual Labor Charge
- ACSAccess Charge - State
- ADHAdvance Charges Handling
- ADLAdvance Loading Charge
- ADVAdvances
- AFBAdditional Copies of Freight Bill
- AFCCollect on Delivery Alteration Charge
- AFNAircraft Ordered But Not Used
- AGSArmed Guard Service
- AIBAdditional Injection/Blending Service Charge
- AICAir Freight - Consolidation
- AIRAir Freight
- ALCAdvance Lading Charge
- ALPUse of Alternate Port
- AMBAdjustment for Maximum Charges Billing
- AMCAbsolute Minimum Charge
- AMPAdjustment for Minimum Average Time Requirement Billing
- ANBAdjustment for Minimum Charges Billing
- ANCAnchoring and Unanchoring
- ANSAnodizing Charge
- APLAppliance Servicing
- APTAppointment (Notification)
- ARBArbitrary (In Addition to Through Rates and Charges)
- ARCAir Conditioning Disconnect and Connect
- ARGRail Armed Guard Service
- ARRAir Ride Tractor Service Charge
- ASCAssembly Charge
- ATDAttempted Delivery
- ATPAttempted Pickup
- AUXAuxiliary Service
- AVAAd Valorem
- BAABeaming Charge
- BABBrokerage or Duty
- BACBuyers Car Allowance
- BADBad Debt
- BAFBoth-Flat
- BAPBroken Package Charge
- BASBase Charge
- BBKBreak Bulk Surface Charge
- BCFBorder Crossing Fee
- BDXBordeaux Arbitraries
- BEYBeyond Freight Charges
- BFDBedding/Feeding/Disinfecting
- BKABulky Article
- BLABill of Lading Attendancy
- BLCBill of Lading Charge
- BLDBilled Demand
- BLKBlocking and Bracing Charge
- BLWBlower Charge
- BNDBond Charges
- BOBBobtail Charges
- BOPBop Sheet Charge
- BRABasic Reorder Allowance
- BRDBridge Toll
- BRGAqua Train
- BSCBunker Surcharge
- BSSBroker Selection Surcharge
- BTCBi-level, Tri-level Charges
- BU2Bunker Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
- BU4Bunker Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
- BUABunker Adjustment
- BURBureau Report Charge
- BYDBeyond Charge
- CA1Currency Adjustment - Break Bulk
- CA2Currency Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
- CA4Currency Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
- CAACancellation Charge
- CACCash Discount
- CADCertification Fee
- CAECo-manufacturing Discount
- CAFCompetitive Allowance
- CAGCompetitive Car Allowance
- CAHCompressor Charge
- CAJCrafting
- CAKCustomer Equipment Allowance
- CALCutting Charge
- CAOCo-op Credit
- CAPCar Loading
- CAQContract Escalation
- CARCar Rental
- CASContainer Deposits
- CAVContract Allowance
- CAWCooperative Advertising/Merchandising Allowance (Performance)
- CAZClaims Commercial Auto Report Charge
- CBLCopy of Bill of Lading Charge
- CBOCents Off
- CBPCompetitive Price
- CBRCarrier
- CBWContainer Allowance
- CBXCity Sales Tax (Only)
- CCACarrier Credit Allowance
- CCHCertification Charge
- CCPClaims Commercial Property Report Charge
- CCRConcession Credit
- CCSCarrier Caboose Charge
- CDACarrier Debit Allowance
- CDDCorrosion Additive Service Charge
- CDFCancelled Order, Heavy Duty Flatcar
- CDRCopy of Delivery Receipt Charge
- CERContainer Service Charge UK/EUR
- CFCCustoms Fees - Container Level
- CFLCustoms Fees - Lift Level
- CGCCarrier Guard Car Charge
- CGLCanada Great Lakes Additionals
- CGRReturn Carrier Guard Car Charge
- CGTCargo Taxes
- CHEChassis Equipment Lease Charge
- CHGCharges Forward/Advance Charge
- CHNChain and Binders
- CIRSpecial Circus Trains
- CISConstant Surveillance
- CLCChicago Loop Charge
- CLDContainer Loss/Damage
- CLNCleaning Charge
- CLSContainer Leasing
- CMCConcession Money
- CMFCity maintenance fee
- CMIContinuous Mileage
- CMPCamp Arbitrary
- CNSConsolidation
- CNVConverting
- COACommission Amount
- COCConnect Charge
- CODCOD Amount
- COFOcean Freight
- COLFee for Collecting COD Charge
- COMCombination
- CONCongestion Surcharge
- COPPort Changes
- CORCore Charge
- COUConsignee Unload
- CPAClaims Personal Auto Report Charge
- CPCCopilot Service Charge
- CPEComputer Processing Expense
- CPPClaims Personal Property Report Charge
- CRACost recovery/adjustment
- CRDCrane at Destination
- CRFCost Recovery Factor
- CROCrane at Origin
- CRPCourt Reporter Charge
- CRRCredit Report Charge
- CRSCourier Services
- CSAClosing & Sealing
- CSCContract Service Charge
- CSECustoms Entry
- CSFCustoms Formalities
- CSPGovernment Caboose Charge
- CSRConservation research fee
- CSTCassette
- CTAContainer/Trailer Allowance
- CTCContainer Service Charge USA/Canada
- CTDCustomer Required Special Truck at Destination
- CTECourt or Trial Expense
- CTFChassis Transfer
- CTGCartage Charge
- CTLControlled Atmosphere
- CTOCustomer Required Special Truck at Origin
- CTRCircuitous Routing Charge
- CTXCustoms Exams (Intensive, Tailgate)
- CUACurrency Adjustment
- CUDCurrency Discount
- CUFCurrency Adjustment Factor
- CUPCustomer Paid Deductible
- CUSCustoms Charge
- DAADeficit Freight
- DABDeposit
- DACDistributor Discount/Allowance
- DADDrum Up Charge
- DAMDamaged Merchandise
- DBDDockage - Boat Detention
- DBLDouble Wide Separate and Reassemble
- DBPDelivery of Fuel from Barge to Pipeline Charge
- DCDDedicated Switch Engine Crew at Destination
- DCEDamage to Carrier Equipment
- DCODedicated Switch Engine Crew at Origin
- DCSDisconnect charge
- DCTCity Delivery
- DCVDamage to Carrier Vessel
- DDADefective Allowance
- DDCDrum Cost
- DDDDrum Deposit
- DDFDowel Pin Charge
- DDNDual Driver with National Agency Check
- DDPDual Driver Protectice Service
- DDSDeaf and Disabled Surcharge
- DDZDrayage at Port of Debarkation (Zone Rate)
- DEADemurrage - Average Agreement
- DEBDetention: Vehicle with Power Unit (Bulk Petroleum Product Shipments)
- DEDDeductible
- DELDelivery Charge
- DEMDemurrage
- DEPDetention of Power Units
- DERDerrick Charge
- DESDemurrage - Special
- DETDetention of Trailers
- DEVTexas Rail Commission Deviation Charge
- DEWDetention Without Power Unit
- DEZDrayage at Port of Embarkation (Zone Rate)
- DFDKeep from Freezing Percent Differential
- DFM410 Dromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices Charge
- DFS410 Dromedary
- DFWDelay Furnishing Destination Weights
- DGEDamage to Government Equipment
- DGSDangerous Goods Surcharge
- DICDiversion Charge
- DIRDirect Repair
- DISDistribution Service
- DIVDiversion and Reconsignment
- DLHDrayage/Line Haul
- DLPDelivery of Fuel from Rail Tank Car to Pipeline Charge
- DMCDeadhead Mileage Charge
- DMDDemand charge
- DNADunnage Allowance
- DOCDocumentation Charge
- DONDeposit in Lieu of Order
- DOVContainer Diversion
- DPBDelivery of Fuel from Pipeline to Barge Charge
- DPDDrayage at Port of Debarkation
- DPEDrayage at Port of Embarkation
- DPLDelivery of Fuel from Pipeline to Rail Tank Car Charge
- DPRDepreciation
- DPTDelivery of Fuel from Pipeline to Tank Truck or Trailer Charge
- DPUDetention with Power Units (30 minute periods) Charge
- DRCDrayage
- DRPDeramping
- DRVDriver License Record Report Charge
- DRYDryer Charge
- DSCDiscount
- DSFDetention - Special Type Flat Car
- DSMDromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices Charge
- DSRDromedary Service Charge
- DSTContainer Destuffing
- DTADiversion to Air Charge
- DTBDetention (Labor)
- DTCDestination Charge
- DTDDestination Duty
- DTFDestination Inland Freight
- DTLDetention Loading
- DTNPower Detention at Unloading
- DTOPower Detention at Loading
- DTPDelivery of Fuel from Tank Truck or Trailer to Pipeline Charge
- DTQTrailer Detention at Loading
- DTRTrailer Detention at Unloading
- DTUDetention Unloading
- DTVDetention (Vehicle)
- DWCDriver's Wages
- DWPDetention with Power Units (60 minute periods) Charge
- EACExchange Access Credit
- EAXExtra Axles
- EBDExhibition Delivery Charge
- EBPExhibition Pickup Charge
- ECCWill Call Charge
- ECREscort/Courier Service Charge
- ECSEmpty Railcar Ordered But Not Used Charge
- EDDEquipment Hose at Destination Charge
- EDOEquipment Hose at Origin Charge
- EEAEarly Buy Allowance
- EEBEarly Payment Allowance
- EECEscalation
- EEFExpediting Fee
- EEGOne Time Engineering Charge
- EEHEngineering Charge
- EEPExpediting Premium
- EEXExport Shipping Charge
- EGDDedicated Switch Engine at Destination
- EGODedicated Switch Engine at Origin
- EICExport/Import Charge
- ELSExtra Lights
- EMREmergency Response Service
- EMSEmergency Surcharge
- EMTEmpty Movement
- ENCEnergy charge
- ENSEnergy Surcharge (Fuel Adjustment Factor)
- EPCEmergency Port Charge
- EPSEnvironmental Protection Service
- ERSEmpty Return
- ERTSatisfactory Service Standards Charge
- ESAEarly Ship Allowance
- ESCEmergency Service
- ESDEstimated Customs Duty (Dutypaid - Charge)
- ESEExternal Service Expense
- ETREmpty Trailer Returned Charge
- EUCEuropean Port Charges
- EVCExcessive Value Charge
- EXCExclusive Use Charge
- EXDExtra Driver
- EXLExtra Length
- EXMExcess Mileage Charge
- EXPExpedited Service Charge
- EXSExcess Periods
- EXWExcess Weight
- EXZExpando Remove and Install
- FABF.E.T. Federal Excise Tax
- FACF.E.T. (Percent)
- FADF.E.T. (Dollar Value)
- FAEFabrication Charge
- FAFF.E.T. Tires
- FAGFreight Equalization
- FAHFreight Surcharge
- FAKBarge Freight All Kinds Service
- FBDFreight, Based on Dollar Minimum
- FCBFreight Charges to Border
- FCDFreight Charges to Destination
- FCIFreight Charges Inbound and Outbound
- FCSFurnishing Chassis
- FDDFlat Deck Delivery
- FDLFood and Lodging
- FDSFinancial Document Surcharge
- FFCFuel Filters Furnished by Carrier Charge
- FFIFinance Charge
- FFLFreshness/Leaker Allowance
- FFNSpecial Finish Charge
- FFPFreight Passthrough
- FFRFlat Rate
- FFSFuel Filters Furnished by Shipper Charge
- FIRFire Report
- FLSFlatrack Surcharge
- FLTFerry Service
- FMRForeign Military Sales (FMS) Rental
- FMSForeign Military Sales (FMS) Special Charge
- FRCFranchise fee
- FTCFederal Transfer Surcharge
- FTRFiltration Service Charge
- FUEFuel Charge
- FWAForwarding Agent Commission
- FWCForwarding Charge
- FXETexas Rail Commission Fixed Charge
- GARGarment District
- GATGate Inspection Charge (Intermodal)
- GDRGrain Doors
- GGAGlaze Allowance
- GGFGold Factor
- GKTGasket
- GMSGarment Surcharge
- GOCGovernment-owned Containers
- GPDGulf Port Delivery Charge
- GRDGroupage Discount
- GRSGross Receipts Surcharge
- GSPGovernment Guard Car Charge
- GSSGreater Security Service
- GSTGoods and Services Tax Charge
- HANHandling Charges on Distribution Freight Forwarded Beyond
- HAZHazardous Cargo Charge
- HBDHarbor Dues
- HDFHeavy Duty Flat Car Charge
- HDGHolding Charge
- HDHShipment Holdover Charge for Holidays
- HDWShipment Holdover Charge for Weekends
- HETHeat in Transit Charges
- HFAHandling Freight At Positions Not Immediately Adjacent To Vehicle Charge
- HHAHauling and Hoisting to be Direct Billed
- HHBHandling
- HHGHousehold Goods Pickup or Delivery
- HICHighway Interchange
- HLFHome Line Freight Charge
- HMAAccessible Hazardous Material
- HMIInaccessible Hazardous Material
- HOCHook-up charge
- HOLSunday or Holiday Pickup or Delivery
- HOSHose Charge
- HOXHose Charge Special
- HRSHeater or Refrigeration
- HSCHigh Security Red In-bond Seal Charge
- HULHeavy Lift
- HZCHazardous Materials Surcharge Charge
- HZDHazardous Cargo on Deck
- HZSHazardous Storage
- IAAIndustry Price Allowance
- IABIncome Freight (Manufacturing to Shipping Point)
- IACInspection Fee
- ICECooling Service
- IDCIdler Car Charge
- IDDImproper Documentation
- IDLInside Delivery
- IDPInterdivision Profit
- IFCInbound Freight Charges
- IHTInterstate/Highway Toll
- IIAInvoice Adjustment
- IIHIcing Inhibitor Charge
- IIPItem Percentage
- IIUItem-Unit
- ILDIsland Delivery Charge
- ILFInitial License Fee
- ILPIsland Pickup Charge
- IMPImpactographs
- IMSIntermodal Shipment Service Charge
- INCInsurance Surcharge
- INLInspector Requested for Loading
- INPInterplant Charge
- INRInterest on refund
- INSInsurance
- INTInterpreter Expense
- IPCIntra-plant Charge
- IPUInside Pickup
- IRAIrish Arbitraries
- ISDInterest on security deposit
- ISOIntermodal Storage (Origin)
- ISTIntermodal Storage (Destination)
- ITCInsulated Tank Charge
- ITSInterline Transfer Charge
- JSTJunction Settlement Charge
- KITGlass Kit
- LAALabor Charges
- LABExtra Labor (Helper Service)
- LACLading Adjustment Charge
- LADLabor (Repair and Return Orders)
- LAEOne-Time License Fee
- LALLabor Adjustment Allowance
- LASCommingling/Loss Allowance Charge
- LATLicense and Title
- LAYLayover Charges
- LBRLight Bar Service Charge
- LC2Land Currency Adjustment Factor - 20 Foot Container
- LC4Land Currency Adjustment Factor - 40 Foot Container
- LCGLate Order Charge
- LCLPercent Differential - Less than Container
- LCRLabor Cost of Removal
- LDALoading Allowance
- LDGLoading
- LDLUnloading Allowance
- LDSLocomotive Delayed in Switching Service
- LECLess than Container
- LFCLift Charge (Intermodal)
- LFDLinehaul from Port of Debarkation
- LFTLift Gate (Truck) or Forklift Service at Pickup/Delivery
- LGDLodging
- LHSLinehaul Service
- LIDRecurring License Fee
- LIELiability of Carrier Charge
- LLBLimited Liability
- LLCLot Charge
- LLDLead Factor
- LLFLoan Fee
- LLSLocal Sales Tax (All Applicable Sales Taxes by Taxing Authorities Below the State Level)
- LMCLabor, Modify
- LMDLiner Terms at Port of Debarkation
- LMELiner Terms at Port of Embarkation
- LNTLabor, No Trouble Found
- LOALoading (Labor Charges)
- LOCLocal Delivery/Drayage
- LPCLate payment charge
- LPDLinehaul Percent Differential
- LPFLaboratory Pack Fee
- LQDLiquidated Damages
- LSCLabor Service
- LSHLashing
- LSSLifeline Surcharge
- LTCLabor, Test and Calibrate
- LTELinehaul to Port of Embarkation
- LUBLubricant Charge
- LUPLocomotive Under Own Power
- LUSLeaking underground storage tax (LUST)
- LYCLayover Service Charge
- MAAMetals Surcharge
- MABMileage or Travel
- MACMileage Fee (For Repair and Return)
- MADMinimum Order/Minimum Billing Charge
- MAEMonthly Rental
- MARMarriage Rule
- MATModified Atmosphere
- MCCMachining Charge
- MDGMolding
- MDMMount/Demount
- MEAMeals or Lodging Charge
- MENEscort Service with Overnight Subsistence
- MESEscort Service
- METEscort Service (Telephone)
- MFCManifest Charge
- MFGManufacturing
- MGAMessage Rate Adjustment
- MGCMessage Charge
- MICMinimum Charge
- MILSpecial Mileage Movements
- MINMinimum Guarantee
- MKUMarkup Charge
- MLBMinimum Bill of Lading Charge
- MLSMeals
- MMCMinimum/Maximum Charge
- MMFMill Freight
- MMSMarket Development Funds
- MMTMetropolitan Transit Tax
- MNCNotify Consignee
- MNSMotor Surveillance Service
- MPCMiscellaneous Parts Charge
- MRKMarking or Tagging Charge
- MRPMedical Report Charge
- MSCOther Accessorial Service Charge
- MSGMiscellaneous Charge
- MTRMeter Charge
- MUSMunicipal Surcharge
- MVRMotor Vehicle Report (MVR) Charge
- MVSSpecial Motor Surveillance Charge
- MVTVenting Instructions
- NAANon Generated Freight
- NABNew Store Allowance
- NALNozzle Charge
- NCHOrder Notify Charge
- NDANext Day Air Service
- NDSNon-document Surcharge
- NFYCarrier Notification Charge
- NHBN.H.D. Wharfage
- NSDNew Store Discount
- NWDNew Warehouse Discount
- NYDNew York Delivery Charge
- NYPNew York Pickup Charge
- OAAO.T.O. Charge
- OABOverrun Charge
- OACOvertime Loading
- OCHOcean Charges - Hazardous
- OCNOver Height Container
- OCPOn Call Pickup Service
- ODFCollect on Delivery Deletion Charge
- OFROfficial Report Charge
- OFUFumigation
- ONCOn Carriage
- OOCOption Charge (Color Fabric Office Furniture)
- OODOn Deck Break Bulk Differential
- OOFOrder-Flat
- OPCOptional Charge
- ORCOperator Credit
- ORMOut of Route Miles
- ORSReceipt/Issue Overtime Normal Business Hours Charge
- OSCOutside Charge
- OSOOptional Software Support for Operational Support Systems
- OSSOptional Software Support for Switching Systems
- OUTOut of Zone Pickup or Delivery
- OVNOvernight Service
- OVROver Dimension
- OWCOver Width Container
- PAAPercent of Product
- PACPump Air Charge
- PADPremium Charge
- PAEPremium Transportation
- PAFPrice Deviation
- PAGProfessional Fees
- PAHPromotional Allowance
- PAIPromotional Discount
- PAJPump Charge
- PAKPreparation and Delivery
- PALParts Adjustment Allowance
- PARParts Charge
- PATPriced Parts Charge
- PAVPickup of Shipments on Saturday, Sunday, and/or Holidays Requiring Absolute Next Day Delivery Charge
- PBAPrior billing amount
- PBEPermits Bonds Escort Attendant
- PBLPier Charges Other Than Wharfage
- PCHProtective Service Charge
- PCTCity Pickup
- PDBPrior Delivery Of Bill Charge
- PDCPreloading Charge
- PDSPickup and Delivery from Storage in Transit
- PDYPickup and Delivery Beyond Service Area Charge
- PECPallet Exchange Charge
- PENPenalty Charge
- PERPermit Charge
- PFAPower Factor Adjustment
- PHCPhotocopy
- PHGPhotographs
- PIRPier Pickup and/or Delivery
- PKSPacking Surcharge
- PLCInsurance Placement Cost Charge
- PLTPallets/Skids/Platforms
- PMCPrior Month Credit
- PMRPaint and Materials
- PMSPickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service Charge
- PMTPickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service and/or Delivery at a Specified Time Charge
- PMUNormal Pump Charge
- PMXSpecial Pump Charge
- PNAPrior Period Net Adjustment
- POCPiano/Organ Carry
- PODProof of Delivery
- POLPolice Report Charge
- POSPositioning at Origin
- PPCPer Pound Charge
- PPDPickup and Delivery Service for Perishables Charge
- PPHPer Item Charge
- PPIPick/Up Allowance
- PPMPrecious Metal Content
- PPNPallet Charge
- PPOPer Order Charge
- PPRPerformance Award
- PPSPlacement and/or Removal Charge
- PPTParish/County Sales Tax (only)
- PPUPrepaid Usage Allowance
- PRBPrior Balance
- PRCPre-carriage
- PRDPortable Ramps at Destination
- PREPre-carriage Excess
- PRKParking
- PRLPrelodge Charge
- PRMPremise Use
- PROPortable Ramps at Origin
- PRPPrior Period Rebook
- PRVPrior Period Reversal
- PSCProtective Service - Cold
- PSDPreparation of Special Documents
- PSGProtective Service Security with Armed Guards
- PSHProtective Service - Heat
- PSSProtective Service Security
- PSTPostage
- PTCTobacco Products Report Charge
- PTSProtective Tarp for Security Purposes
- PUCPickup Charge
- PUDPickup and Delivery
- PUKPack and Unpack
- PVBBonded Privately Owned Vehicle Charge
- PVDDetention of Privately Owned Vehicle Charge
- PVIInoperable Privately Owned Vehicle Charge
- PVLLoading/Unloading of Privately Owned Vehicle Charge
- PVPPrivately Owned Vehicle Processing
- PVSStop-offs for Privately Owned Vehicle Shipment Charge
- PVTPrivately Owned Vehicle in Truckaway Service Charge
- PWHPier Charges - Wharfage
- PWTPallet Allowance
- PYSPriority Service Charge
- QAAQuantity Surcharge
- QQDQuantity Discount
- RAARebate
- RABReclamation, Federal
- RACReclamation, State
- RADRecovery Allowance
- RAERedistribution Allowance
- RAFRental Deduction
- RAGRepack Charge
- RAHRetainer
- RAIResellers Discount
- RAJRestocking Charge
- RAKRoyalties
- RALRoll Rebate
- RAMRamping
- RCANo Return Credit Allowance
- RCBRepair at buyers expense charge
- RCCReconsignment Charge
- RCDReconsign Consignee Charge
- RCERepair at customer expense charge
- RCGRepair at government expense charge
- RCLRedelivery
- RCPRecoopering (at Owner's or Shipper's Expense)
- RCSReconnect charge
- RDCReconsign Delivery Charge
- RDFResearch & development fee
- RDHRailhead Handling
- RECReturn Cargo Charge
- REERegulatory Fee
- REFRefrigeration
- REGRegulatory tax
- RELRequested Labor Charge
- REPResidential Pickup
- REQRequest Via Canada
- RESResidential Delivery
- RETReturned Load
- RFDRefund
- RFMReefer Maintenance
- RGARegain Allowance
- RGCRegain Charge
- RHMRecurring Hardware Maintenance Charge
- RIDRiding Attendant Charge
- RIEReleased Value Charge in Excess of Carrier Maximum Liability Charge
- RISRail Inspection Service
- RLARetail Loss Allowance
- RLCRents and Leases
- RLQRelinquishment Charge
- RLSRelocation of Vehicle
- RMBRocky Mountain Bureau 583 Item 1100 Arbitrary Charge
- RMCReturn of Empty Container Charge
- RMDRefrigeration/Mechanical Detention
- RMPReturn Movement of Pallet Charge
- RMSRail Surveillance
- ROCRoll Out Adjustment
- RPCReduction Prepalletized Cargo
- RPDReefer Cargo Percent Differential
- RRCReel Cable
- RRDReel Deposit
- RRFRefurbishing Charge
- RRNRental Charge
- RRPRepair Charge
- RRRRegulatory required refund
- RSMRecurring Software Maintenance Charge
- RSPReshipment
- RSSRestricted Speeds
- RSTRespotting
- RSVReservations
- RTCRate Code
- SAASubject to Cooperative Advertising Allowance
- SABShipping and Handling
- SACService Charge (with Cash Discount)
- SADScrap Allowance
- SAEShrink-Wrap Charge
- SAFSpecial Credit
- SAGState Motor Fuel
- SAHStenciling Charge
- SAISuper Fund Excise Tax
- SAJSurcharge (Dollar Value)
- SAKSurcharge (Percentage)
- SAMStopcharge
- SANState Sales Charge
- SAPService Assistance Program Surcharge
- SASShipment Holdover on Weekends Charge
- SATSaturday Pickup or Delivery Charge
- SBCStandby Charge
- SBLSublet
- SCCSpecial Seal Charge
- SCDSpecial Containers
- SCGSmall Order Charge
- SCLScale Charge
- SCNSecond Day Service
- SCUScale Charge Unloading
- SDCSpecial Detention Charge
- SDLSplit Delivery
- SDSSpecial Dromedary Service
- SDWSecond Day Hundredweight Service
- SECSpecial Equipment Charge
- SEEStairs, Elevator, Excess Carry
- SEGSegregating (Sorting)
- SELSelf Unloader
- SEQShip Exact Quantity Charge
- SERService Charge
- SEVSecurity Escort Vehicle Service
- SFBSingle Factor Origination/Destination
- SFCStuffing Charge
- SFDSingle Factor Origination/Port of Debarkation
- SFESingle Factor Port of Embarkation/Destination
- SFTSpecial Train Movement
- SGLSingle Pickup
- SHHShipment Holdover on Holidays Charge
- SHLShipper Load
- SHSState Hazardous Substance Tax
- SHWShipment Holdover on Weekdays Charge
- SKTSkirting and Unskirting
- SLCStreet lamps charge
- SLPSlip Sheet Charge
- SMSState/Metropolitan Transit Authority Surcharge
- SNSSatellite Surveillance Service
- SNTShipment from Non-temp Storage
- SOCStop-off Charge
- SOPStop-off at Pier Charge
- SPASpecial Allowance
- SPBSpecial Buy
- SPCSpecial Permits
- SPDSpreader Charge
- SPLSpool Charge
- SPPSplit Pickup at Pier Charge
- SPSSpecial Freight Supplements
- SPTSpotting of Trailer
- SPUSplit Pickup
- SRGStorage
- SRSSurveying Routes
- SSASalvage
- SSBSuper Bag Charge
- SSCStripping, Sorting, and Consolidation
- SSFSingle Shipment Fee
- SSLSelect Charge
- SSOPole, Wood-service Charge
- SSPShipside Pickup
- SSRSafe Haven Secure Holding Refusal
- SSSSoftware Support Service
- SSTSales Tax (State and Local)
- SSUPole Lashing Equipment (PLE) Surcharge
- SSXSales and Use Tax
- STAConductivity/Anti-static Additive
- STCState Surcharge
- STDStop-off at Destination
- STFContainer Stuffing
- STGStandard Ground Service
- STLStandard Labor Charge
- STMSteaming Charge
- STOStowage Charge
- STPStopping in Transit
- STQStop-off at Origination
- STRStorage in Transit
- STWSpecial tooling rework charge
- SUCSpecial Use
- SUFSufferance Warehouse Charge (Export or Import)
- SUPSupervisor Charge
- SURSurcharge
- SVASingle Invoice Allowance
- SVLManual Surveillance of Shipment
- SVSStorage of Vehicles
- SWCSwitching Charge
- TAATelephone Charge
- TABTank Rental
- TACTemporary Allowance
- TADTax on Transportation
- TAETemporary Voluntary Allowance
- TAFTerminal Differential
- TAGTesting Charge
- TAHTool Charge
- TAITesting Allowance
- TAJTrade In
- TAKTransportation and Setup
- TALTruckload Discount
- TARTarping Charge
- TAXTax Charge
- TAYGovernmental Tax
- TCBTelegram Chargeback
- TCMTransportation Charge (Minimum Rate)
- TDTTruck Detention
- TERTerminal Charge
- TLCTrimming Charge
- TMSMulti-Tank Surveillance Service
- TMVTendering of Multiple Vehicles
- TOATotal Assessorial Charges
- TOCTOFC Service Charge
- TOWMotor Tow Away Service
- TPACarrier Equipment Pool Charge
- TPCThroughput Container Charge
- TPSThird-Party Service
- TRATravel Charge
- TRCTrailer Rental Charge
- TRETravel Expense
- TRFTransfer Charge
- TRMTermination
- TRNTransit
- TRPProcess in Transit Privilege
- TRSTransferred Charges
- TRUThruway Charge
- TSCTesting Services Charge
- TSLTechnical Assistance for Loading Rail Cars
- TSSTank Surveillance Service
- TSTTrack Storage
- TTATank Car Allowance
- TTBTransportation-Direct Billing
- TTDTrade Discount
- TTLLocal Tax
- TTMTax on Miscellaneous Charges
- TTPThird Party Allowance
- TTRThroughput Allowance
- TTSState Tax
- TTTTransportation - Third Party Billing
- TTUTire Repair and Replace
- TTVTransportation - Vendor Provided
- TURTurning Charge
- TWOTwo Door Pickup
- UBLCarrier to Unblock, Unbrace, and Untie
- UFCUnder Carriage Furnished By Carrier Charge
- UNDUnloading
- UNLUnloading (Labor Charges)
- UPDUsage Plan Detail Charge
- UPKUnpacking
- URCUnloading/Reloading Charge
- USFUse - Special Type Flat Car
- USVU.S. Vehicles
- USWUnabsorbed Switching
- UTLUtilities Disconnect and Connect
- UTPUse charge tooling/personnel
- UUCUp Charge
- UUMUnsalable Merchandise Allowance
- UUTUse Tax
- VAAVendor Freight
- VABVolume Discount
- VCLVan Cleaning
- VCRVoluntary contribution charge
- VEXExcess Mileage for Stop-off Delivery of Personal Vehicles Charge
- VFNVehicles Furnished But Not Used
- VISVehicles Inoperable
- VITVirgin Island Transfer Charge
- VORVehicle Ordered but Not Used
- VSOStop-off Delivery of Personal Vehicles Charge
- VTSVehicles in Truckway
- VVLVehicle Load Allowance
- VVPVehicle Prep Charge (courtesy delivery)
- WARWar Risk Surcharge
- WATWide Area Telephone Service (WATS) Usage Credit
- WBBWharfage - Breakbulk
- WCTWharfage - Container
- WDSWaterfront Delivery Charge
- WEAWeather Protection
- WEIWeighing Charge (Intermodal)
- WFGWharfage
- WFHWharfage & Handling
- WFTWasted/Futile Trip
- WHCWarehouse Charge
- WRBWar Risk Crew Bonus
- WRCLoad Weighing Charge
- WREEmpty Weighing Charge
- WRIWar Risk Insurance
- WSAWarehouse Allowance
- WTGWaiting Time
- WTMWaiting Time Service Charge
- WTVWeight Verification Charge
- WWCWharfage Charge
- Z01Protective Service Rule 25
- Z02Protective Service Rule 27
- Z03Protective Service Rule 37
- Z04Protective Service Rule 75
- Z05Protective Service Rule 95
- Z06Protective Service Rule 140
- Z07Protective Service Rule 160
- Z08Protective Service Rule 165
- Z09Protective Service Rule 500
- Z10Protective Service Rule 510
- Z11Protective Service Rule 518
- Z12Protective Service Rule 530
- Z13Protective Service Rule 531
- Z14Protective Service Rule 545
- Z15Protective Service Rule 565
- Z16Protective Service Rule 570
- Z17Protective Service Rule 580
- Z18Protective Service Rule 581
- Z19Protective Service Rule 705
- Z20Protective Service Rule 710
- Z21Protective Service Rule 711
- Z22Protective Service Rule 712
- Z23Protective Service Rule 716
- Z24Protective Service Rule 720
- Z25Protective Service Rule 725
- Z26Protective Service Rule 727
- Z27Protective Service Rule 735
- Z28Protective Service Rule 740
- Z29Protective Service Rule 760
- Z30Protective Service Rule 815
- Z31Quality Differential
- Z32Protective Service Rule 26
- Z33Protective Service Rule 715
- Z34Protective Service Rule 745
- Z35Protective Service Rule 755
- ZFFFirst Flight Out
- ZZZMutually Defined