X12 EDI Release 00504
To transmit information relative to containers available for release
Code (Standard Point Location) defined by National Motor Freight Tariff Association (NMFTA) or the Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) point development group as the official code assigned to a city or point (for ratemaking purposes) within a city
Code identifying type of location
Codes (184)- 10Nearest Cross Street
- 11Secondary Cross Street
- 12Range
- 13Section
- 14Quarter Section
- 18Marker Identifier Location
- 19Route
- 20Route Subdivision
- 21Grid Location
- 22Page
- 27Marker Type
- 28Latitude-Longitude Source
- 29Map Source
- 30Map Reference
- 31Grid Source
- 32Aliquot
- 33Block
- 34District
- 35Drainhole Number
- 36City Block
- 38Footage Call Direction
- 39Location Direction
- 40Outer Continental Lease Location
- 41Lot
- 42Map Quadrangle
- 43Principal Meridian
- 44Outer Continental Shelf Area
- 45Outer Continental Shelf Block
- 46Official Protraction Diagram
- 47Quarter Quarter Quarter Section
- 48Quarter Quarter Section
- 49Section Type
- 50Abstract
- 52Labor
- 53League
- 54Survey
- 55Tier
- 57Tract
- 58Universal Transverse Mercator Quadrant
- 59Course Direction
- 60Area
- 93Sender's Location Code
- 94Receiver's Location Code
- AJurisdiction to Receive Credit for Uniform Commercial Code Filing
- BTransmitting Utility
- CConsignor
- DCensus Schedule D
- EUniform Commercial Code Filing Office
- FCurrent Address
- GCensus Block Group
- HHome Address
- IHome Base Address
- JCensus Tract
- KCensus Schedule K
- LLocal Address
- MMailing Address
- OOffice Address
- PPermanent Address
- QBirthplace
- WWorldwide Geographic Location Code
- A1Office
- AAAnnual Statements Mailing Address
- ACCity and State
- APAll Points
- ARArmed Services Location Designation
- B1Branch
- BEBusiness Economic Area (BEA) Region Code
- BLGovernment Bill of Lading Office Code (GBLOC)
- BSPlace of Business
- C2Geopolitical Name Code
- CACountry of Origin
- CBConfirmation Mailing Address
- CCCountry
- CDCanada Customs Office Code
- CECorrespondence Mailing Address
- CGCongressional District
- CICity
- CLNational Rate Basis (NRB)
- CMConsolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA)
- COCounty/Parish and State
- CRIn Tank Car
- CSCanadian SPLC
- CYCounty/Parish
- DCDistribution Center Number
- DEDestination (Shipping)
- DLDelivery Location
- DODistrict Office
- DPDepartment
- DRDistrict of Residence
- DTDomicile Type Code
- EAEvent Location
- EBBorough
- ELEmployer Location
- FAFactory
- FEFreight Equalization Point
- FFForeign Freight Forwarder Location
- FIFederal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 55 (Named Populated Places)
- FRU.S. Custom's Facilities Information and Resource Management Systems (FIRMS)
- FSFreight Station Accounting Code
- FTForeign Trade Zone
- FVFree Alongside Vessel (Free On Board [F.O.B.] Point)
- GLFreight Station Geographic Location
- IAInternational Air Transport Association (IATA) Location Qualifier
- IBIssue Location
- IMMilitary Standard Movement Procedures (MILSTAMP)
- IPPostal
- ISIn Store
- ITIntermediate FOB Point
- KEPort of Embarkation
- KLPort of Loading
- KPGovernment Furnished Property FOB Point
- LOLocal Office
- MIMill
- MOMain Campus
- MSMetropolitan Sampling Area (MSA) Region Code
- MZMexican Postal Code
- NSCity/State from Points
- OAOrigin (After Loading on Equipment)
- OFOther Unlisted Free On Board (FOB) Point
- OLOpen and Prepay Station List Code(SCAC & Number)
- OPOther Unlisted Acceptance Point
- OROrigin (Shipping Point)
- OVOn Vessel (Free On Board [FOB] point)
- PAPort of Arrival
- PBPort of Discharge
- PCPolicy Mailing Address
- PDPlace of Delivery
- PEPort of Entry
- PFParents Address
- PGPrimary
- PHPrior Business
- PLPlant
- PMPrimary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA)
- POPrincipal Servicing Office
- PPPool Point
- PQ3 Digit U.S. ZIP
- PR4 Digit U.S. ZIP
- PS5 Digit U.S. ZIP
- PT3 Digit Canadian Postal Code
- PU6 Digit Canadian Postal Code
- RARate Area Code
- RCIn Rail Car
- RERegional Education Service Agency
- RGRegion Code
- RJRegion
- RLRural
- RSStandard Carrier Alpha Code
- RTRoute Administrative Message To
- SASecondary
- SBSuburban
- SCCity/State and Points Within
- SDSchool District
- SESummer
- SGStorage
- SHSchool Campus Code
- SNStore Number
- SPState/Province
- SSSchool
- STIn Storage Tank
- SWSwitching District
- TATank
- TCTranscontinental Freight Bureau
- TITribal Land
- TLTerminal Cargo Location
- TMTerminal
- TNTownship
- TPTemporary
- TRRail Territory
- TXTaxing District
- UNUnited Nations Location Code (UNLOCODE)
- URUrban
- UTBusiness Unit
- VAVacation
- VIVillage
- VSVessel Stowage Location
- WFWharf
- WHWarehouse
- WIWinter
- X1National Center for Education Statistics Locale Code
- ZNZone Code
- ZZMutually Defined
Code specifying extent of transportation service requested
Codes (21)- AAAirport-to-Airport
- AITransport Mode Change
- BBBreakbulk
- CSContainer Station
- CYContainer Yard
- DADoor-to-Airport of Debarkation
- DDDoor to Door
- DRDoor to Ramp
- HAHaulage
- HHHouse-to-house
- HLHeadload or Devanning
- HPHouse-to-pier
- LTLess than Trailer/Container Load
- MCMulti-country Consolidation
- MDMixed Delivery
- NCNon-containerized cargo
- PHPier-to-house
- PPPier-to-pier
- RDRamp to Door
- RERamp to Ramp
- RRRoll-on Roll-off