X12 EDI Release 00603
To provide information about a selected program
Code identifying a program type
Codes (45)- 11Single Family
- 13Multifamily Construction
- 14Multifamily Project
- 15Single Family Serial Note
- 20Concept Exploration
- 21Demonstration Validation
- 22Deployment
- 23Low Rate Initial Production
- 24Multiple
- 25Single
- 31Allowance
- 32Contract Price
- 33Equipment Agreement
- 34Growth
- 35Margin
- 36Mark-Up
- 37Merchandising
- 38Services Agreement
- 39Free-Goods
- 40Drop Size
- 41Fee Per Case
- 01Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E)
- 02Production
- 03Both RDT&E and Production
- 04Other
- 05Procurement
- 06Advanced Design
- 07Full Scale Development
- 08Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD)
- AQAdjustable Rate Mortgage with Off-Cycle Interest Charges
- ARAdjustable Rate Mortgages
- AZCustom Adjustable Rate Mortgage
- BDBuydowns
- CLConstruction Loan; Multifamily
- CSConstruction Loan with Split Interest Rate
- GAGrowing Equity Mortgage-Monthly Payments Increase 4% Annually Over the Life of the Loan
- GDGrowing Equity Mortgage-Monthly Payments Increase Annually at any Rate over the life of the Loan
- GPGraduated Payment Mortgage-Monthly Payments Increase Annually for no more than the first 5 years of the Mortgage
- GTGraduated Payment Mortgage-Monthly Payments Increase Annually for no more than the first 10 years of the Mortgage
- MHManufactured Housing
- PLProject Loan; Multifamily
- PNProject Loan with Non-Level Payments
- SFSingle Family Level Payment Mortgage
- SNSerial Notes
- SPStraight Pass-Through
Code indicating type of action
Codes (324)- 0Authorize
- 1Add
- 2Change (Update)
- 3Delete
- 4Verify
- 5Send
- 6Receive
- 7Request
- 8In Production Send
- 9Not Capable of Taking Action
- 10Adjourn
- 11Approve
- 12Auction
- 13Cleared
- 14Compose
- 15Correct and Resubmit Claim
- 16Consider
- 17Create
- 18Decide
- 19Declare
- 20Decree Recall
- 21Disapprove
- 22Dissolve
- 23Escalation
- 24On-Hold
- 25Dropped
- 26Bankruptcy Filed - Review Account
- 27Moved - Follow Up
- 28Change Phone Number
- 29Payment Received - Follow Up
- 30Account Active - Pursue
- 31Return per Client Request
- 32Pursue Legal Action
- 33Active
- 34Pursue Garnishment
- 35New Assignment - Proceed
- 36Repossess Merchandise
- 37Adjust Payment
- 38Change Address
- 39Skiptrace Account
- 40Close Account - Deceased
- 41Update to Inactive
- 42Account Paid in Full - Close Account
- 43Refused to Pay - Review Account
- 44Account Disputed - Review
- 45Do Not Contact - Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)
- 46Forward Account
- 47Enforce
- 48Extinguish
- 49Judgment for Defendant
- 50Judgment for Plaintiff
- 51Complete
- 52Justified
- 53Legal Moratorium on Debts Incurred to Date
- 54Meeting Held
- 55Meeting Held and Opened
- 56Moratorium
- 57Not Filed
- 58Not Justified
- 59Partial Release
- 60Provisional Moratorium
- 61Readjudicate
- 62Resolve
- 63Resulted in a Suit
- 64Resulted in No Liquidation
- 65Set Aside
- 66Settled out of Court
- 67Sold
- 68Stayed
- 69Subordination
- 70Surrender
- 71Term Expired
- 72Unsatisfied
- 73Void
- 74Suspended, 24 Hours
- 75Dispute
- 76Assign
- 77Agent Change
- 78Agent Hierarchy Change
- 79Reactivate
- 80Reconcile
- 81Renew
- 82Follow Up
- 83Future
- 84Letter of Authority Sent
- 85New Premium Only
- 86Pended for Follow Up
- 87Countersue
- 88Contact via Telephone Call
- 89Contact via Fax
- 90Mark
- 91In Progress
- 92Reconfirm
- 93Send Record at End of the Fall Term
- 94Send Record at End of the Winter Term
- 95Send Record at End of the Spring Term
- 96Send Record at End of the Summer Term
- 97Send Record at End of the Intersession Term
- AAdd A Bill of Lading
- BCancel Balance of Order/Item that Exceeds Value Specified in Data Element 610
- CCancelled
- DDelete a Bill of Lading
- EEliminate/Expire
- FFinal
- GCancel Entire Order/Item
- HMaster-In-Bond (MIB) Arrival
- IReissue
- JRecord
- KIn Production Send and Receive
- LIn Development/Send
- MIn Development/Receive
- NIn Development/Send and Receive
- OIn Test/Send
- PIn Test/Receive
- QIn Test/Send and Receive
- RIn Production Receive
- SRe-record
- TStatus Query
- UReject
- VRespond
- WReverse
- XRecommend
- YNot Recommend
- ZMutually Defined
- 00Authorize and Settle Combination
- A1Certified in total
- A2Certified - partial
- A3Not Certified
- A4Pended
- A5Upheld
- A6Modified
- A7Approved with Errors
- AAAward
- ABAbandon
- ACAcknowledge
- ADDecrease in Amount
- AEActivate
- AFAffirm
- AGAdded Commodity Codes
- AHAdded Equipment
- AIIncrease in Amount
- AJAdded Points Served
- ALAllow
- ANAnnual Location Reconciliation
- APAppeal
- AQAcquitted
- ARAdvanced Payment
- ASDiscovered
- ATAppoint
- AVCancellation Not Effected
- AWMass Cancellation
- AXPartial Cancellation
- BDBoard
- BEProducer Reporting Structure Change
- BFBackground Investigation
- BGLicense Request
- BHBook of Business Transfer
- BIBifurcate
- BJPrint Loan Application Only
- BKGuarantee Application Only
- BLGuarantee Before Sending Application
- BMReturn Loan Application with Certification Data
- BNGuarantee After Receiving Application
- BOUse Both Date and Meter Criteria
- C1Community Service Required
- C2Convicted
- CAChange Name
- CBCut
- CCConcur
- CDCompleted Docket (Proposer Only and on Current Docket)
- CECharge
- CFConfirm
- CGConditionally Grant
- CLClosed
- CMCommence
- CNConsolidated
- COCorrect
- CPCounter Proposal
- CRProcess Immediate, Critical
- CSTransfer of Claim for Security
- CTContact Payer
- CUContinue
- CVConvert
- CXClaim Transferred
- D1Deported
- D2Dismissed
- DADivision Adjustment Only
- DBShorten Expiration Date
- DCDelivered to Another Carrier
- DDDelete and Docket (Proposer Only on Unconcurred Docket)
- DEDeny
- DFDefer
- DGDecrease
- DHExtended Expiration Date
- DIDismissed with Prejudice
- DJDismissed without Prejudice
- DKDispose
- DLDivert
- DPDelivered to Public Warehouse
- DRDirect
- DSDiscarded
- DTDiscontinue
- DXDischarged
- EAEstablish Address
- EBEstablish Additional Address
- ECEstablish Electronic Address
- EDSuppress Correspondence
- EESuppress Forms
- ENEnter
- EOEnd of Day Processing
- EPEntire Patient Information
- ERExtension Request
- EVEvaluate
- EXExtend
- EZException Occurred
- F1Fined
- FAFail
- FCFactor Change
- FIFile
- FOForfeit
- FRPatient Follow-Up Required
- GRGrant
- HMProcess Manually
- HRHold Until Released
- I1Found Not Guilty
- IADeactivate
- IMIncrease
- INInterim
- ISIssue
- ITInitiate
- JAJailed
- JOJoin
- JUJudgment
- KARegistration Confirmed
- LCLeft at Consignee
- LQLiquidate
- MEMerge
- MOMooting
- NANo Action Required
- NCProcess Routinely, Not Critical
- NDNo Change
- NPNot Present
- NSDo Not Send
- ODOrder
- OPOpen
- ORUse Date or Meter Criteria (whichever occurs first)
- OTOther Unlisted Action
- P1Sentenced to Probation
- PATariff Publisher Add
- PBPartial Transfer of Claim
- PCPreviously Converted
- PDTariff Publisher Delete
- PFPreliminary Final
- PIProvide Additional Information
- PJProgress Payment
- POProposed
- PPPartial Patient Information
- PRPresent
- PSProposal
- PTProposal Trace
- PUPublish Changes
- PVProvisional Payment
- R1Reopened
- R2Send Record Now
- R3Send Record at End of the Term
- R4Send Record After Degree is Posted
- R5Send Vocational Record Only
- R6Transfer
- R7Assumption
- R8Terminate
- R9Reinstate
- RARemove
- RBResecure
- RCReturned to Carrier Facility
- RDRate and Division Adjustment
- REReleased
- RFReturned to Shipper's Facility (Other Than Original Shipping Location)
- RGRefer
- RHRecall
- RIRestricted
- RJRate Adjustment
- RKRate Adjustment with a Sequence Change
- RLReschedule
- RMRemand
- RNReject Proposal with Counter Proposal to Follow
- ROReturned to Original Shipping Location
- RPRequest To Publish
- RQTariff Publisher Reissue
- RRReverse and Remand
- RSReport Status
- RTRestrain
- RUReturn
- RVRevoke
- RWRescind
- RXReplace
- RZReject - Header Level Errors
- S1Secure
- S2Suspended
- SASatisfy
- SBSubrogate
- SCScreen
- SDSeal
- SESettle
- SLSchedule
- SRServe
- SSSustain
- SUSuspend
- SVSever
- SZSeize
- TDTemporarily Deny
- TEOppose
- TGTemporarily Grant
- TNAnnul
- TPTemporarily Grant, in Part
- TRTrim
- TSDisallow
- TUTake Under Advisement
- VAVacate
- VCSight Verification Completed
- W1Reconcile Historical Records
- WDWithdrawn
- WIWinterize
- WQAccept
- WVWaive
Code identifying an organizational entity, a physical location, property or an individual
Codes (1527)- 10Conduit
- 11Party to be billed(AAR Accounting Rule 11)
- 12Regional Office
- 13Contracted Service Provider
- 14Wholly-Owned Subsidiary
- 15Accounts Payable Office
- 16Plant
- 17Consultant's Office
- 18Production
- 19Non-Production Supplier
- 20Foreign Supplier
- 21Small Business
- 22Minority-Owned Business, Small
- 23Minority-Owned Business, Large
- 24Woman-Owned Business, Small
- 25Woman-Owned Business, Large
- 26Socially Disadvantaged Business
- 27Small Disadvantaged Business
- 28Subcontractor
- 29Prototype Supplier
- 30Service Supplier
- 31Postal Mailing Address
- 32Party to Receive Material Release
- 33Inquiry Address
- 34Material Change Notice Address
- 35Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Coordinator Point Address
- 36Employer
- 37Previous Debt Holder
- 38Mortgage Liability Account Holder
- 39Appraisal Company
- 40Receiver
- 41Submitter
- 42Component Manufacturer
- 43Claimant Authorized Representative
- 44Data Processing Service Bureau
- 45Drop-off Location
- 46Invoicing Dealer
- 47Estimator
- 48In-service Source
- 49Initial Dealer
- 50Manufacturer's Representative
- 51Parts Distributor
- 52Part Remanufacturer
- 53Registered Owner
- 54Order Writer
- 55Service Manager
- 56Servicing Dealer
- 57Servicing Organization
- 58Store Manager
- 59Party to Approve Specification
- 60Salesperson
- 61Performed At
- 62Applicant's Employer
- 63Reference's Employer
- 64Cosigner's Employer
- 65Applicant's Reference
- 66Applicant's Cosigner
- 67Applicant's Comaker
- 68Owner's Representative
- 69Repairing Outlet
- 70Prior Incorrect Insured
- 71Attending Physician
- 72Operating Physician
- 73Other Physician
- 74Corrected Insured
- 75Participant
- 76Secondary Warranter
- 77Service Location
- 78Service Requester
- 79Warranter
- 80Hospital
- 81Part Source
- 82Rendering Provider
- 83Subscriber's School
- 84Subscriber's Employer
- 85Billing Provider
- 86Conductor
- 87Pay-to Provider
- 88Approver
- 89Investor
- 90Previous Business Partner
- 91Action Party
- 92Support Party
- 93Insurance Institute
- 94New Supply Source
- 95Research Institute
- 96Debtor Company
- 97Party Waiving Requirements
- 98Freight Management Facilitator
- 99Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Area Location
- 00Alternate Insurer
- 01Loan Applicant
- 02Loan Broker
- 03Dependent
- 04Asset Account Holder
- 05Tenant
- 06Recipient of Civil or Legal Liability Payment
- 07Titleholder
- 08Non-Mortgage Liability Account Holder
- 09Note Co-Signer
- 0AComparable Rentals
- 0BInterim Funding Organization
- 0DNon-occupant Co-borrower
- 0EList Owner
- 0FList Mailer
- 0GPrimary Electronic Business Contact
- 0HState Division
- 0IAlternate Electronic Business Contact
- 0JPrimary Practice Location
- 0PParty to Declare Goods
- 1ASubgroup
- 1BApplicant
- 1CGroup Purchasing Organization (GPO)
- 1DCo-operative
- 1EHealth Maintenance Organization (HMO)
- 1FAlliance
- 1GOncology Center
- 1HKidney Dialysis Unit
- 1IPreferred Provider Organization (PPO)
- 1JConnection
- 1KFranchisor
- 1LFranchisee
- 1MPrevious Group
- 1NShareholder
- 1OAcute Care Hospital
- 1PProvider
- 1QMilitary Facility
- 1RUniversity, College or School
- 1SOutpatient Surgicenter
- 1TPhysician, Clinic or Group Practice
- 1ULong Term Care Facility
- 1VExtended Care Facility
- 1WPsychiatric Health Facility
- 1XLaboratory
- 1YRetail Pharmacy
- 1ZHome Health Care
- 2AFederal, State, County or City Facility
- 2BThird-Party Administrator
- 2CCo-Participant
- 2DMiscellaneous Health Care Facility
- 2ENon-Health Care Miscellaneous Facility
- 2FState
- 2GAssigner
- 2HHospital District or Authority
- 2IChurch Operated Facility
- 2JIndividual
- 2KPartnership
- 2LCorporation
- 2MAir Force Facility
- 2NArmy Facility
- 2ONavy Facility
- 2PPublic Health Service Facility
- 2QVeterans Administration Facility
- 2RFederal Facility
- 2SPublic Health Service Indian Service Facility
- 2TDepartment of Justice Facility
- 2UOther Not-for-profit Facility
- 2VIndividual for-profit Facility
- 2WPartnership for-profit Facility
- 2XCorporation for-profit Facility
- 2YGeneral Medical and Surgical Facility
- 2ZHospital Unit of an Institution (prison hospital, college infirmary, etc.)
- 3AHospital Unit Within an Institution for the Mentally Retarded
- 3BPsychiatric Facility
- 3CTuberculosis and Other Respiratory Diseases Facility
- 3DObstetrics and Gynecology Facility
- 3EEye, Ear, Nose and Throat Facility
- 3FRehabilitation Facility
- 3GOrthopedic Facility
- 3HChronic Disease Facility
- 3IOther Specialty Facility
- 3JChildren's General Facility
- 3KChildren's Hospital Unit of an Institution
- 3LChildren's Psychiatric Facility
- 3MChildren's Tuberculosis and Other Respiratory Diseases Facility
- 3NChildren's Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Facility
- 3OChildren's Rehabilitation Facility
- 3PChildren's Orthopedic Facility
- 3QChildren's Chronic Disease Facility
- 3RChildren's Other Specialty Facility
- 3SInstitution for Mental Retardation
- 3TAlcoholism and Other Chemical Dependency Facility
- 3UGeneral Inpatient Care for AIDS/ARC Facility
- 3WSpecialized Outpatient Program for AIDS/ARC
- 3XAlcohol/Drug Abuse or Dependency Inpatient Unit
- 3YAlcohol/Drug Abuse or Dependency Outpatient Services
- 3ZArthritis Treatment Center
- 4ABirthing Room/LDRP Room
- 4BBurn Care Unit
- 4CCardiac Catherization Laboratory
- 4DOpen-Heart Surgery Facility
- 4ECardiac Intensive Care Unit
- 4FAngioplasty Facility
- 4GChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Service Facility
- 4HEmergency Department
- 4ITrauma Center (Certified)
- 4JExtracorporeal Shock-Wave Lithotripter (ESWL) Unit
- 4KFitness Center
- 4LGenetic Counseling/Screening Services
- 4MAdult Day Care Program Facility
- 4NAlzheimer's Diagnostic/Assessment Services
- 4OComprehensive Geriatric Assessment Facility
- 4PEmergency Response (Geriatric) Unit
- 4QGeriatric Acute Care Unit
- 4RGeriatric Clinics
- 4SRespite Care Facility
- 4TSenior Membership Program
- 4UPatient Education Unit
- 4VCommunity Health Promotion Facility
- 4WWorksite Health Promotion Facility
- 4XHemodialysis Facility
- 4YHome Health Services
- 4ZHospice
- 5AMedical Surgical or Other Intensive Care Unit
- 5BHisopathology Laboratory
- 5CBlood Bank
- 5DNeonatal Intensive Care Unit
- 5EObstetrics Unit
- 5FOccupational Health Services
- 5GOrganized Outpatient Services
- 5HPediatric Acute Inpatient Unit
- 5IPsychiatric Child/Adolescent Services
- 5JPsychiatric Consultation-Liaison Services
- 5KPsychiatric Education Services
- 5LPsychiatric Emergency Services
- 5MPsychiatric Geriatric Services
- 5NPsychiatric Inpatient Unit
- 5OPsychiatric Outpatient Services
- 5PPsychiatric Partial Hospitalization Program
- 5QMegavoltage Radiation Therapy Unit
- 5RRadioactive Implants Unit
- 5STherapeutic Radioisotope Facility
- 5TX-Ray Radiation Therapy Unit
- 5UCT Scanner Unit
- 5VDiagnostic Radioisotope Facility
- 5WMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Facility
- 5XUltrasound Unit
- 5YRehabilitation Inpatient Unit
- 5ZRehabilitation Outpatient Services
- 6AReproductive Health Services
- 6BSkilled Nursing or Other Long-Term Care Unit
- 6CSingle Photon Emission Computerized Tomography (SPECT) Unit
- 6DOrganized Social Work Service Facility
- 6EOutpatient Social Work Services
- 6FEmergency Department Social Work Services
- 6GSports Medicine Clinic/Services
- 6HHospital Auxiliary Unit
- 6IPatient Representative Services
- 6JVolunteer Services Department
- 6KOutpatient Surgery Services
- 6LOrgan/Tissue Transplant Unit
- 6MOrthopedic Surgery Facility
- 6NOccupational Therapy Services
- 6OPhysical Therapy Services
- 6PRecreational Therapy Services
- 6QRespiratory Therapy Services
- 6RSpeech Therapy Services
- 6SWomen's Health Center/Services
- 6THealth Sciences Library
- 6UCardiac Rehabilitation Program Facility
- 6VNon-Invasive Cardiac Assessment Services
- 6WEmergency Medical Technician
- 6XDisciplinary Contact
- 6YCase Manager
- 6ZAdvisor
- 7APremises
- 7BBottler
- 7CPlace of Occurrence
- 7DContracting Officer Representative
- 7EParty Authorized to Definitize Contract Action
- 7FFiling Address
- 7GHazardous Material Office
- 7HGovernment Furnished Property FOB Point
- 7IProject Name
- 7JCodefendant
- 7KCo-occupant
- 7LPreliminary Inspection Location
- 7MInspection and Acceptance Location
- 7NParty to Receive Proposal
- 7OFederally Chartered Facility
- 7PTransportation Office
- 7QParty to Whom Protest Submitted
- 7RBirthplace
- 7SPipeline Segment
- 7THome State Name
- 7ULiquidator
- 7VPetitioning Creditor's Attorney
- 7WMerged Name
- 7XParty Represented
- 7YProfessional Organization
- 7ZReferee
- 8AVacation Home
- 8BPrimary Residence
- 8CSecond Home
- 8DPermit Holder
- 8EMinority Institution
- 8FBailment Warehouse
- 8GFirst Appraiser
- 8HTax Exempt Organization
- 8IService Organization
- 8JEmerging Small Business
- 8KSurplus Dealer
- 8LPolling Site
- 8MSocially Disadvantaged Individual
- 8NEconomically Disadvantaged Individual
- 8ODisabled Individual
- 8PProducer
- 8QPublic or Private Organization for the Disabled
- 8RConsumer Service Provider (CSP) Customer
- 8SConsumer Service Provider (CSP)
- 8TVoter
- 8UNative Hawaiian Organization
- 8VPrimary Intra-LATA (Local Access Transport Area) Carrier
- 8WPayment Address
- 8XOil and Gas Custodian
- 8YRegistered Office
- 9ADebtor Individual
- 9BCountry of Export
- 9CCountry of Destination
- 9DNew Service Provider
- 9ESub-servicer
- 9FLoss Payee
- 9GNickname
- 9HAssignee
- 9IRegistered Principal
- 9JAdditional Debtor
- 9KKey Person
- 9LIncorporated By
- 9NParty to Lease
- 9OParty to Contract
- 9PInvestigator
- 9QLast Supplier
- 9RDownstream First Supplier
- 9SCo-Investigator
- 9TTelephone Answering Service Bureau
- 9UAuthor
- 9VFirst Supplier
- 9WUltimate Parent Company
- 9XContractual Receipt Meter
- 9YContractual Delivery Meter
- 9ZCo-debtor
- A1Adjuster
- A2Woman-Owned Business
- A3Labor Surplus Area Firm
- A4Other Disadvantaged Business
- A5Veteran-Owned Business
- A6Section 8(a) Program Participant Firm
- A7Sheltered Workshop
- A8Nonprofit Institution
- A9Sales Office
- AAAuthority For Shipment
- ABAdditional Pickup Address
- ACAir Cargo Company
- ADParty to be advised (Written orders)
- AEAdditional Delivery Address
- AFAuthorized Accepting Official
- AGAgent/Agency
- AHAdvertiser
- AIAirline
- AJAlleged Debtor
- AKParty to Whom Acknowledgment Should Be Sent
- ALAllotment Customer
- AMAssistant U.S. Trustee
- ANAuthorized From
- AOAccount Of
- APAccount of (Origin Party)
- AQAccount of (Destination Party)
- ARArmed Services Location Designation
- ASPostsecondary Education Sender
- ATPostsecondary Education Recipient
- AUParty Authorizing Disposition
- AVAuthorized To
- AWAccountant
- AXPlaintiff
- AYClearinghouse
- AZPrevious Name
- B1Construction Firm
- B2Other Unlisted Type of Organizational Entity
- B3Previous Name of Firm
- B4Parent Company
- B5Affiliated Company
- B6Registering Parent Party
- B7Registering Nonparent Party
- B8Regular Dealer
- B9Large Business
- BABattery
- BBBusiness Partner
- BCBroadcaster
- BDBill-to Party for Diversion Charges
- BEBeneficiary
- BFBilled From
- BGBuying Group
- BHInterim Trustee
- BITrustee's Attorney
- BJCo-Counsel
- BKBank
- BLParty to Receive Bill of Lading
- BMBrakeman
- BNBeneficial Owner
- BOBroker or Sales Office
- BPSpecial Counsel
- BQAttorney for Defendant Private
- BRBroker
- BSBill and Ship To
- BTBill-to-Party
- BUPlace of Business
- BVBilling Service
- BWBorrower
- BXAttorney for Plaintiff
- BYBuying Party (Purchaser)
- BZBusiness Associate
- C0Assistant Conductor
- C1In Care Of Party no. 1
- C2In Care Of Party no. 2
- C3Circuit Location Identifier
- C4Contract Administration Office
- C5Party Submitting Quote
- C6Municipality
- C7County
- C8City
- C9Contract Holder
- CACarrier
- CBCustoms Broker
- CCClaimant
- CDConsignee (To Receive Mail and Small Parcels)
- CEConsignee (To receive large parcels and freight)
- CFSubsidiary/Division
- CGCarnet Issuer
- CHChassis Provider
- CIConsignor
- CJAutomated Data Processing (ADP) Point
- CKPharmacist
- CLContainer Location
- CMCustoms
- CNConsignee
- COOcean Tariff Conference
- CPParty to Receive Cert. of Compliance
- CQCorporate Office
- CRContainer Return Company
- CSConsolidator/Shipper
- CTCountry of Origin
- CUCoating or Paint Supplier
- CVConverter
- CWAccounting Station
- CXClaim Administrator
- CYCountry
- CZAdmitting Surgeon
- D1Driver
- D2Commercial Insurer
- D3Defendant
- D4Debtor
- D5Debtor-In-Possession
- D6Consolidated Debtor
- D7Petitioning Creditor
- D8Dispatcher
- D9Creditor's Attorney
- DADelivery Address
- DBDistributor Branch
- DCDestination Carrier
- DDAssistant Surgeon
- DEDepositor
- DFMaterial Disposition Authorization Location
- DGDesign Engineering
- DHDoing Business As
- DIDifferent Premise Address (DPA)
- DJConsulting Physician
- DKOrdering Physician
- DLDealer
- DMDestination Mail Facility
- DNReferring Provider
- DODependent Name
- DPParty to Provide Discount
- DQSupervising Physician
- DRDestination Drayman
- DSDistributor
- DTDestination Terminal
- DUResale Dealer
- DVDivision
- DWDownstream Party
- DXDistiller
- DYDefault/Foreclosure Specialist
- DZDelivery Zone
- E0Assistant Engineer
- E1Person or Other Entity Legally Responsible for a Child
- E2Person or Other Entity With Whom a Child Resides
- E3Person or Other Entity Legally Responsible for and With Whom a Child Resides
- E4Other Person or Entity Associated with Student
- E5Examiner
- E6Engineering
- E7Previous Employer
- E8Inquiring Party
- E9Participating Laboratory
- EAStudy Submitter
- EBEligible Party To The Contract
- ECExchanger
- EDExcluded Party
- EELocation of Goods for Customs Examination Before Clearance
- EFElectronic Filer
- EGEngineer
- EHExhibitor
- EIExecutor of Estate
- EJPrincipal Person
- EKAnimal Source
- ELEstablished Location
- EMParty to Receive Electronic Memo of Invoice
- ENEnd User
- EOLimited Liability Partnership
- EPEligible Party to the Rate
- EQOld Debtor
- ERNew Debtor
- ETPlan Administrator
- EUOld Secured Party
- EVSelling Agent
- EWServicing Broker
- EXExporter
- EYEmployee Name
- EZNew Secured Party
- F1Company - Owned Oil Field
- F2Energy Information Administration (Department of Energy) - Owned Oil Field
- F3Specialized Mobile Radio Service (SMRS) Licensee
- F4Former Residence
- F5Radio Control Station Location
- F6Small Control Station Location
- F7Small Base Station Location
- F8Antenna Site
- F9Area of Operation
- FAFacility
- FBFirst Break Terminal
- FCCustomer Identification File (CIF) Customer Identifier
- FDPhysical Address
- FEMail Address
- FFForeign Language Synonym
- FGTrade Name Synonym
- FHParty to Receive Limitations of Heavy Elements Report
- FIName Variation Synonym
- FJFirst Contact
- FLPrimary Control Point Location
- FMFireman
- FNFiler Name
- FOField or Branch Office
- FPName on Credit Card
- FQPier Name
- FRMessage From
- FSFinal Scheduled Destination
- FTNew Assignee
- FUOld Assignee
- FVVessel Name
- FWForwarder
- FXClosed Door Pharmacy
- FYVeterinary Hospital
- FZChildren's Day Care Center
- G0Dependent Insured
- G1Bankruptcy Trustee
- G2Annuitant
- G3Clinic
- G5Contingent Beneficiary
- G6Entity Holding the Information
- G7Entity Providing the Service
- G8Entity Responsible for Follow-up
- G9Family Member
- GAGas Plant
- GBOther Insured
- GCPrevious Credit Grantor
- GDGuardian
- GEGeneral Agency
- GFInspection Company
- GGIntermediary
- GHMotor Vehicle Report Provider Company
- GIParamedic
- GJParamedical Company
- GKPrevious Insured
- GLPrevious Residence
- GMSpouse Insured
- GNGarnishee
- GOPrimary Beneficiary
- GPGateway Provider
- GQProposed Insured
- GRReinsurer
- GSGaraged Location
- GTCredit Grantor
- GUGuarantee Agency
- GVGas Transaction Ending Point
- GWGroup
- GXRetrocessionaire
- GYTreatment Facility
- GZGrandparent
- H1Representative
- H2Sub-Office
- H3District
- H5Paying Agent
- H6School District
- H7Group Affiliate
- H9Designer
- HAOwner
- HBHistorically Black College or University
- HCJoint Annuitant
- HDContingent Annuitant
- HEContingent Owner
- HFHealthcare Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) Facility
- HGBroker Opinion or Analysis Requester
- HHHome Health Agency
- HIListing Company
- HJAutomated Underwriting System
- HKSubscriber
- HLDocument Custodian
- HMCompetitive Property Listing
- HNCompeting Property
- HOComparable Property Listing
- HPClosed Sale
- HQSource Party of Information
- HRSubject of Inquiry
- HSHigh School
- HTState Chartered Facility
- HUSubsidiary
- HVTax Address
- HWDesignated Hazardous Waste Facility
- HXTransporter of Hazardous Waste
- HYCharity
- HZHazardous Waste Generator
- I1Interested Party
- I3Independent Physicians Association (IPA)
- I4Intellectual Property Owner
- I9Interviewer
- IAInstalled At
- IBIndustry Bureau
- ICIntermediate Consignee
- IDIssuer of Debit or Credit Memo
- IEOther Individual Disability Carrier
- IFInternational Freight Forwarder
- IGInsolvent Insurer
- IIIssuer of Invoice
- IJInjection Point
- IKIntermediate Carrier
- ILInsured or Subscriber
- IMImporter
- INInsurer
- IOInspector
- IPIndependent Adjuster
- IQIn-patient Pharmacy
- IRSelf Insured
- ISParty to Receive Certified Inspection Report
- ITInstallation on Site
- IUIssuer
- IVRenter
- J1Associate General Agent
- J2Authorized Entity
- J3Broker's Assistant
- J4Custodian
- J5Irrevocable Beneficiary
- J6Power of Attorney
- J7Trust Officer
- J8Broker Dealer
- J9Community Agent
- JADairy Department
- JBDelicatessen Department
- JCDry Grocery Department
- JDJudge
- JEFrozen Department
- JFGeneral Merchandise Department
- JGHealth & Beauty Department
- JHAlcohol Beverage Department
- JIMeat Department
- JJProduce Department
- JKBakery Department
- JLVideo Department
- JMCandy and Confections Department
- JNCigarettes and Tobacco Department
- JOIn-Store Bakery Department
- JPFloral Department
- JQPharmacy Department
- JRBidder
- JSJoint Debtor Attorney
- JTJoint Debtor
- JUJurisdiction
- JVJoint Owner
- JWJoint Venture
- JXClosing Agent
- JYFinancial Planner
- JZManaging General Agent
- K1Contractor Cognizant Security Office
- K2Subcontractor Cognizant Security Office
- K3Place of Performance Cognizant Security Office
- K4Party Authorizing Release of Security Information
- K5Party To Receive Contract Security Classification Specification
- K6Policy Writing Agent
- K7Radio Station
- K8Filing Location
- K9Previous Distributor
- KAItem Manager
- KBCustomer for Whom Same or Similar Work Was Performed
- KCParty That Received Disclosure Statement
- KDProposer
- KEContact Office
- KFAudit Office
- KGProject Manager
- KHOrganization Having Source Control
- KIUnited States Overseas Security Administration Office
- KJQualifying Officer
- KKRegistering Party
- KLClerk of Court
- KMCoordinator
- KNFormer Address
- KOPlant Clearance Officer
- KPName Under Which Filed
- KQLicensee
- KRPre-kindergarten to Grade 12 Recipient
- KSPre-kindergarten to Grade 12 Sender
- KTCourt
- KUReceiver Site
- KVDisbursing Officer
- KWBid Opening Location
- KXFree on Board Point
- KYTechnical Office
- KZAcceptance Location
- L1Inspection Location
- L2Location of Principal Assets
- L3Loan Correspondent
- L4Location of Container Stuffing
- L5Contact
- L8Head Office
- L9Information Provider
- LAAttorney
- LBLast Break Terminal
- LCLocation of Spot for Storage
- LDLiability Holder
- LELessor
- LFLimited Partner
- LGLocation of Goods
- LHPipeline
- LIIndependent Lab
- LJLimited Liability Company
- LKJuvenile Owner
- LLLocation of Load Exchange (Export)
- LMLending Institution
- LNLender
- LOLoan Originator
- LPLoading Party
- LQLaw Firm
- LRLegal Representative
- LSLessee
- LTLong-term Disability Carrier
- LUMaster Agent
- LVLoan Servicer
- LWCustomer
- LYLabeler
- LZLocal Chain
- M1Source Meter Location
- M2Receipt Location
- M3Upstream Meter Location
- M4Downstream Meter Location
- M5Migrant Health Clinic
- M6Landlord
- M7Foreclosing Lender
- M8Educational Institution
- M9Manufacturing
- MAParty for whom Item is Ultimately Intended
- MBCompany Interviewer Works For
- MCMotor Carrier
- MDVeterans Administration Loan Guaranty Authority
- MEVeterans Administration Loan Authorized Supplier
- MFManufacturer of Goods
- MGGovernment Loan Agency Sponsor or Agent
- MHMortgage Insurer
- MIPlanning Schedule/Material Release Issuer
- MJFinancial Institution
- MKLoan Holder for Real Estate Asset
- MLConsumer Credit Account Company
- MMMortgage Company
- MNAuthorized Marketer
- MORelease Drayman
- MPManufacturing Plant
- MQDelivery Location
- MRMedical Insurance Carrier
- MSBureau of Land Management (Minerals Management Service) Property Unit
- MTMaterial
- MUMeeting Location
- MVMainline
- MWMarine Surveyor
- MXJuvenile Witness
- MYMaster General Agent
- MZMinister
- N1Notify Party no. 1
- N2Notify Party no. 2
- N3Ineligible Party
- N4Price Administration
- N5Party Who Signed the Delivery Receipt
- N6Nonemployment Income Source
- N7Previous Neighbor
- N8Relative
- N9Neighborhood
- NBNeighbor
- NCCross-Town Switch
- NDNext Destination
- NENewspaper
- NFOwner Annuitant
- NGAdministrator
- NHAssociation
- NINon-insured
- NJTrust or Estate
- NKNational Chain
- NLNon-railroad Entity
- NMPhysician - Specialists
- NNNetwork Name
- NPNotify Party for Shipper's Order
- NQPipeline Segment Boundary
- NRGas Transaction Starting Point
- NSNon-Temporary Storage Facility
- NTMagistrate Judge
- NUFormerly Known As
- NVFormerly Doing Business As
- NWMaiden Name
- NXPrimary Owner
- NYBirth Name
- NZPrimary Physician
- O1Originating Bank
- O2Originating Company
- O3Receiving Company
- O4Factor
- O5Merchant Banker
- O6Non Registered Business Name
- O7Registered Business Name
- O8Registrar
- OAElectronic Return Originator
- OBOrdered By
- OCOrigin Carrier
- ODDoctor of Optometry
- OEBooking Office
- OFOffset Operator
- OGCo-owner
- OHOther Departments
- OIOutside Inspection Agency
- OLOfficer
- OMOrigin Mail Facility
- ONProduct Position Holder
- OOOrder Of (Shippers Orders) - (Transportation)
- OPOperator of property of Unit
- OROrigin Drayman
- OSOverride Institution; this is not the institution sending the record, but another institution the student previously attended or is currently attending
- OTOrigin Terminal
- OUOutside Processor
- OVOwner of Vessel
- OWOwner of Property or Unit
- OXOxygen Therapy Facility
- OYOwner of Vehicle
- OZOutside Testing Agency
- P0Patient Facility
- P1Preparer
- P2Primary Insured or Subscriber
- P3Primary Care Provider
- P4Prior Insurance Carrier
- P5Plan Sponsor
- P6Third Party Reviewing Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
- P7Third Party Repricing Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
- P8Personnel Office
- P9Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC)
- PAParty to Receive Inspection Report
- PBPaying Bank
- PCParty to Receive Cert. of Conformance (C.A.A.)
- PDPurchaser's Department Buyer
- PEPayee
- PFParty to Receive Freight Bill
- PGPrime Contractor
- PHPrinter
- PIPublisher
- PJParty to Receive Correspondence
- PKParty to Receive Copy
- PLParty to Receive Purchase Order
- PMParty to receive paper Memo of Invoice
- PNParty to Receive Shipping Notice
- POParty to Receive Invoice for Goods or Services
- PPProperty
- PQParty to Receive Invoice for Lease Payments
- PRPayer
- PSPrevious Station
- PTParty to Receive Test Report
- PUParty at Pickup Location
- PVParty performing certification
- PWPickup Address
- PXParty Performing Count
- PYParty to File Personal Property Tax
- PZParty to Receive Equipment
- Q1Conductor Pilot
- Q2Engineer Pilot
- Q3Retail Account
- Q4Cooperative Buying Group
- Q5Advertising Group
- Q6Interpreter
- Q7Partner
- Q8Base Period Employer
- Q9Last Employer
- QAPharmacy
- QBPurchase Service Provider
- QCPatient
- QDResponsible Party
- QEPolicyholder
- QFPassenger
- QGPedestrian
- QHPhysician
- QIParty in Possession
- QJMost Recent Employer (Chargeable)
- QKManaged Care
- QLChiropractor
- QMDialysis Centers
- QNDentist
- QODoctor of Osteopathy
- QPPrincipal Borrower
- QQQuality Control
- QRBuyer's Quality Review Board
- QSPodiatrist
- QTPsychiatrist
- QUVeterinarian
- QVGroup Practice
- QWGovernment
- QXHome Health Corporation
- QYMedical Doctor
- QZCo-borrower
- R0Royalty Owner
- R1Party to Receive Scale Ticket
- R2Reporting Officer
- R3Next Scheduled Destination
- R4Regulatory (State) District
- R5Regulatory (State) Entity
- R6Requester
- R7Consumer Referral Contact
- R8Credit Reporting Agency
- R9Requested Lender
- RAAlternate Return Address
- RBReceiving Bank
- RCReceiving Location
- RDDestination Intermodal Ramp
- RFRefinery
- RGResponsible Installation, Origin
- RHResponsible Installation, Destination
- RIRemit To
- RJResidence or Domicile
- RKRefinery Operator
- RLReporting Location
- RMParty that remits payment
- RNRepair or Refurbish Location
- ROOriginal Intermodal Ramp
- RPReceiving Point for Customer Samples
- RQResale Customer
- RRRailroad
- RSReceiving Facility Scheduler
- RTReturned to
- RUReceiving Sub-Location
- RVReservoir
- RWRural Health Clinic
- RXResponsible Exhibitor
- RYSpecified Repository
- RZReceipt Zone
- S0Sole Proprietor
- S1Parent
- S2Student
- S3Custodial Parent
- S4Skilled Nursing Facility
- S5Secured Party
- S6Agency Granting Security Clearance
- S7Secured Party Company
- S8Secured Party Individual
- S9Sibling
- SASalvage Carrier
- SBStorage Area
- SCStore Class
- SDSold To and Ship To
- SESelling Party
- SFShip From
- SGStore Group
- SHShipper
- SIShipping Schedule Issuer
- SJService Provider
- SKSecondary Location Address (SLA)
- SLOrigin Sublocation
- SMParty to Receive Shipping Manifest
- SNStore
- SOSold To If Different From Bill To
- SPParty filling Shipper's Order
- SQService Bureau
- SRSamples to be Returned To
- SSSteamship Company
- STShip To
- SUSupplier/Manufacturer
- SVService Performance Site
- SWSealing Company
- SXSchool-based Service Provider
- SYSecondary Taxpayer
- SZSupervisor
- T1Operator of the Transfer Point
- T2Operator of the Source Transfer Point
- T3Terminal Location
- T4Transfer Point
- T6Terminal Operator
- T8Previous Title Company
- T9Prior Title Evidence Holder
- TATitle Insurance Services Provider
- TBTooling
- TCTool Source
- TDTooling Design
- TETheatre
- TFTank Farm
- TGTooling Fabrication
- THTheater Circuit
- TITariff Issuer
- TJCosigner
- TKTest Sponsor
- TLTesting Laboratory
- TMTransmitter
- TNTradename
- TOMessage To
- TPPrimary Taxpayer
- TQThird Party Reviewing Organization (TPO)
- TRTerminal
- TSParty to Receive Certified Test Results
- TTTransfer To
- TUThird Party Repricing Organization (TPO)
- TVThird Party Administrator (TPA)
- TWTransit Authority
- TXTax Authority
- TYTrustee
- TZSignificant Other
- U1Gas Transaction Point 1
- U2Gas Transaction Point 2
- U3Servicing Agent
- U4Team
- U5Underwriter
- U6Title Underwriter
- U7Psychologist
- U8Reference
- U9Non-Registered Investment Advisor
- UAPlace of Bottling
- UBPlace of Distilling
- UCUltimate Consignee
- UDRegion
- UETesting Service
- UFHealth Miscellaneous
- UGNursing Home Chain
- UHNursing Home
- UIRegistered Investment Advisor
- UJSales Assistant
- UKSystem
- ULSpecial Account
- UMCurrent Employer (Primary)
- UNUnion
- UOCurrent Employer (Secondary)
- UPUnloading Party
- UQSubsequent Owner
- URSurgeon
- USUpstream Party
- UTU.S. Trustee
- UUAnnuitant Payor
- UWUnassigned Agent
- UXBase Jurisdiction
- UYVehicle
- UZSigner
- V1Surety
- V2Grantor
- V3Well Pad Construction Contractor
- V4Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency
- V5Surface Discharge Agency
- V6Well Casing Depth Authority
- V8Market Timer
- V9Owner Annuitant Payor
- VASecond Contact
- VBCandidate
- VCVehicle Custodian
- VDMultiple Listing Service
- VEBoard of Realtors
- VFSelling Office
- VGListing Agent
- VHShowing Agent
- VIContact Person
- VJOwner Joint Annuitant Payor
- VKProperty or Building Manager
- VLBuilder Name
- VMOccupant
- VNVendor
- VOElementary School
- VPParty with Power to Vote Securities
- VQMiddle School
- VRJunior High School
- VSVehicle Salvage Assignment
- VTListing Office
- VUSecond Contact Organization
- VVOwner Payor
- VWWinner
- VXProduction Manager
- VYOrganization Completing Configuration Change
- W1Work Team
- W2Supplier Work Team
- W3Third Party Investment Advisor
- W4Trust
- W8Interline Service Commitment Customer
- W9Sampling Location
- WAWriting Agent
- WBAppraiser Name
- WCComparable Property
- WDStorage Facility at Destination
- WESubject Property
- WFTank Farm Owner
- WGWage Earner
- WHWarehouse
- WIWitness
- WJSupervisory Appraiser Name
- WLWholesaler
- WNCompany Assigned Well
- WOStorage Facility at Origin
- WPWitness for Plaintiff
- WRWithdrawal Point
- WSWater System
- WTWitness for Defendant
- WUPrimary Support Organization
- WVPreliminary Maintenance Period Designating Organization
- WWPreliminary Maintenance Organization
- WXPreliminary Referred To Organization
- WYFinal Maintenance Period Designating Organization
- WZFinal Maintenance Organization
- X1Mail to
- X2Party to Perform Packaging
- X3Utilization Management Organization
- X4Spouse
- X5Durable Medical Equipment Supplier
- X6International Organization
- X7Inventor
- X8Hispanic Service Institute
- XACreditor
- XCDebtor's Attorney
- XDAlias
- XEClaim Recipient
- XFAuctioneer
- XGEvent Location
- XHFinal Referred To Organization
- XIOriginal Claimant
- XJActual Referred By Organization
- XKActual Referred To Organization
- XLBorrower's Employer
- XMMaintenance Organization Used for Estimate
- XNPlanning/Maintenance Organization
- XOPreliminary Customer Organization
- XPParty to Receive Solicitation
- XQCanadian Customs Broker
- XRMexican Customs Broker
- XSS Corporation
- XTFinal Customer Organization
- XUUnited States Customs Broker
- XVCross Claimant
- XWCounter Claimant
- XXBusiness Area
- XYTribal Government
- XZAmerican Indian-Owned Business
- Y2Managed Care Organization
- YAAffiant
- YBArbitrator
- YCBail Payor
- YDDistrict Justice
- YEThird Party
- YFWitness for Prosecution
- YGExpert Witness
- YHCrime Victim
- YIJuvenile Victim
- YJJuvenile Defendant
- YKBondsman
- YLCourt Appointed Attorney
- YMComplainant's Attorney
- YNDistrict Attorney
- YOAttorney for Defendant, Public
- YPPro Bono Attorney
- YQPro Se Counsel
- YRParty to Appear Before
- YSAppellant
- YTAppellee
- YUArresting Officer
- YVHostile Witness
- YWDischarge Point
- YXFlood Certifier
- YYFlood Determination Provider
- YZElectronic Registration Utility
- Z1Party to Receive Status
- Z2Unserviceable Material Consignee
- Z3Potential Source of Supply
- Z4Owning Inventory Control Point
- Z5Management Control Activity
- Z6Transferring Party
- Z7Mark-for Party
- Z8Last Known Source of Supply
- Z9Banker
- ZACorrected Address
- ZBParty to Receive Credit
- ZCRent Payor
- ZDParty to Receive Reports
- ZEEnd Item Manufacturer
- ZFBreak Bulk Point
- ZGPresent Address
- ZHChild
- ZJBranch
- ZKReporter
- ZLParty Passing the Transaction
- ZMLease Location
- ZNLosing Inventory Manager
- ZOMinimum Royalty Payor
- ZPGaining Inventory Manager
- ZQScreening Point
- ZRValidating Party
- ZSMonitoring Party
- ZTParticipating Area
- ZUFormation
- ZVAllowable Recipient
- ZWField
- ZXAttorney of Record
- ZYAmicus Curiae
- ZZMutually Defined
- 001Pumper
- 002Surface Management Entity
- 003Application Party
- 004Site Operator
- 005Construction Contractor
- 006Drilling Contractor
- 007Spud Contractor
- 008Lien Holder
- AA1Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- AA2Financial Aid Office
- AA3Respondent
- AA4Admission Office
- AA5Multi-Campus Administrative Unit
- AA6Headmaster
- AA7Business Officer
- AA8Superintendent
- AA9School Principal
- AAASub-account
- AABManagement Non-Officer
- AACIncorporated Location
- AADName not to be Confused with
- AAELot
- AAFPrevious Occupant
- AAGGround Ambulance Services
- AAHAir Ambulance Services
- AAIWater Ambulance Services
- AAJAdmitting Services
- AAKPrimary Surgeon
- AALMedical Nurse
- AAMCardiac Rehabilitation Services
- AANSkilled Nursing Services
- AAOObservation Room Services
- AAPEmployee
- AAQAnesthesiology Services
- AASPrior Base Jurisdiction
- AATIncorporation Jurisdiction
- AAUMarker Owner
- AAVReclamation Center
- AAWParty Providing Financing
- AB1Private School System
- AB2State Operated School System
- AB3Vocational Regions School System
- AB4Chartered School District
- AB5Schooling of Indian Children School System
- AB6Unorganized Territories School System
- AB7State Administered District
- AB8Towns in Unions School System
- AB9Agent Towns School System
- ABBMaster Property
- ABCProject Property
- ABDUnit Property
- ABEAdditional Address
- ABFSociety of Property Information Compilers and Analysts
- ABGOrganization
- ABHJoint Owner Annuitant
- ABIJoint Annuitant Owner
- ABJJoint Owner Annuitant Payor
- ABKJoint Owner Joint Annuitant
- ABLJoint Owner Joint Annuitant Payor
- ABMJoint Owner Payor
- ABNAcronym
- ABONew Address
- ABPChairperson
- ABQDecision Maker
- ABRFormer President
- ABSFounder
- ABTImported from Location
- ABULiterally Translated Name
- ABVOriginal Location
- ABWPresident
- ABXRating Organization
- AC1Regional Center
- AC2Local Education Agency (LEA)
- AC3State Education Agency
- ACBInitial Medical Provider
- ACCConcurrent Employer
- ACERouting Point
- ACFBorder Crossing
- ACGBobtail Service Point
- ACHAuditor
- ACIInsured Location
- ACJReferral Provider
- ACKAffiliate
- ACLAllied Health Professional
- ACMEmergency Provider
- ACNFederal Government
- ACOFellowship Institution
- ACPGovernment - Combined Control
- ACQGovernment - Federal - Military
- ACRGovernment - Federal - Other
- ACSGovernment - Federal - Veterans
- ACTGovernment - Local
- ACUGroup Affiliation
- ACVInformation Source
- ACWInternship Entity
- ACXMedical School
- ACYNational Organization
- ACZNon-Profit Health Care Provider See U.S. Internal Revenue Code Chapter 1, Subchapter F, Part 1, Section 501(c)
- ADANot for Profit Health Care Provider See U.S. Internal Revenue Code Chapter 1, Subchapter F, Part 1, Section 501(c)
- ADBFor Profit Health Care Provider
- ADCOffice Manager
- ADDOn-call Provider
- ADEPhysician Hospital Organization (PHO)
- ADFPoint of Service (POS)
- ADHResidency Institution
- ADJShared Service
- ADKSupporting Personnel
- ADLTraining Institution
- ADMPublic School
- ADNPrivate School
- ADOPublic Pre-K Education
- ADPPrivate Pre-K Education
- ADQPre-K Day Care
- ADRCharter School
- ADSHome School
- ADTPublic Alternative School
- ADUNeglected/Delinquent Institution
- ADVPost-Secondary Institution
- ADWFood Service Operator
- ADXFuture Address
- ADYFormer Registered Address
- ADZTop Parent Company in Same Country
- AEASecond Level Parent Company
- AEBAirport Authority
- AECCouncil of Governments
- AEDFoundation
- AEEPort Authority
- AEFPlanning Commission
- AEGCar Rental Location
- AEILodging Facility
- AEJParty to Receive Transportation Credit
- AEKParty to Receive Packing, Crating, and Handling Credit
- AELPrimary International Telecom Carrier
- AHMAgency Hazardous Material Information System Location
- ALAAlternative Addressee
- ALOActivity Location
- APRActivity Provider
- ATAAlternate Tax Authority
- AUOAuthorizing Official
- BALBailiff
- BKPBooking Party
- BKRBookkeeper
- BLDBuilding
- BLTStructure
- BOWBody of Water
- BRANational Account
- BRBCustomer Segment
- BRNBrand Name
- BROBrand Owner
- BUSBusiness
- C4ASecondary Contract Administration Office
- CHAChanged Address
- CLTBuilding Cluster
- CMWCompany Merged With
- CNPConfirming Party
- CNRConfirmation Requester
- CNSConfirmation Service Identifier Code
- CNTContractee
- CODCo-Driver
- COLCollateral Assignee
- COMComplainant
- CORCorrected Name
- CRWCrew Member
- CTRContractor
- DAMDamaged By
- DBGDistributor Buying Group
- DCCChief Deputy Clerk of Court
- DIRDistribution Recipient
- DPRPort of Discharge
- EAAAssistant
- EABCampaign Manager
- EADClient
- EAECommissioner
- EAFCommittee
- EAGContestant
- EAHContributor
- EAIDeputy Chairperson
- EAJDeputy Treasurer
- EAKDonor
- EALEndorser
- EAMGuarantor
- EANHeadquarters
- EAOIndependent Contractor
- EAPLeader
- EAQParty Performing Liaison
- EARLobbying Firm
- EASLobbyist
- EATMedia Contact
- EAUOffice Holder
- EAVParty Authorized to Administer Oaths
- EAWParty to Benefit
- EAXParty Holding Interest
- EAYParty Making Pledge
- EAZParty Returning Contribution
- EBAParty Returning Transfer
- EBBLobbied Party
- EBCPolitical Action Committee
- EBDPolitical Party
- EBEProponent
- EBFPublic Official
- EBGReceiving Committee
- EBHAffiliated Committee
- EBISource
- EBJSponsor
- EBKSponsored Committee
- EBLDesignee
- EBMTemporary Residence
- EBNTreasurer
- EBOVice-Chairperson
- EBPSlate Mailer Organization
- EBQLodging Location
- EBRIndependent Expenditure Committee
- EBSMajor Donor
- EIDDepartment of Defense Enterprise Identifier
- ENREnroller
- EXSEx-spouse
- FGTForeign Government
- FRLForeign Registration Location
- FSIParty to Receive Sensitive Foreign Disclosure Information
- FSRFinancial Statement Recipient
- FTZForeign Trade Zone
- GBAAlternate Government Business Contact
- GBOGate Booth
- GBPPrimary Government Business Contact
- GIRGift Recipient
- HMIMaterial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Recipient
- HOMHome Office
- HONHonorary Society
- IAABusiness Entity
- IACPrincipal Executive Office
- IADForeign Office
- IAEMember
- IAFExecutive Committee Member
- IAGDirector
- IAHClerk
- IAIParty with Knowledge of Affairs of the Company
- IAKParty to Receive Statement of Fees Due
- IALCompany in which Interest Held
- IAMCompany which Holds Interest
- IANNotary
- IAOManager
- IAPAlien Affiliate
- IAQIncorporation State Principal Office
- IARIncorporation State Place of Business
- IASOut-of-State Principal Office
- IATParty Executing and Verifying
- IAUFelon
- IAVOther Related Party
- IAWRecord-Keeping Address
- IAYInitial Subscriber
- IAZOriginal Jurisdiction
- ICPInventory Control Point
- IMMIntegrated Material Manager
- INTInterviewee
- INVInvestment Advisor
- IORImporter of Record
- ISFImporter Security Filing (ISF) Importer
- LCNGas Nomination Location
- LGSLocal Government Sponsor
- LPRPort of Loading
- LYMAmended Name
- LYNStockholder
- LYOManaging Agent
- LYPOrganizer
- MBRMaster Broker
- MSCMammography Screening Center
- MTRMeter Location
- NCTName Changed To
- NPCNotary Public
- OBGOperator Buying Group
- ORIOriginal Name
- OSHOff-Site Handler
- OUCOther Unlisted Type of Corporation
- PEBParty Establishing Billback Frequency
- PERParty Establishing Price Changes
- PICPrimary Inventory Control Activity
- PLCLaw Enforcement Agency
- PLRPayer of Last Resort
- PMCPrior Mortgage Company
- PMFParty Manufactured For
- PMGProgram Manager
- PNFParty Filing Prior Notice
- PPCPast Performance Contact
- PPEParty Providing Equipment
- PPSPerson for Whose Benefit Property was Seized
- PREPrevious Owner
- PROProspect Service
- PRPPrimary Payer
- PTPPay-to Plan Name
- PURPurchased Company
- RCRRecovery Room
- RECReceiver Manager
- REDRedistributor
- REPRepacker
- RGAResponsible Government Agency
- RR2Class II Railroad
- RR3Class III Railroad
- SEGSelling Group
- SEPSecondary Payer
- SICSecondary Inventory Control Activity
- SIPShip-in-Place Location
- SL1Pipeline Segment Defined by 1 Location (or First of 2 Locations)
- SL2Pipeline Segment Defined by 2 Locations (or Second of 2 Locations)
- SNPU.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) Second Notify Party
- STCSwitching and Terminal Carrier
- SUSSupply Source
- TECTax Exempt Corporation
- TOWTowing Agency
- TPMThird Party Marketer
- TSDTreatment, Storage or Disposal Facility
- TSEConsignee Courier Transfer Station
- TSRConsignor Courier Transfer Station
- TTPTertiary Payer
- VERParty Performing Verification
- VICVictim
- ZONZone
Code indicating a condition
Codes (1341)- 10Patient is ambulatory
- 11Ambulation is Impaired and Walking Aid is Used for Therapy or Mobility
- 12Patient is confined to a bed or chair
- 13Patient is Confined to a Room or an Area Without Bathroom Facilities
- 14Ambulation is Impaired and Walking Aid is Used for Mobility
- 15Patient Condition Requires Positioning of the Body or Attachments Which Would Not be Feasible With the Use of an Ordinary Bed
- 16Patient needs a trapeze bar to sit up due to respiratory condition or change body positions for other medical reasons
- 17Patient's Ability to Breathe is Severely Impaired
- 18Patient condition requires frequent and/or immediate changes in body positions
- 19Patient can operate controls
- 20Siderails Are to be Attached to a Hospital Bed Owned by the Beneficiary
- 21Patient owns equipment
- 22Mattress or Siderails are Being Used with Prescribed Medically Necessary Hospital Bed Owned by the Beneficiary
- 23Patient Needs Lift to Get In or Out of Bed or to Assist in Transfer from Bed to Wheelchair
- 24Patient has an orthopedic impairment requiring traction equipment which prevents ambulation during period of use
- 25Item has been prescribed as part of a planned regimen of treatment in patient home
- 26Patient is highly susceptible to decubitus ulcers
- 27Patient or a care-giver has been instructed in use of equipment
- 28Patient has poor diabetic control
- 29A 6-7 hour nocturnal study documents 30 episodes of apnea each lasting more than 10 seconds
- 30Without the equipment, the patient would require surgery
- 31Patient has had a total knee replacement
- 32Patient has intractable lymphedema of the extremities
- 33Patient is in a nursing home
- 34Patient is conscious
- 35This Feeding is the Only Form of Nutritional Intake for This Patient
- 36Patient was administered premix
- 37Oxygen delivery equipment is stationary
- 38Certification signed by the physician is on file at the supplier's office
- 39Patient Has Mobilizing Respiratory Tract Secretions
- 40Patient or Caregiver is Capable of Using the Equipment Without Technical or Professional Supervision
- 41Patient or Caregiver is Unable to Propel or Lift a Standard Weight Wheelchair
- 42Patient Requires Leg Elevation for Edema or Body Alignment
- 43Patient Weight or Usage Needs Necessitate a Heavy Duty Wheelchair
- 44Patient Requires Reclining Function of a Wheelchair
- 45Patient is Unable to Operate a Wheelchair Manually
- 46Patient or Caregiver Requires Side Transfer into Wheelchair, Commode or Other
- 47Advertisement Run Condition
- 48Individual Paid for Last Day Worked
- 49Full Wages Paid for Date of Injury
- 50Citation or Ticket Issued
- 51Individual is Member of Policyholder's Household
- 52Individual Permitted to Use Vehicle
- 53Individual Wore Seatbelt
- 54Child Restraint Device in Vehicle
- 55Child Restraint Device Used
- 56Individual Injured
- 57Individual Transported to Another Location
- 58Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Purchased New
- 59Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Is Under Warranty
- 60Transportation Was To the Nearest Facility
- 61Employee is Exempt
- 62Claimant is Covered on the Employer's Long-term Disability Plan
- 63Employee's Job Responsibilities Changed Due to the Disabling Condition
- 64Employer Has a Return to Work Policy for Disabled Employees
- 65Open
- 66Normal
- 67Closed-moderate
- 68Severe
- 69Moderate
- 70Straight
- 71Convex
- 72Concave
- 73Double Protrusion
- 74No Crossbite
- 75Posterior
- 76Anterior
- 77Maxillary
- 78Mandibular
- 79Right
- 80Left
- 81Maxillary Moderate
- 82Mandibular Moderate
- 83Maxillary Severe
- 84Mandibular Severe
- 85Income Has Been Verified
- 86Person Has Been Interviewed
- 87Rent Has Been Verified
- 88Employer Has Been Verified
- 89Position Has Been Verified
- 90Inquiry Has Been Verified
- 91Outstanding Judgments
- 92Declared Bankruptcy in Past 7 Years
- 93Foreclosure or Deed in Lieu in Past 7 Years
- 94Party to Lawsuit
- 95Obligated on a Loan Foreclosed, Deed in Lieu of Judgment
- 96Currently Delinquent or in Default
- 97Obligated to Pay Alimony, Child Support or Maintenance
- 98Part of Down Payment Borrowed
- 99Co-maker or Endorser on a Note
- 00Requested
- 01Patient was admitted to a hospital
- 02Patient was bed confined before the ambulance service
- 03Patient was bed confined after the ambulance service
- 04Patient was moved by stretcher
- 05Patient was unconscious or in shock
- 06Patient was transported in an emergency situation
- 07Patient had to be physically restrained
- 08Patient had visible hemorrhaging
- 09Ambulance service was medically necessary
- 0AAutomated Export System - Post Departure Authorized Special Status (AES-PASS) Standard
- 0BAutomated Export System - Post Departure Authorized Special Status (AES-PASS) Expanded
- 0CAutomated Export System - Post Departure Authorized Special Status (AES-PASS) Post Departure
- 0DFacility’s Emergency Response Plan Includes Information on Emergency Health Care
- 0EFacility’s Emergency Response Plan Includes Procedures for Informing Public and Local Agencies Responsible for Responding to an Accidental Release
- 0FFacility has a Clean Air Act Title V Operating Permit
- 0GFacility has a Written Emergency Response Plan
- 0HFacility has Reportable Accidents
- 0IFacility is Covered by the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act Section 302
- 0JFacility is Covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Process Safety Management Standard
- 0KFacility is Included in the Community Emergency Response Plan
- 0LHazardous Waste Mixed with Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA)-Radioactive Material
- 0MOffsite Responders Notified
- 0NPrecipitation Present
- 0ODisabled Veteran
- 0PServicer has Advanced Funds to Pay for Delinquent Taxes on Non-escrowed Mortgage
- 0QProperty Has Fire Insurance Only that was not Lender Placed
- 0RReported but Unconfirmed
- 0SHas Smoke Alarms
- 0TOperates as a Holding Company
- 0UOptimum
- 0VRenewed
- 0WHighest Educational Level
- 0XPrincipal Certificate
- 0YInservice Education Completed
- 0ZMain Assignment
- 1APatient is receiving anti-fungal therapy
- 1BProperty is occupied by owner
- 1CProperty is occupied by tenant
- 1DProperty is vacant
- 1ELocation is urban
- 1FLocation is suburban
- 1GLocation is rural
- 1HBuilt-up over 75%
- 1IBuilt-up 25 - 75%
- 1JBuilt-up under 25%
- 1KGrowth rate is rapid
- 1LClass I-Left
- 1MGrowth rate is stable
- 1NGrowth rate is slow
- 1OProperty values are increasing
- 1PProperty values are stable
- 1QProperty values are declining
- 1RClass I-Right
- 1SDemand or supply is in shortage
- 1TDemand or supply is in balance
- 1UDemand or supply is over supply
- 1VMarketing time is under 3 months
- 1WMarketing time is 3 to 6 months
- 1XMarketing time is over 6 months
- 1YPredominant occupancy is the owner
- 1ZPredominant occupancy is the tenant
- 2APatient is receiving oral anti-fungal therapy
- 2BPredominant occupancy is vacant (0-5%)
- 2CPredominant occupancy is vacant (over 5%)
- 2DDeveloper or builder is in control of the Home Owners Association
- 2ESite is a corner lot
- 2FZoning compliance is legal
- 2GZoning compliance is legal nonconforming (grandfather use)
- 2HZoning compliance is illegal
- 2IThere is no zoning
- 2JHighest and best use as improved is the present use
- 2KHighest and best use as improved is other use
- 2LClass II-Left
- 2MProperty is located in a Federal Emergency Management Administration special flood hazard area
- 2NAppraisal is made "as is"
- 2OAppraisal is made subject to the repairs, alterations, inspections, or conditions listed
- 2PAppraisal is made subject to the completion per plans and specifications
- 2QProject type is planned unit development (PUD)
- 2RClass II-Right
- 2SProject type is condominium
- 2TProperty rights are fee simple
- 2UProperty rights are leasehold
- 2VSupervisor appraiser inspected the property per supervisory appraiser's certification
- 2WProperty was sold within last 12 months
- 2XAppraiser signed statement of limiting conditions and disclaimer
- 2YOwnership interest in a property
- 2ZTermination
- 3APatient is receiving topical anti-fungal therapy
- 3BPoints Paid by Seller
- 3CPoints Paid by Buyer
- 3DSeller Concession
- 3ELetter of Certification
- 3FVerbal Report Needed
- 3GAny Relationship Between Owner and Occupant
- 3HMap and Directions to Remote Properties to Follow
- 3IGround Lease to Follow
- 3JDisclosure Statement to Follow
- 3KCopy of Property Listing to Follow
- 3LClass III-Left
- 3MCopy of Title Report Plat Map to Follow
- 3NProperty Tax Bill to Follow
- 3OEngineering or Soil Report to Follow
- 3PSales Contract Available
- 3QLeave Will be Taken
- 3RClass III-Right
- 3SApproved
- 3TBalance Sheet does not balance
- 3UBanking done through Parent Company
- 3VBanking done through Related Concern
- 3WBanking done through Subsidiary
- 3XCan not determine if subject engaged in business
- 3YDeteriorated
- 3ZDetrimental Information Received
- 4AServices are rendered within Hospice-elected period of coverage
- 4BAccidents
- 4CAccount Representative Transfer
- 4DAdditional Coverage
- 4EAdvice to Stop
- 4FAgent Replacement
- 4GBackup Withholding
- 4HCurrent Employer
- 4ICurrent Occupation
- 4JEmployer Reimbursement
- 4KEmployee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
- 4LExpected Changes
- 4MExperimental
- 4NForeign Flight
- 4OFuture Involvement
- 4PGrounding, Fine, Reprimand
- 4QGroup Disability Insurance Conversion
- 4RGroup Disability Insurance Offset
- 4SGroup Disability Insurance Participation
- 4TGroup Disability Insurance Top Up
- 4UHome Employment
- 4VInformation Omitted
- 4WInjury Benefits
- 4XIssue at Higher Premiums
- 4YIssue With Exclusions
- 4ZIssue Without Benefits
- 5ATreatment is rendered related to the terminal illness
- 5BCertified Aftermarket Parts Association (CAPA) Only
- 5CCertified Aftermarket Parts Association (CAPA) Preferred
- 5DJuvenile Seen
- 5EMedical Treatment
- 5FMilitary Aviation
- 5GNew Group
- 5HOther Coverage Offset
- 5IOther Principals Being Insured
- 5JOwner Active in Business
- 5KPayroll Deduction
- 5LPrepaid
- 5MPrevious Application
- 5NPrimary Occupation
- 5ORacing Accident
- 5PReplacement
- 5QResides With Applicant
- 5RGender Distinct
- 5SSibling Coverage
- 5TSickness Benefits
- 5USpecial Dating
- 5VSpousal Consent
- 5WSuitability Analysis
- 5XSuitable for Coverage
- 5YTaxable
- 5ZThis Company Replacement
- 6ATreatment is rendered by a Hospice employed physician
- 6BUnited States Citizen
- 6CPermanent Resident Alien
- 6DBorrower is First Time Homebuyer
- 6EUnemployment Claims
- 6FUnemployment Insurance Eligibility
- 6GWork Status
- 6HWorkers Compensation Eligible
- 6IFactored on Recourse Basis
- 6JFactored with Advances
- 6KFigures are Actual
- 6LFigures are Anticipated
- 6MFigures are Estimated
- 6NFigures are Modified
- 6OFigures are Projected
- 6PGovernment Business Number Unavailable
- 6QGoodwill Origin Purchased from Bankrupt Company
- 6RGoodwill Origin Rented
- 6SHas no ownership
- 6TImproved
- 6UIntangibles breakdown available
- 6VIntangibles include Organizational Expense
- 6WIntercompany relations consist of Loans and Advances
- 6XIntercompany relations consist of Merchandise Transactions
- 6YIntercompany relations consist of Service Transactions
- 6ZLocal banking utilized on a transfer account basis
- 7ATreatment is rendered by a private attending physician
- 7BMedications Ordered are being Administered Intramuscularly
- 7CMedications Ordered are being Administered Intravenously
- 7DMedications Ordered are being Administered Orally
- 7EMaintains no Inventory
- 7FMedications Ordered are being Administered Subcutaneously
- 7GMajority
- 7HMarketable Securities valued at cost
- 7IMarketable Securities valued at lower of cost or market
- 7JInterior Access Denied
- 7KRepairs are Recommended
- 7LLoan Originated under Shared Equity Plan
- 7MTitle and or Legal Issues Exist
- 7NEnvironmental Issues Exist
- 7OProperty is Listed As Is
- 7PProperty is Listed as Repaired
- 7QVacancy Rate is Greater Than 5 Percent to 10 Percent
- 7RVacancy Rate is Greater Than 10 Percent to 20 Percent
- 7SVacancy Rate is Greater Than 20 Percent
- 7TMost Comparable Property
- 7UAnticipate Issues which Affect Ability to Secure Financing
- 7VPoints are Paid by Seller
- 7WProperty Covered by Flood Insurance Policy
- 7XProperty Covered by Earthquake Insurance Policy
- 7YPoints are Negotiable
- 7ZProperty is Currently Listed with a Real Estate Firm
- 8ATreatment is curative
- 8BIncome or Assets of Another Used
- 8CDisclosure of Someone Else's Liabilities Required
- 8DProperty Improvements "to be made"
- 8EProperty Improvements "have been made"
- 8FDistant Suburban
- 8GSelf Employed
- 8HLiability to be Satisfied
- 8IAre Assets/Liabilities Reported Jointly
- 8JLocation is Farm
- 8KLocation is Resort
- 8LShortage Exist for Competing Listings
- 8MCompeting Listings are in Balance
- 8NOversupply Exist for Competing Listings
- 8OIncentives are Offered
- 8PListed Property has been Inspected
- 8QSale Property has been Inspected
- 8RGeneral Marketing Condition is Depressed
- 8SGeneral Marketing Condition is Slow
- 8TGeneral Marketing Condition is Static
- 8UGeneral Marketing Condition is Improving
- 8VGeneral Marketing Condition is Excellent
- 8WEmployment Conditions are Stable
- 8XEmployment Conditions are Declining
- 8YEmployment Conditions are Increasing
- 8ZOverimprovement Condition Exists
- 9ATreatment is Palliative
- 9BInvoluntary Committal
- 9CLack of Available Equipment
- 9DLack of Appropriate Facility within Reasonable Distance to Treat Patient in the Event of Complications
- 9ESudden Onset of Disorientation
- 9FSudden Onset of Severe, Incapacitating Pain
- 9GContinuous Hemorrhage from any Site with Abnormal Lab Values
- 9HPatient Requires Intensive IV Therapy
- 9IPatient Requires Volume Expanders
- 9JPatient Requires Protective Isolation
- 9KPatient Requires Frequent Monitoring
- 9LPatient Requires Extended Post-operative Observation
- 9MForeclosure Proceedings Have Begun
- 9NUnderimprovement Condition Exists
- 9OMarketability of Property is Excellent
- 9PMarketability of Property is Good
- 9QMarketability of Property is Fair
- 9RMarketability of Property is Poor
- 9SFees are Current
- 9TFees Include Tennis
- 9UFees Include Pool
- 9VFees Include Insurance
- 9WFees Include Landscape
- 9XFees Include Other Amenities
- 9YMost Likely Buyer is Owner Occupant
- 9ZMost Likely Buyer is Investor
- A0Liability Coverage Will Transfer
- A1Most Likely Buyer is Other Person or Entity
- A2Potential Financing is Fannie Mae
- A3Suppress Paper Endorsement
- A4Do Not Suppress Paper Endorsement
- A5Escrow
- A6Teaching Minor
- A7Sub-servicer Submitted
- A8First Mortgage
- A9Second Mortgage
- AAAmputation
- ABAddress Skip Begin
- ACAddress Corrected
- ADAutomatic Drill Time Calculated
- AEAutomatic Edging Time Calculated
- AFAutomatically Select
- AGAgitated
- AHAutomatically Search and List
- AIAddress Incorrect
- AJAssumable
- AKPotential Financing is Cash
- ALAmbulation Limitations
- AMPotential Financing is Outside Lender
- ANAddress Incomplete
- AOAccept Certification without Changes
- APAlley is Public
- AQPotential Financing is Federal Housing Administration
- ARAddress Skip Resolved
- ASAddress Skip Exhaust
- ATAccept Statement of Limiting Conditions without Changes
- AUAutomatic Underside Time Calculated
- AVAvailable - Not Used
- AWAccept Certification with Changes
- AXAccept Statement of Limiting Conditions with Changes
- AYAdjacent Track Occupied
- AZPotential Financing is Veterans Affairs
- B0Uninsured Motorist Coverage Will Transfer
- B1Mortgage in Foreclosure
- B2Real Estate Owned (REO) Mortgage
- B3Potential Financing is Contract for Deed
- B4Only the Exterior has been Inspected
- B5Real Estate Owned Property or Foreclosure Property
- B6Number of Comparable Listings is Normal
- B7Number of Comparable Listings is an Oversupply
- B8Number of Comparable Listings is a Shortage
- B9Property Management Expenses Outstanding
- BABorrower Letter Attempt
- BBBuilding or Mobile Home is in a Coastal Barrier Resources Area
- BCBorrower Telephone Contact
- BDBusiness Pending
- BEBorrower Letter Contact
- BFMarketable Securities valued at market
- BGAppropriate Improvement Condition Exists
- BHName unknown to local authorities
- BINo manufacturing done on Premises
- BJOccasional
- BKOfficer or owner in other Businesses
- BLBowel Limitations, Bladder Limitations, or both (Incontinence)
- BMOld
- BNOperates on part time basis
- BOParent Financial Statement Used
- BPBorrower Payment Received
- BQProduct Information Available
- BRBedrest BRP (Bathroom Privileges)
- BSRevenue derived from Commissions
- BTBorrower Telephone Attempt
- BURevenue derived from Donations
- BVRevenue derived from Fees
- BWRevenue derived from Grants
- BXRevenue derived from Taxes
- BYSprinkler Equipped
- BZStatement requested from Government Registry
- C0Collision Coverage Will Transfer
- C1Advances From Property Management Expenses Outstanding
- C2Final Demand Letter Sent
- C3Lender Request for Assistance
- C4Mortgage has Lender-purchased Mortgage Insurance
- C5Insufficient Funds
- C6Credit Enhanced Mortgage
- C7Corporate Appointment
- C8Special Servicing Required
- C9Client Specifically Requested Consideration of Special Financing or an Assumable Loan
- CACane Required
- CBComplete Bedrest
- CCCollection Card was Left
- CDCall to Directory Assistance for Reference Telephone
- CECo-signer Telephone Attempt
- CFCo-signer Telephone Contact
- CGCo-signer Delinquency Letter Sent
- CHCo-signer Final Demand Letter Sent
- CICall to Directory Assistance for Co-signer Telephone
- CJValid Borrower Address or Phone Attempt with Previous Holder
- CKConvertible
- CLClaimant had a Pre-existing Injury
- CMComatose
- CNCommon Elements are Leased to or by the Home Owners' Association
- COContracture
- CPCase Pending
- CQCallable
- CRCrutches Required
- CSCommunity Participates in National Flood Insurance Program
- CTCommon Elements are Completed
- CUCurb and Gutter are Public
- CVCooperative
- CWCooling Water is Low
- CXCertification Status
- CYCar Spaces are Adequate
- CZCar Spaces are Inadequate
- D0Comprehensive Coverage Will Transfer
- D1Issue Check Payable to Borrower and Return to Servicer
- D2Issue Check Payable to Servicer and Return to Servicer
- D3Issue Check Payable to Borrower and Send to Borrower
- D4Issue Check Payable to Servicer or Borrower and Return to Servicer
- D5Issue Check Payable to Other Payee
- D6Positive
- D7Negative
- D8Taxes are Typical for the Area and Price Range
- D9Improvement Conforms to Zoning Regulations
- DACall to Directory Assistance for Borrower Telephone
- DBDeferment or Forbearance Begin
- DCDeclined
- DDBorrower Furnished Demographic Data
- DEDeferment or Forbearance End
- DFFunds available for Unsecured Creditors
- DGDynamic Brakes are Out
- DHDebtor has been Domiciled
- DIDisoriented
- DJDynamic Brakes are Operational
- DKConstruction Warranty
- DLConstruction Warranty Transferable
- DMMaintenance Drug under Client's Benefit Plan
- DNPayment Reduced Because Maximum Allowable Cost Exceeded
- DOBenefits Terminated Prior to Service Date
- DPDepressed
- DQDrug Part of Formulary Data Base
- DRSubject not Engaged in Business
- DSAll Door Seals are Intact
- DTFiling Fee Attached
- DUSubject not Engaged in Business at Requested Address
- DVSuspended
- DWTotal
- DXUnable to Respond
- DYDyspnea with Minimal Exertion
- DZUses Own Facilities
- E0Figures are Total
- E1Fixed Asset Breakdown Undisclosed
- E2For the Fiscal Year
- E3For the Period
- E4Formed by Consolidation
- E5Formed by Merger
- E6Prior Bankruptcy Case Filed in Last 6 Years
- E7Debtor is not Represented by an Attorney
- E8A Pending Case has been Filed
- E9Guaranteed by Parent Company
- EAHas Authority for All Purchases
- EBHas Authority to Purchase Supplies
- ECEquipment Certified
- EDHas Business Interruption Insurance
- EEHas Class of Stock
- EFHas Extended Coverage Insurance
- EGHas Fire Insurance
- EHHas Joint Authority
- EIHas Life Insurance
- EJExistence of Preliminary Flood Determination
- EKExistence of Community Participation in the National Flood Insurance
- ELEndurance Limitations
- EMHas Marriage Contract
- ENElectricity On
- EOEquipment Is Overhauled
- EPExercises Prescribed
- EQHas No Par Value
- EREngine Start-Up Performed with No Problems Reported
- ESEngine Start-Up Performed with Problems Reported
- ETElectrical Control System Shut Down
- EUHas Other Insurance
- EVHas Par Value
- EWHas Sole Authority
- EXExcellent
- EYHas Voting Rights
- EZHeading Address in Registered Office Only
- F0High Level
- F1Homeworkers Employed
- F2In Subscriber Shares
- F3Inactive
- F4Incomplete
- F5Incorporation Details Requested
- F6Increase or Up
- F7Information Cannot Be Provided at This Time
- F8Information in Date
- F9Information Requires Investigation
- FAActions has a Significant Environmental Effect
- FBApplication Includes Complete System
- FCAntenna is Mounted on a Structure with an Existing Antenna
- FDNotice of Construction or Alteration has been Filed
- FEApplicant Wants to Monitor Frequency
- FFApplicant has been Denied Government Benefits Due to Use of Drugs
- FGApplication is Certified
- FHApplication is for other Than a New Station
- FIFee Required
- FJFlood Status
- FKFlood Insurance Required
- FLFederal Flood Insurance is Available (Community Participates)
- FMInventory Valued Using LIFO (Last In/First Out)
- FNNot Too High Level
- FOForgetful
- FPFlood Certification with Life of Loan
- FQStreet Maintenance is Public
- FRFair
- FSNot Yet Registered
- FTObliged to File Balance Sheet
- FUOfficial Confirmation Received
- FVOld But Well Kept
- FWOld Established Business
- FXOperated at Break Even
- FYOperates as Agent
- FZFlood Zone Status
- G0Out of Business
- G1Outstanding Claims
- G2Gas On
- G3Hazardous Materials are Used or Produced
- G4Genetically Engineered Organisms are Used or Produced
- G5This is a Group Proposal
- G6Historical Sites Are Affected
- G7Facilities are Properly Accredited or Authorized
- G8Proprietary or Privileged Information will be contained in the Application
- G9This Project has an Actual or Potential Impact on the Environment
- GAGrowth Rate is Fully Developed
- GBOutstanding Social Security Claims
- GCOutstanding Value Added Tax (VAT) Claims
- GDProduct Demonstration in Effect
- GEOwnership Acknowledged in Signed Statement
- GFOwnership Acknowledged Verbally
- GGOwnership Not Acknowledged
- GHOwns No Real Estate
- GIOwns Real Estate but Details Not Available
- GJPrepared from Books Without Audit
- GKPrepared from Statement by Accountant
- GLProfits Paid to Group
- GMShelf Set to Manufacturer's Standard
- GNPublicly Traded
- GOGood
- GPPurchase Authority is Qualified
- GQPurchases on Floor Plan
- GRShelf Set to Retailer's Schematic
- GSPurchases on Letter of Credit
- GTReal Estate Check is Necessary
- GURecord of Preferential Claims
- GVRegistered Address is Same as Business Address
- GWRelatives Help in Business
- GXSatisfactory
- GYSeasons are Steady
- GZSecured
- H0Organization Certifies Compliance with Federal Lobbying Regulations
- H1Project involves International Co-operative Activities
- H2Human Anatomical Substances Are Used
- H3Handicap Facilities Are Available
- H4Lobbying Activities Have Been Conducted Regarding the Proposal
- H5Organization Certifies Compliance With the Drug-Free Workplace Act
- H6Organization Certifies Compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations Regarding Research Misconduct
- H7Organization Provides a Smoke Free Workplace
- H8Organization Certifies Compliance with Federal Discrimination Regulations
- H9Organization Certifies Compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations Regarding Responsibility of Applicants for Promoting Objectivity in Research for which Public Health Service (PHS) Funding is Sought
- HAWell Maintained
- HBInterest Rate Buydown
- HCHeating and Cooling for the Individual Units Separately Metered
- HDHigh Discharge
- HEHigh Engine Water Pressure
- HFInterest Only
- HGGraduated Payment
- HHPrincipal Balance Exceeds Maximum Negative Amortization
- HILast Change
- HJLiability Released
- HKLiability Not Released
- HLHearing Limitations
- HMLiability Determined by Note Holder
- HNAfter Conversion
- HOHostile
- HPAfter Modification
- HQBalloon
- HRCapitalized Mortgage
- HSFederal Wages in Effect
- HTSocial Security Number (SSN) Never Issued
- HUName Does Not Match Social Security Number (SSN)
- HVBirthdate Does Not Match Social Security Number (SSN)
- HWImpossible Social Security Number (SSN)
- HXEmployee is Ineligible to Work
- HYMetes and Bounds
- HZConsolidation, Extension, Modification of Mortgage Loan (CEM)
- I0Based on Operating Data
- I1Uses Outside Services
- I2Very High Level
- I3Very Small
- I4Voluntary Bankruptcy
- I5Well Balanced
- I6Well Regarded in Business Circles
- I7Organization has Delinquent Federal Debts
- I8Organization has been Placed on the Federal Debarment and Suspension List
- I9No-show Indicator
- IAInterest Paid in Advance
- IBInterest Paid in Arrears
- ICInterest Carryover
- IDSells Directly
- IESells with Agents
- IFSells with Storage
- IGSmall
- IHIndependent at Home
- IISome Increase
- IJSomewhat Declining Tendency
- IKStarted Some Time Ago
- ILIndustry Location
- IMSufficient
- INIndifferent
- IOTermination Date Set
- IPInjury occurred on Employer's Premises
- IQTerms Include Lump Sum Payments
- IRTerms Include Progress Payments
- ISTerms on Cost Plus Basis
- ITTerms on Fixed Fee Basis
- IUTrade Style Registered
- IVTrading Address of Sole Proprietor
- IWUnchanged Situation
- IXUndetermined
- IYUnsatisfactory
- IZUnsecured
- J0Qualifies as an Energy Efficient Home
- J1Military Services Barred from Recruitment Activities at the Proposing Organization's Site(s)
- J2Rate Negotiated
- J3Under Penalty of Perjury the Information is True and Correct
- J4Project Requires Inter-Government Review for Activities that affect State or Local Government or Possible National Security Implications
- J5Filing on Behalf of Debtor is Authorized
- J6Debtor Understands the Relief available under each Bankruptcy Chapter
- J7Attorney Declares that Debtor has been Informed
- J8Attorney has Explained the Relief available under each Bankruptcy Chapter
- J9There has been a Transfer of a Claim Against the Debtor by or to any Petitioner
- JAThird Party Originated
- JBExisting Construction
- JCOther Lien
- JDSubject Lien
- JENo Evidence of Property Damage Observed such as Dampness, Termites, or Structure Settlement
- JFPrimary Underwriting System
- JGNon New Parts Used
- JHPledged Loan
- JISecurity Delivery
- JJSecondary Underwriting System
- JKDistribution is Stopped
- JLSentence was Suspended
- JMVery Negative Information Exists
- JNPayment Notes Exist
- JOImmigrated
- JPAudited with Qualifications
- JQAudited
- JRTemporarily Closed
- JSPartial
- JTTelephone Number is Unpublished
- JUTelephone Number is Not in Service
- JVNegative Information Exists for the Group
- JWThe More Important Items are Only Included
- JXInterest Owned by Affiliated Company
- JYInterest Owned by Subject of Inquiry
- JZQualifies as a Government Approved Condominium or Project
- K0Account Receivables Breakdown Undisclosed
- K1Additional Record Items Available
- K2Address is Qualified
- K3All Paid In or Issued
- K4Appears High
- K5Appears Not to Guarantee Sufficient Coverage
- K6Appears Sufficiently High
- K7Appears to Indicate a Strained Situation
- K8Banks with Main National Banks
- K9Bills Paid from Branch Office
- KABills Paid from Division Office
- KBBills Paid from Headquarters Office
- KCBond Information Available
- KDChanged Accounting Date
- KEClear
- KFClear Declining Tendency
- KGClear Increase
- KHCluttered
- KICompany has No Other Locations
- KJCompany is Branch of Foreign Entity
- KKCompany is Perpetual
- KLCompany is Tax Exempt
- KMCompared to Same Period Last Year
- KNConducted at a Loss
- KOInventory Valued using FIFO (First In/First Out)
- KPLarge
- KQLetter of Agreement Present
- KRLetter of Agreement Withdrawn
- KSLetter of Liability Present
- KTLetter of Liability Withdrawn
- KULocation Inquired Upon is a Branch
- KVLocation Inquired Upon is a Branch; Headquarters is Provided
- KWLocation inquired upon is a Headquarters
- KXLocation is Foreign
- KYMeans Exhausted
- KZMedium to Large
- L0Immunization Mandated by State Law for Employment
- L1General Standard of 20 Degree or .5 Diopter Sphere or Cylinder Change Met
- L2Replacement Due to Loss or Theft
- L3Replacement Due to Breakage or Damage
- L4Replacement Due to Patient Preference
- L5Replacement Due to Medical Reason
- L6Land Contract
- L7Account Current
- L8Very Good
- L9Restored
- LALetter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision
- LBLegally Blind
- LCProducer of Goods
- LDDrawback Indicator
- LELethargic
- LFCustoms Rule Applicable
- LGExported Pursuant to Law Regulation or to Cancel Customs Bond
- LHCountry of Origin Information Applies to All Prior Shipments
- LIPrice Estimated
- LJNorth American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Preference
- LKKit Form
- LLLockout Effective
- LMLetter of Appointment
- LNFacility’s Emergency Response Plan Includes Specific Actions to be Taken in Response to Accidental Releases of Regulated Substances
- LOLocomotive is Isolated
- LPLow Engine Oil Pressure
- LQFacility had a Safety Inspection
- LRLocomotive Engine is Running
- LSLessee Signature on File
- LTLender or Servicer Transfer
- LUEvidence of Dampness
- LVEvidence of Termites
- LWEvidence of Structure Settlement
- LXSalvage Moved
- LYAddress is Former Location
- LZAddress is Occupied by Others
- M0Facility has an Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Star or Merit Ranking
- M1Data Corrected
- M2Servicer Record Selected
- M3Length of Service is 3 Months or Less
- M4Length of Service is 3 Months or more, and Less than 1 Year
- M5Length of Service is 1 Year through 5 Years
- M6Length of Service is more than 5 Years
- M7Cataract or Corneal Transplant or Other Condition such as Keratoconus
- M8Vision in Worse Eye Correctable to 20/40 or Better with Regular Lenses
- M9Contact Lenses Corrected Vision in Worse Eye to 20/40 or Better
- MAMajor Alarm Flag Reported
- MBEquipment has Modified Configuration
- MCOther Mental Condition
- MDMarketing Time is 4 to 6 Months
- METrend Reversed
- MFMicroprocessor Fault
- MGMortgage Insurance Application Included
- MHMortgage Credit Report Included
- MIResidential Loan Application Included
- MJReal Estate Information Report Included
- MKReal Estate Title Evidence Included
- MLManually Search and List
- MMProperty is Occupied by Tenant (Market Rent)
- MNProperty is Occupied by Tenant (Regulated Rent)
- MOCooperative Project Includes or Owns Any Commercial Units
- MPUnits and Project Amenities are Complete
- MQEligible Trust
- MRResale Property
- MSMiscellaneous Skip-Trace Attempt
- MTPhotos Match Description
- MUPhotos Show Negative Influence
- MVExclude from Monthly Debt
- MWThis Broker Market Analysis is being Completed for Home Market Assistance
- MXThis Broker Market Analysis is being Completed for Homesale or Buyout
- MYProject Type is Single Family
- MZProject Type is Other
- N0Hospitalized over-night
- N1Claim Involves (a) Day(s) Away From Work
- N2Claim involves Restricted Work Activity Without Days Away from Work
- N3Strike or Lockout in Progress
- N4Shutdown or Layoff in Progress
- N5Work is Seasonal
- N6Natural Disaster or Adverse Weather Affecting Work
- N7Shorter Work Schedules or Fewer Pay Periods than Usual in Effect
- N8Longer Work Schedules or More Pay Periods than Usual in Effect
- N9Other Factors Affect Claim Frequency
- NANo User Available
- NBNeighborhood Predominately Single Family Dwellings
- NCItem has Direct Numerical Control
- NDNote Holder Permission Required
- NENotarized
- NFNew Construction
- NGMortgage Points are Customarily Paid by Seller
- NHNo National Flood Insurance Program map
- NISeasoned Mortgage
- NJIssues are Anticipated that would Affect the Ability to Secure Financing of the Subject Property
- NKCitizenship
- NLGroup Disability Insurance Mandatory
- NMRetail Origination
- NNAnswer to Referenced Question is "None"
- NOArm's Length Transaction
- NPCertification of a Non-attorney Bankruptcy Petition Preparer
- NQEligible for the Fannie Mae Neighbors Program
- NRNo Restrictions
- NS401K Plan in Effect
- NTLodging Provided
- NUNot Used
- NVContract Labor
- NWBonuses Paid
- NXMinors Employed
- NYMeets Requirements for Fannie Mae Community Seconds Program
- NZPurchase is a Result of Current Employer Sponsored Relocation
- O0Teaching Major
- O1Multiple Unspecified Instances
- O2Hires Part Time Employees as Needed
- O3Mexican Request
- O4Risk Management Plan Requires Predictive Filing
- O5Sanitized Copy
- O6Site Treated, Disposed, Recycled Waste On-Site or Discharged Waste to Sewer or Publicly Owned Treatment Works
- O7Toxic Chemical Claimed as Trade Secret
- O8Under Control of Reporting Facility or Parent Company
- O9Weather Conditions Not Known
- OASeller Provided Below Market Secondary Financing
- OBFixed Site
- OCMobile Facility
- ODTransfer Authorized
- OETransfer Complete
- OFCommercial Driver's License Verified
- OGResponsibility Accepted
- OHWaterbody Involved
- OICharges Pending
- OJDriver has Proper License Class
- OKDriver Compliant with License Restrictions
- OLOther Limitation
- OMDriver has Commercial Driver's License
- ONDriver has Medical Waiver
- OOOwn other Federal Housing Administration Property
- OPOut of Range Product Temperature
- OQPhotographs Taken
- OROther Restrictions
- OSOut of Service
- OTOriented
- OUPolice Officer at Scene
- OVOverridden
- OWProposed
- OXRating is Affected
- OYVeteran as Defined by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Veterans Administration (VA), or Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- OZLiability is Contingent or has a Co-signer
- P0Terminal Degree
- P1Patient was Discharged from the First Facility
- P2Patient was Admitted to the Second Facility
- P3Property has a Family Room or Den
- P4Property has Central Air Conditioning
- P5Property Typical of Neighborhood
- P6Property Deferred Maintenance Typical of Neighborhood
- P7Accepting Existing Patients
- P8Accepting New Patients
- P9Property Intended to be Occupied as Primary Residence
- PAParalysis
- PBPhone Skip Begin
- PCPlan is Attached
- PDPhone Skip Resolved
- PEPhone Skip Exhaust
- PFPaid Outside of Closing
- PGProject is Subject to Ground Rent
- PHPrepayable
- PIProgram
- PJProvider is Participating
- PKPreliminary Flood Determination
- PLProvider Certification in the Taxonomy Has Been Verified
- PMProject and Services Budget is Maintained
- PNAtypical Physical Condition
- POPersonal Property Onsite
- PPProperty Previously Winterized
- PQLiability will be Resubordinated to the Loan upon Closing
- PRPoor
- PSPublication is Included in Sharing
- PTProject is Complete
- PUNot Paid
- PVProperty Vacant 0-5 Percent
- PWPartial Weight Bearing
- PXPaid by Borrower Before Closing
- PYProperty for Sale
- PZProperty Vacant Over 5 Percent
- Q0Veteran
- Q1Export Product
- Q2Distilled Spirit, Beer or Wine
- Q3U.S. Goods Returned
- Q4Candidate for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Protest
- Q5Domestic Product
- Q6Prior Approval Letter and Official Orders on File
- Q7Importer's Substantiating Statement and Contract are on File
- Q8International Transport Movement
- Q9Piece Count should be Included in the Total Packing List Quantity
- QAShipment should be Held at the Port
- QBMultiple States of Origin for this Item
- QCMultiple Countries of Origin for this Item
- QDLetter of Credit Restricted to a Specific Bank
- QELetter of Credit Permits Transshipment
- QFLetter of Credit Covers Partial Shipments
- QGDutiable Item
- QHAmounts should be Pro-rated across Line Items
- QIToxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Certification Required
- QJVisa Required for this Item
- QKItem Subject to Quotas
- QLItem is a Set as Defined by the General Rules of Interpretation Section 3 (GRI3)
- QMItem is a Set
- QNItem is an Ensemble
- QOItem is a Metal Item
- QPItem is a Machine Part
- QQItem is a Hazardous Item
- QRItem is Eligible under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
- QSQuantity to be Imported has been Approved by the Necessary Agencies
- QTFiling Data is to be Withheld from Public Inspection
- QUProperty Type Cooperative
- QVPaid by Borrower at Closing
- QWPaid by Other At or Before Closing
- QXTreated as a Reduction to Income
- QYDoes Organization Receive Income from the Sale or Lease of Tangible Personal Property, the Lease of Real Property, or the Sale of Taxable Services?
- QZIs organization a contractor-retailer primarily engaged in retail sales?
- R0Exempt from Public Records Law
- R1Debtor Holds Claim to Real Property
- R2Entity Claims to Hold a Secured Interest
- R3Debtor has Property of the Type Specified
- R4Debtor Elects the State Exemption
- R5Debtor Elects the Federal Exemption
- R6Co-debtor may be Jointly Liable
- R7Claim is Contingent
- R8Claim is Unliquidated
- R9Claim is Disputed
- RAReference Telephone Attempt
- RBDebtor has No Creditors Holding Unsecured Priority Claims
- RCReference Telephone Contact
- RDRent Delinquent
- REClaim is Subject to Setoff
- RFDebtor has No Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases
- RGLease is for Nonresidential Real Property
- RHDebtor has No Co-debtors
- RIDebtor is Married
- RJDebtor's Spouse Maintains a Separate Household
- RKReal Estate Taxes are Included
- RLProperty Insurance is Included
- RMDebtor has No Creditors Holding Secured Claims
- RNRent Control
- ROEquipment is Rebuilt
- RPIndividual Injured in Performance of Duty
- RQIndividual Injured by Third Party
- RRQuality of Management and its Enforcement of Rules and Regulations Based on General Appearances
- RSPay Continued
- RTSick Leave Taken
- RUSignature on File
- RVLow Refrigerant Capacity Shutdown
- RWRecent Defrost
- RXRated Horsepower can be Produced
- RYForeign Military Sale
- RZWaiver of Prior Notice
- S0Alternate Certification Program Participant
- S1Services Provided at the Second Facility were available at the First Facility
- S2Under Treatment
- S3First Time Vacant
- S4Adverse Easement
- S5Disclosure Indicator
- S6Atypical Off Site Improvements
- S7Toxic Substances
- S8Adverse Encroachment
- S9Atypical Functional Condition
- SASubject Property is Currently Listed
- SBDebtor is a Small Business as Defined in 11 U.S.C. Section 101
- SCSpecial Services are Mobile Home Only
- SDSpecial Services are Leasehold or Mobile Home or Both
- SEDebtor Elects to be Considered as a Small Business Under 11 U.S.C. Section 1121(e)
- SFSensor Fault
- SGStreet Lights are Public
- SHSpecial Services are Leasehold or Subleasehold or Both
- SIHazardous Waste
- SJPest Infestation
- SKRoad Maintenance Required
- SLSpeech Limitations
- SMCurrently Serving in Military
- SNMajor Base Support
- SOCritical Support Level Met
- SPStreet is Public
- SQLocal Wages in Effect
- SRFederal Worker Displacement
- SSAdverse Zoning
- STNew Services Requested
- SUContinued Services Requested
- SVMajor Corporation/High Tech
- SWSidewalk is Public
- SXCollective Bargaining Agreement Sent by Mail
- SYCollective Bargaining Agreement Sent by Facsimile
- SZContract
- T0Under Contract
- T1Road Test Performed with No Problems Reported
- T2Road Test Performed with Problems Reported
- T3Tires' Brand Match
- T4Real Estate Taxes are Current
- T5Hazard Insurance is Current
- T6Terminate Guarantee
- T7Atypical External Condition
- T8Subsidence (Settlement of Ground Surface Caused by Loss of Support)
- T9Utilities Inadequate
- TACollective Bargaining Agreement Sent by Electronic Bulletin Board
- TBDebtor has No Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims
- TCTransport via Cargo Aircraft
- TDAnnual Leave Taken
- TEItem is Special Test Equipment
- TFOperates as Representative For Others
- TGClaim Involves Work Related Death
- THClaim Does Not Involve Work Related Death, Days Away from Work, or Restricted Work Activity
- TIEmployee Has Not Recovered to Return to Work
- TJEmployee Has Retired
- TKEmployee Has Resigned
- TLEmployee is Permanently and Totally Disabled
- TMTraction Motor is Cut Out
- TNAtypical Quality of Construction
- TOAtypical Remodeling
- TPTransport via Passenger Aircraft
- TQAtypical Additions
- TRTransfer to Bed, or Chair, or Both
- TSAdverse Marketing Conditions in Subject Property's Neighborhood
- TTNeighborhood Water Source is Public
- TUNeighborhood Sewage Treatment is Public
- TVTelephone Number Verified
- TWNeighborhood Street is Public
- TXOther Miscellaneous Adverse Characteristics
- TYSubject Property's Street is Public
- TZSubject Property's Sewage Treatment is Public
- U0Disability
- U1Minimal Change
- U2Neat Appearance
- U3Net Worth Computed after Exemptions
- U4Net Worth Considerably Higher
- U5Net Worth Higher
- U6No Employees
- U7No Employees - Business Managed by Owner
- U8No Employees - Business Managed by Partners
- U9Not Out of Business
- UAUninsurable, 1316 Property
- UBConducted at a Profit
- UCContingent Debt Indicated
- UDContinue
- UEContracts Obtained by Bid
- UFContracts Obtained by Negotiation
- UGConverted to Holding Company
- UHCross Claim Filed
- UIDeclining Tendency
- UJDetrimental Events in Past, Relating to Business
- UKDetrimental Events in Past, Relating to Management
- ULDown or Decline or Decreased
- UMEmployees Include Officers
- UNUncooperative
- UOEmployees Include Owners
- UPEmployees Include Partners
- UQEmployees Include Temporary Workers
- UREmployees Vary According to Needs
- USEnclosed
- UTUp as Tolerated
- UUExtent of Audit, if any, Not Indicated
- UVFavorable Personal Reputation
- UWFigures are Abbreviated
- UXFigures are Converted to Agency Format
- UYFigures are Individual
- UZFigures are Restated
- V0Ultimate Parent Company Financial Statement Used
- V1Valid Borrower Address or Phone Attempt with School Attended
- V2Lender Determined Borrower Moved Out of State
- V3Lender Determined Borrower Moved Back into State
- V4Lender Determined Borrower Incarcerated
- V5Lender Determined Borrower No Longer Incarcerated
- V6Original
- V7True and Exact Copy
- V8Subject Property's Water Source is Public
- V9Pictures Required
- VAIntercompany Relations Exist
- VBInventory Valued at Lower of Cost or Market
- VCInventory Valued at Other Methods
- VDOperates as Sole Agent
- VEWithout Personal Judgment
- VFWork is Subcontracted
- VGNot Registered
- VHImmediate Attention Required
- VIVehicle Inspection Report Completed
- VJMiddle to Medium
- VKRent Control Likely
- VLFurnished
- VMPrice Range Single Family or Planned Unit Development Not Applicable
- VNPrice Range Condominium Not Applicable
- VOPrice Range Two to Four Family Not Applicable
- VPFinancial Figures are Projected Based on Sales
- VQFinancial Figures are Projected Based on Employees
- VRParent Company has Bankruptcy
- VSHeadquarters has Bankruptcy
- VTCommercial Motor Vehicle was Involved in this Conviction
- VUCommercial Motor Vehicle was Carrying Hazardous Materials when the Offense was Committed
- VVPrepared from Internal Book Figures
- VWQuantity Declined
- VXQuantity Details Unknown
- VYWas tax paid when purchased by seller?
- VZWas item depreciable?
- W0Statement is on a Trading Trust
- W1New Registration
- W2Mailing Address Change
- W3Residence Address Change
- W4Name Change
- W5Party Enrollment Change
- W6Needs Absentee Ballot
- W7Would Like to be Election Day Worker
- W8Duplicate Registration
- W9Forwarded Application
- WAWalker Required
- WBWater On
- WCApplication Incomplete
- WDVehicle Plate Surrendered
- WEWritten Notice to Note Holder
- WFWritten Notice to Borrower
- WGWithin Specified Time Period
- WHWithin Specified Range
- WIInjury was Work Related
- WJDealer Pricing Authorization
- WKSummary Level Information
- WLDetail Level Information
- WMNon-occupant Co-borrower
- WNUnit is a Studio (Efficiency)
- WOEquipment in Working Order
- WPTo be Watched
- WQUndetermined Out of Business Status
- WRWheelchair Required
- WSBalance Sheet Filed
- WTWinterized Tag Observed
- WUMaterial Safety Data Sheet
- WVAccepts Credit Cards
- WWAll Purchases Made from Headquarters
- WXBusy
- WYExcessive
- WZFairly new
- X0No Employees - Business Managed by Director(s)
- X1Gross Weekly Amount is Estimated
- X2Waiting Period Disability Days are Non-consecutive
- X3Report Depicts Most Recent Data - Interim Period(s) Omitted
- X4Permanent Impairment Paid at Minimum
- X5Employee's Death is a Result of Work Injury or Illness
- X6Employee's Written Social Security Number Release is on File
- X7Employee's Medical Records Release Authorization is on File
- X8Employee Returned to Work with Pre-Injury Employer
- X9"Cafe" Plan in Effect
- XAFigures are Average
- XBImports
- XCIn Process of Establishing
- XDIntercompany Relations Consist of Endorsements
- XEIntercompany Relations Consist of Guarantees
- XFIntercompany Relations Consist of Leasing Arrangements
- XGIntercompany Relations Consist of Sharing Accounting
- XHIntercompany Relations Consist of Sharing Facilities
- XIIntercompany Relations Consist of Sharing Management
- XJIntercompany Relations Consist of Sharing Personnel
- XKInterest in Other Business(es) Along with Family
- XLInterest in Other Business(es) Along with Others in Reported Company
- XMInventory Valued at Company's Estimates
- XNInventory Valued at Cost
- XOInventory Valued using AVCO (Average Cost)
- XPJoint Ownership
- XQLeases with No Rent Payments
- XRLeases with Option to Buy
- XSLeases with Token Payment
- XTLimited
- XULocated for Several Years
- XVLocated Since Opening
- XWModern
- XXNon-Existent
- XYOfficer or Owner in Other Businesses in the Same Field
- XZOperates as a Distributor for Others
- Y0Insured Cooperative
- Y1Worked in Industry for Several Years
- Y2Aircraft Operation
- Y3All Classifications on Policy Accounted For
- Y4Board Provided
- Y5Casual Labor
- Y6Certificates on File for All Subcontractors
- Y7Commissions Paid
- Y8Condition or Type of Records Cause Additional Audit Time
- Y9Domestic Workers Employed
- YAOperates from Residence
- YBOperates under License by Others
- YCRents from Month to Month
- YDSemi-modern
- YEUnder Construction
- YFUnlimited
- YGUsed
- YHVariable
- YIHolder is a Subsidiary of Reporting Agent
- YJContact is Unchanged From Previous Report
- YKReport was Filed Last Year by This Agent
- YLParty is Authorized to do Business in This State
- YMClear Decrease
- YNEmployees Temporarily Laid Off
- YOEstablished in the Industry
- YPGlobal Business
- YQInformation to be Followed Up
- YRKnown Details are Listed
- YSLand is Rented
- YTLow
- YUPrime Commercial Area
- YVShares with Affiliated Company(ies)
- YWSlightly Higher
- YXSlightly Lower
- YYStagnant
- YZTerritory Information is Available
- Z0Subcontractors Used
- Z1Insured Is a Subcontractor
- Z2Insured Has Multiple Entries
- Z3Insured Has Retail Operations
- Z4Insured Requested Division of Payroll of Employee(s)
- Z5Owner or Officer Interviewed
- Z6Premium Overtime Excluded
- Z7Records Reflect Proper Division of Employee(s) Payroll
- Z8Records Satisfactory for Audit
- Z9Relatives Employed
- ZACustomer - Configuration Change is Required
- ZBCondition Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) is Mission Degrading
- ZCCondition Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) is Maintenance Related
- ZDCondition Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) is Safety Related
- ZERepair is Mission Essential
- ZFRepair is Safety Essential
- ZGPeriodic Maintenance is Required
- ZHCondition Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) Discrepancy is Corrected
- ZIProgress is in Jeopardy
- ZJEmployee's Injury or Illness is Work Related
- ZKFinal - Configuration Change is Required
- ZLFinal - Delivery to Shop is Required
- ZMFinal - Requestor Workforce will Assist
- ZNJob is Level 2
- ZOPreliminary - Configuration Change is Required
- ZPPreliminary - Delivery to Shop is Required
- ZQPreliminary - Requestor Workforce will Assist
- ZRConfiguration Change is Associated with Time Meter
- ZSShop Has Lead Responsibility
- ZTEstimate is Derived From Job Template
- ZURequestor Holds Technical Documentation
- ZVReplacement Item
- ZWCanadian Standards Association (CSA) Approved
- ZXNon-convertible
- ZYUnderwriters Laboratory (UL) Approved
- ZZMutually Defined
- 000In Progress
- AFMAccepting Family Members
- ATRAtrophy
- BPDBeneficiary is Partially Dependent
- BTDBeneficiary is Totally Dependent
- CAIComponent Assembly Inspection Required
- CFDClaim is Fraudulent
- CLDContractor Liable for Discrepancy
- CNJCumulative Injury
- COSCost
- DDSDefined Distribution
- DFRDeductible Amount Fully Recovered
- DNRDeductible Amount Not Fully Recovered
- EQREquipment is Remanufactured or has been Assigned a New Equipment Initial
- HOMHomicidal
- JCAJoint Coverage Applies
- LSDList Specialty in Directory
- MDRMild Retardation
- NDPNo Deductible Program
- ODSOpen Distribution
- ODZOccupational Disease
- PALPatient Is Allowed To Leave Residence
- PARParaplegia
- PFBPreviously Failed Board Certification
- PNAProduct Substitution is Not Allowed
- POCPurchase Order Carton Consolidation (POCC) for this Carton
- POSPurchase Order Carton Consolidation (POCC) for this Shipment
- PRDPrior Damage
- PSAProduct Substitution is Allowed
- PSEProduct Substitution is Allowed as Specified
- PTHPatient Is Homebound
- RCARental Car Arranged
- REFReferral Required
- SELSell
- SERManufacturer Product Serial Numbers are Included
- SPPSpecialty is Primary
- SPSSpecialty is Secondary
- STBSelf-Threatening Behavior
- SUBSubrogation Open
- SUDSuicidal
- TBOThreatening Behavior Toward Others
- TNJTraumatic Injury
- VODVolume Decrease
- VOIVolume Increase
- VTLVehicle was Declared a Total Loss
Code indicating a condition
Codes (1341)- 10Patient is ambulatory
- 11Ambulation is Impaired and Walking Aid is Used for Therapy or Mobility
- 12Patient is confined to a bed or chair
- 13Patient is Confined to a Room or an Area Without Bathroom Facilities
- 14Ambulation is Impaired and Walking Aid is Used for Mobility
- 15Patient Condition Requires Positioning of the Body or Attachments Which Would Not be Feasible With the Use of an Ordinary Bed
- 16Patient needs a trapeze bar to sit up due to respiratory condition or change body positions for other medical reasons
- 17Patient's Ability to Breathe is Severely Impaired
- 18Patient condition requires frequent and/or immediate changes in body positions
- 19Patient can operate controls
- 20Siderails Are to be Attached to a Hospital Bed Owned by the Beneficiary
- 21Patient owns equipment
- 22Mattress or Siderails are Being Used with Prescribed Medically Necessary Hospital Bed Owned by the Beneficiary
- 23Patient Needs Lift to Get In or Out of Bed or to Assist in Transfer from Bed to Wheelchair
- 24Patient has an orthopedic impairment requiring traction equipment which prevents ambulation during period of use
- 25Item has been prescribed as part of a planned regimen of treatment in patient home
- 26Patient is highly susceptible to decubitus ulcers
- 27Patient or a care-giver has been instructed in use of equipment
- 28Patient has poor diabetic control
- 29A 6-7 hour nocturnal study documents 30 episodes of apnea each lasting more than 10 seconds
- 30Without the equipment, the patient would require surgery
- 31Patient has had a total knee replacement
- 32Patient has intractable lymphedema of the extremities
- 33Patient is in a nursing home
- 34Patient is conscious
- 35This Feeding is the Only Form of Nutritional Intake for This Patient
- 36Patient was administered premix
- 37Oxygen delivery equipment is stationary
- 38Certification signed by the physician is on file at the supplier's office
- 39Patient Has Mobilizing Respiratory Tract Secretions
- 40Patient or Caregiver is Capable of Using the Equipment Without Technical or Professional Supervision
- 41Patient or Caregiver is Unable to Propel or Lift a Standard Weight Wheelchair
- 42Patient Requires Leg Elevation for Edema or Body Alignment
- 43Patient Weight or Usage Needs Necessitate a Heavy Duty Wheelchair
- 44Patient Requires Reclining Function of a Wheelchair
- 45Patient is Unable to Operate a Wheelchair Manually
- 46Patient or Caregiver Requires Side Transfer into Wheelchair, Commode or Other
- 47Advertisement Run Condition
- 48Individual Paid for Last Day Worked
- 49Full Wages Paid for Date of Injury
- 50Citation or Ticket Issued
- 51Individual is Member of Policyholder's Household
- 52Individual Permitted to Use Vehicle
- 53Individual Wore Seatbelt
- 54Child Restraint Device in Vehicle
- 55Child Restraint Device Used
- 56Individual Injured
- 57Individual Transported to Another Location
- 58Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Purchased New
- 59Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Is Under Warranty
- 60Transportation Was To the Nearest Facility
- 61Employee is Exempt
- 62Claimant is Covered on the Employer's Long-term Disability Plan
- 63Employee's Job Responsibilities Changed Due to the Disabling Condition
- 64Employer Has a Return to Work Policy for Disabled Employees
- 65Open
- 66Normal
- 67Closed-moderate
- 68Severe
- 69Moderate
- 70Straight
- 71Convex
- 72Concave
- 73Double Protrusion
- 74No Crossbite
- 75Posterior
- 76Anterior
- 77Maxillary
- 78Mandibular
- 79Right
- 80Left
- 81Maxillary Moderate
- 82Mandibular Moderate
- 83Maxillary Severe
- 84Mandibular Severe
- 85Income Has Been Verified
- 86Person Has Been Interviewed
- 87Rent Has Been Verified
- 88Employer Has Been Verified
- 89Position Has Been Verified
- 90Inquiry Has Been Verified
- 91Outstanding Judgments
- 92Declared Bankruptcy in Past 7 Years
- 93Foreclosure or Deed in Lieu in Past 7 Years
- 94Party to Lawsuit
- 95Obligated on a Loan Foreclosed, Deed in Lieu of Judgment
- 96Currently Delinquent or in Default
- 97Obligated to Pay Alimony, Child Support or Maintenance
- 98Part of Down Payment Borrowed
- 99Co-maker or Endorser on a Note
- 00Requested
- 01Patient was admitted to a hospital
- 02Patient was bed confined before the ambulance service
- 03Patient was bed confined after the ambulance service
- 04Patient was moved by stretcher
- 05Patient was unconscious or in shock
- 06Patient was transported in an emergency situation
- 07Patient had to be physically restrained
- 08Patient had visible hemorrhaging
- 09Ambulance service was medically necessary
- 0AAutomated Export System - Post Departure Authorized Special Status (AES-PASS) Standard
- 0BAutomated Export System - Post Departure Authorized Special Status (AES-PASS) Expanded
- 0CAutomated Export System - Post Departure Authorized Special Status (AES-PASS) Post Departure
- 0DFacility’s Emergency Response Plan Includes Information on Emergency Health Care
- 0EFacility’s Emergency Response Plan Includes Procedures for Informing Public and Local Agencies Responsible for Responding to an Accidental Release
- 0FFacility has a Clean Air Act Title V Operating Permit
- 0GFacility has a Written Emergency Response Plan
- 0HFacility has Reportable Accidents
- 0IFacility is Covered by the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act Section 302
- 0JFacility is Covered by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Process Safety Management Standard
- 0KFacility is Included in the Community Emergency Response Plan
- 0LHazardous Waste Mixed with Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA)-Radioactive Material
- 0MOffsite Responders Notified
- 0NPrecipitation Present
- 0ODisabled Veteran
- 0PServicer has Advanced Funds to Pay for Delinquent Taxes on Non-escrowed Mortgage
- 0QProperty Has Fire Insurance Only that was not Lender Placed
- 0RReported but Unconfirmed
- 0SHas Smoke Alarms
- 0TOperates as a Holding Company
- 0UOptimum
- 0VRenewed
- 0WHighest Educational Level
- 0XPrincipal Certificate
- 0YInservice Education Completed
- 0ZMain Assignment
- 1APatient is receiving anti-fungal therapy
- 1BProperty is occupied by owner
- 1CProperty is occupied by tenant
- 1DProperty is vacant
- 1ELocation is urban
- 1FLocation is suburban
- 1GLocation is rural
- 1HBuilt-up over 75%
- 1IBuilt-up 25 - 75%
- 1JBuilt-up under 25%
- 1KGrowth rate is rapid
- 1LClass I-Left
- 1MGrowth rate is stable
- 1NGrowth rate is slow
- 1OProperty values are increasing
- 1PProperty values are stable
- 1QProperty values are declining
- 1RClass I-Right
- 1SDemand or supply is in shortage
- 1TDemand or supply is in balance
- 1UDemand or supply is over supply
- 1VMarketing time is under 3 months
- 1WMarketing time is 3 to 6 months
- 1XMarketing time is over 6 months
- 1YPredominant occupancy is the owner
- 1ZPredominant occupancy is the tenant
- 2APatient is receiving oral anti-fungal therapy
- 2BPredominant occupancy is vacant (0-5%)
- 2CPredominant occupancy is vacant (over 5%)
- 2DDeveloper or builder is in control of the Home Owners Association
- 2ESite is a corner lot
- 2FZoning compliance is legal
- 2GZoning compliance is legal nonconforming (grandfather use)
- 2HZoning compliance is illegal
- 2IThere is no zoning
- 2JHighest and best use as improved is the present use
- 2KHighest and best use as improved is other use
- 2LClass II-Left
- 2MProperty is located in a Federal Emergency Management Administration special flood hazard area
- 2NAppraisal is made "as is"
- 2OAppraisal is made subject to the repairs, alterations, inspections, or conditions listed
- 2PAppraisal is made subject to the completion per plans and specifications
- 2QProject type is planned unit development (PUD)
- 2RClass II-Right
- 2SProject type is condominium
- 2TProperty rights are fee simple
- 2UProperty rights are leasehold
- 2VSupervisor appraiser inspected the property per supervisory appraiser's certification
- 2WProperty was sold within last 12 months
- 2XAppraiser signed statement of limiting conditions and disclaimer
- 2YOwnership interest in a property
- 2ZTermination
- 3APatient is receiving topical anti-fungal therapy
- 3BPoints Paid by Seller
- 3CPoints Paid by Buyer
- 3DSeller Concession
- 3ELetter of Certification
- 3FVerbal Report Needed
- 3GAny Relationship Between Owner and Occupant
- 3HMap and Directions to Remote Properties to Follow
- 3IGround Lease to Follow
- 3JDisclosure Statement to Follow
- 3KCopy of Property Listing to Follow
- 3LClass III-Left
- 3MCopy of Title Report Plat Map to Follow
- 3NProperty Tax Bill to Follow
- 3OEngineering or Soil Report to Follow
- 3PSales Contract Available
- 3QLeave Will be Taken
- 3RClass III-Right
- 3SApproved
- 3TBalance Sheet does not balance
- 3UBanking done through Parent Company
- 3VBanking done through Related Concern
- 3WBanking done through Subsidiary
- 3XCan not determine if subject engaged in business
- 3YDeteriorated
- 3ZDetrimental Information Received
- 4AServices are rendered within Hospice-elected period of coverage
- 4BAccidents
- 4CAccount Representative Transfer
- 4DAdditional Coverage
- 4EAdvice to Stop
- 4FAgent Replacement
- 4GBackup Withholding
- 4HCurrent Employer
- 4ICurrent Occupation
- 4JEmployer Reimbursement
- 4KEmployee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
- 4LExpected Changes
- 4MExperimental
- 4NForeign Flight
- 4OFuture Involvement
- 4PGrounding, Fine, Reprimand
- 4QGroup Disability Insurance Conversion
- 4RGroup Disability Insurance Offset
- 4SGroup Disability Insurance Participation
- 4TGroup Disability Insurance Top Up
- 4UHome Employment
- 4VInformation Omitted
- 4WInjury Benefits
- 4XIssue at Higher Premiums
- 4YIssue With Exclusions
- 4ZIssue Without Benefits
- 5ATreatment is rendered related to the terminal illness
- 5BCertified Aftermarket Parts Association (CAPA) Only
- 5CCertified Aftermarket Parts Association (CAPA) Preferred
- 5DJuvenile Seen
- 5EMedical Treatment
- 5FMilitary Aviation
- 5GNew Group
- 5HOther Coverage Offset
- 5IOther Principals Being Insured
- 5JOwner Active in Business
- 5KPayroll Deduction
- 5LPrepaid
- 5MPrevious Application
- 5NPrimary Occupation
- 5ORacing Accident
- 5PReplacement
- 5QResides With Applicant
- 5RGender Distinct
- 5SSibling Coverage
- 5TSickness Benefits
- 5USpecial Dating
- 5VSpousal Consent
- 5WSuitability Analysis
- 5XSuitable for Coverage
- 5YTaxable
- 5ZThis Company Replacement
- 6ATreatment is rendered by a Hospice employed physician
- 6BUnited States Citizen
- 6CPermanent Resident Alien
- 6DBorrower is First Time Homebuyer
- 6EUnemployment Claims
- 6FUnemployment Insurance Eligibility
- 6GWork Status
- 6HWorkers Compensation Eligible
- 6IFactored on Recourse Basis
- 6JFactored with Advances
- 6KFigures are Actual
- 6LFigures are Anticipated
- 6MFigures are Estimated
- 6NFigures are Modified
- 6OFigures are Projected
- 6PGovernment Business Number Unavailable
- 6QGoodwill Origin Purchased from Bankrupt Company
- 6RGoodwill Origin Rented
- 6SHas no ownership
- 6TImproved
- 6UIntangibles breakdown available
- 6VIntangibles include Organizational Expense
- 6WIntercompany relations consist of Loans and Advances
- 6XIntercompany relations consist of Merchandise Transactions
- 6YIntercompany relations consist of Service Transactions
- 6ZLocal banking utilized on a transfer account basis
- 7ATreatment is rendered by a private attending physician
- 7BMedications Ordered are being Administered Intramuscularly
- 7CMedications Ordered are being Administered Intravenously
- 7DMedications Ordered are being Administered Orally
- 7EMaintains no Inventory
- 7FMedications Ordered are being Administered Subcutaneously
- 7GMajority
- 7HMarketable Securities valued at cost
- 7IMarketable Securities valued at lower of cost or market
- 7JInterior Access Denied
- 7KRepairs are Recommended
- 7LLoan Originated under Shared Equity Plan
- 7MTitle and or Legal Issues Exist
- 7NEnvironmental Issues Exist
- 7OProperty is Listed As Is
- 7PProperty is Listed as Repaired
- 7QVacancy Rate is Greater Than 5 Percent to 10 Percent
- 7RVacancy Rate is Greater Than 10 Percent to 20 Percent
- 7SVacancy Rate is Greater Than 20 Percent
- 7TMost Comparable Property
- 7UAnticipate Issues which Affect Ability to Secure Financing
- 7VPoints are Paid by Seller
- 7WProperty Covered by Flood Insurance Policy
- 7XProperty Covered by Earthquake Insurance Policy
- 7YPoints are Negotiable
- 7ZProperty is Currently Listed with a Real Estate Firm
- 8ATreatment is curative
- 8BIncome or Assets of Another Used
- 8CDisclosure of Someone Else's Liabilities Required
- 8DProperty Improvements "to be made"
- 8EProperty Improvements "have been made"
- 8FDistant Suburban
- 8GSelf Employed
- 8HLiability to be Satisfied
- 8IAre Assets/Liabilities Reported Jointly
- 8JLocation is Farm
- 8KLocation is Resort
- 8LShortage Exist for Competing Listings
- 8MCompeting Listings are in Balance
- 8NOversupply Exist for Competing Listings
- 8OIncentives are Offered
- 8PListed Property has been Inspected
- 8QSale Property has been Inspected
- 8RGeneral Marketing Condition is Depressed
- 8SGeneral Marketing Condition is Slow
- 8TGeneral Marketing Condition is Static
- 8UGeneral Marketing Condition is Improving
- 8VGeneral Marketing Condition is Excellent
- 8WEmployment Conditions are Stable
- 8XEmployment Conditions are Declining
- 8YEmployment Conditions are Increasing
- 8ZOverimprovement Condition Exists
- 9ATreatment is Palliative
- 9BInvoluntary Committal
- 9CLack of Available Equipment
- 9DLack of Appropriate Facility within Reasonable Distance to Treat Patient in the Event of Complications
- 9ESudden Onset of Disorientation
- 9FSudden Onset of Severe, Incapacitating Pain
- 9GContinuous Hemorrhage from any Site with Abnormal Lab Values
- 9HPatient Requires Intensive IV Therapy
- 9IPatient Requires Volume Expanders
- 9JPatient Requires Protective Isolation
- 9KPatient Requires Frequent Monitoring
- 9LPatient Requires Extended Post-operative Observation
- 9MForeclosure Proceedings Have Begun
- 9NUnderimprovement Condition Exists
- 9OMarketability of Property is Excellent
- 9PMarketability of Property is Good
- 9QMarketability of Property is Fair
- 9RMarketability of Property is Poor
- 9SFees are Current
- 9TFees Include Tennis
- 9UFees Include Pool
- 9VFees Include Insurance
- 9WFees Include Landscape
- 9XFees Include Other Amenities
- 9YMost Likely Buyer is Owner Occupant
- 9ZMost Likely Buyer is Investor
- A0Liability Coverage Will Transfer
- A1Most Likely Buyer is Other Person or Entity
- A2Potential Financing is Fannie Mae
- A3Suppress Paper Endorsement
- A4Do Not Suppress Paper Endorsement
- A5Escrow
- A6Teaching Minor
- A7Sub-servicer Submitted
- A8First Mortgage
- A9Second Mortgage
- AAAmputation
- ABAddress Skip Begin
- ACAddress Corrected
- ADAutomatic Drill Time Calculated
- AEAutomatic Edging Time Calculated
- AFAutomatically Select
- AGAgitated
- AHAutomatically Search and List
- AIAddress Incorrect
- AJAssumable
- AKPotential Financing is Cash
- ALAmbulation Limitations
- AMPotential Financing is Outside Lender
- ANAddress Incomplete
- AOAccept Certification without Changes
- APAlley is Public
- AQPotential Financing is Federal Housing Administration
- ARAddress Skip Resolved
- ASAddress Skip Exhaust
- ATAccept Statement of Limiting Conditions without Changes
- AUAutomatic Underside Time Calculated
- AVAvailable - Not Used
- AWAccept Certification with Changes
- AXAccept Statement of Limiting Conditions with Changes
- AYAdjacent Track Occupied
- AZPotential Financing is Veterans Affairs
- B0Uninsured Motorist Coverage Will Transfer
- B1Mortgage in Foreclosure
- B2Real Estate Owned (REO) Mortgage
- B3Potential Financing is Contract for Deed
- B4Only the Exterior has been Inspected
- B5Real Estate Owned Property or Foreclosure Property
- B6Number of Comparable Listings is Normal
- B7Number of Comparable Listings is an Oversupply
- B8Number of Comparable Listings is a Shortage
- B9Property Management Expenses Outstanding
- BABorrower Letter Attempt
- BBBuilding or Mobile Home is in a Coastal Barrier Resources Area
- BCBorrower Telephone Contact
- BDBusiness Pending
- BEBorrower Letter Contact
- BFMarketable Securities valued at market
- BGAppropriate Improvement Condition Exists
- BHName unknown to local authorities
- BINo manufacturing done on Premises
- BJOccasional
- BKOfficer or owner in other Businesses
- BLBowel Limitations, Bladder Limitations, or both (Incontinence)
- BMOld
- BNOperates on part time basis
- BOParent Financial Statement Used
- BPBorrower Payment Received
- BQProduct Information Available
- BRBedrest BRP (Bathroom Privileges)
- BSRevenue derived from Commissions
- BTBorrower Telephone Attempt
- BURevenue derived from Donations
- BVRevenue derived from Fees
- BWRevenue derived from Grants
- BXRevenue derived from Taxes
- BYSprinkler Equipped
- BZStatement requested from Government Registry
- C0Collision Coverage Will Transfer
- C1Advances From Property Management Expenses Outstanding
- C2Final Demand Letter Sent
- C3Lender Request for Assistance
- C4Mortgage has Lender-purchased Mortgage Insurance
- C5Insufficient Funds
- C6Credit Enhanced Mortgage
- C7Corporate Appointment
- C8Special Servicing Required
- C9Client Specifically Requested Consideration of Special Financing or an Assumable Loan
- CACane Required
- CBComplete Bedrest
- CCCollection Card was Left
- CDCall to Directory Assistance for Reference Telephone
- CECo-signer Telephone Attempt
- CFCo-signer Telephone Contact
- CGCo-signer Delinquency Letter Sent
- CHCo-signer Final Demand Letter Sent
- CICall to Directory Assistance for Co-signer Telephone
- CJValid Borrower Address or Phone Attempt with Previous Holder
- CKConvertible
- CLClaimant had a Pre-existing Injury
- CMComatose
- CNCommon Elements are Leased to or by the Home Owners' Association
- COContracture
- CPCase Pending
- CQCallable
- CRCrutches Required
- CSCommunity Participates in National Flood Insurance Program
- CTCommon Elements are Completed
- CUCurb and Gutter are Public
- CVCooperative
- CWCooling Water is Low
- CXCertification Status
- CYCar Spaces are Adequate
- CZCar Spaces are Inadequate
- D0Comprehensive Coverage Will Transfer
- D1Issue Check Payable to Borrower and Return to Servicer
- D2Issue Check Payable to Servicer and Return to Servicer
- D3Issue Check Payable to Borrower and Send to Borrower
- D4Issue Check Payable to Servicer or Borrower and Return to Servicer
- D5Issue Check Payable to Other Payee
- D6Positive
- D7Negative
- D8Taxes are Typical for the Area and Price Range
- D9Improvement Conforms to Zoning Regulations
- DACall to Directory Assistance for Borrower Telephone
- DBDeferment or Forbearance Begin
- DCDeclined
- DDBorrower Furnished Demographic Data
- DEDeferment or Forbearance End
- DFFunds available for Unsecured Creditors
- DGDynamic Brakes are Out
- DHDebtor has been Domiciled
- DIDisoriented
- DJDynamic Brakes are Operational
- DKConstruction Warranty
- DLConstruction Warranty Transferable
- DMMaintenance Drug under Client's Benefit Plan
- DNPayment Reduced Because Maximum Allowable Cost Exceeded
- DOBenefits Terminated Prior to Service Date
- DPDepressed
- DQDrug Part of Formulary Data Base
- DRSubject not Engaged in Business
- DSAll Door Seals are Intact
- DTFiling Fee Attached
- DUSubject not Engaged in Business at Requested Address
- DVSuspended
- DWTotal
- DXUnable to Respond
- DYDyspnea with Minimal Exertion
- DZUses Own Facilities
- E0Figures are Total
- E1Fixed Asset Breakdown Undisclosed
- E2For the Fiscal Year
- E3For the Period
- E4Formed by Consolidation
- E5Formed by Merger
- E6Prior Bankruptcy Case Filed in Last 6 Years
- E7Debtor is not Represented by an Attorney
- E8A Pending Case has been Filed
- E9Guaranteed by Parent Company
- EAHas Authority for All Purchases
- EBHas Authority to Purchase Supplies
- ECEquipment Certified
- EDHas Business Interruption Insurance
- EEHas Class of Stock
- EFHas Extended Coverage Insurance
- EGHas Fire Insurance
- EHHas Joint Authority
- EIHas Life Insurance
- EJExistence of Preliminary Flood Determination
- EKExistence of Community Participation in the National Flood Insurance
- ELEndurance Limitations
- EMHas Marriage Contract
- ENElectricity On
- EOEquipment Is Overhauled
- EPExercises Prescribed
- EQHas No Par Value
- EREngine Start-Up Performed with No Problems Reported
- ESEngine Start-Up Performed with Problems Reported
- ETElectrical Control System Shut Down
- EUHas Other Insurance
- EVHas Par Value
- EWHas Sole Authority
- EXExcellent
- EYHas Voting Rights
- EZHeading Address in Registered Office Only
- F0High Level
- F1Homeworkers Employed
- F2In Subscriber Shares
- F3Inactive
- F4Incomplete
- F5Incorporation Details Requested
- F6Increase or Up
- F7Information Cannot Be Provided at This Time
- F8Information in Date
- F9Information Requires Investigation
- FAActions has a Significant Environmental Effect
- FBApplication Includes Complete System
- FCAntenna is Mounted on a Structure with an Existing Antenna
- FDNotice of Construction or Alteration has been Filed
- FEApplicant Wants to Monitor Frequency
- FFApplicant has been Denied Government Benefits Due to Use of Drugs
- FGApplication is Certified
- FHApplication is for other Than a New Station
- FIFee Required
- FJFlood Status
- FKFlood Insurance Required
- FLFederal Flood Insurance is Available (Community Participates)
- FMInventory Valued Using LIFO (Last In/First Out)
- FNNot Too High Level
- FOForgetful
- FPFlood Certification with Life of Loan
- FQStreet Maintenance is Public
- FRFair
- FSNot Yet Registered
- FTObliged to File Balance Sheet
- FUOfficial Confirmation Received
- FVOld But Well Kept
- FWOld Established Business
- FXOperated at Break Even
- FYOperates as Agent
- FZFlood Zone Status
- G0Out of Business
- G1Outstanding Claims
- G2Gas On
- G3Hazardous Materials are Used or Produced
- G4Genetically Engineered Organisms are Used or Produced
- G5This is a Group Proposal
- G6Historical Sites Are Affected
- G7Facilities are Properly Accredited or Authorized
- G8Proprietary or Privileged Information will be contained in the Application
- G9This Project has an Actual or Potential Impact on the Environment
- GAGrowth Rate is Fully Developed
- GBOutstanding Social Security Claims
- GCOutstanding Value Added Tax (VAT) Claims
- GDProduct Demonstration in Effect
- GEOwnership Acknowledged in Signed Statement
- GFOwnership Acknowledged Verbally
- GGOwnership Not Acknowledged
- GHOwns No Real Estate
- GIOwns Real Estate but Details Not Available
- GJPrepared from Books Without Audit
- GKPrepared from Statement by Accountant
- GLProfits Paid to Group
- GMShelf Set to Manufacturer's Standard
- GNPublicly Traded
- GOGood
- GPPurchase Authority is Qualified
- GQPurchases on Floor Plan
- GRShelf Set to Retailer's Schematic
- GSPurchases on Letter of Credit
- GTReal Estate Check is Necessary
- GURecord of Preferential Claims
- GVRegistered Address is Same as Business Address
- GWRelatives Help in Business
- GXSatisfactory
- GYSeasons are Steady
- GZSecured
- H0Organization Certifies Compliance with Federal Lobbying Regulations
- H1Project involves International Co-operative Activities
- H2Human Anatomical Substances Are Used
- H3Handicap Facilities Are Available
- H4Lobbying Activities Have Been Conducted Regarding the Proposal
- H5Organization Certifies Compliance With the Drug-Free Workplace Act
- H6Organization Certifies Compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations Regarding Research Misconduct
- H7Organization Provides a Smoke Free Workplace
- H8Organization Certifies Compliance with Federal Discrimination Regulations
- H9Organization Certifies Compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations Regarding Responsibility of Applicants for Promoting Objectivity in Research for which Public Health Service (PHS) Funding is Sought
- HAWell Maintained
- HBInterest Rate Buydown
- HCHeating and Cooling for the Individual Units Separately Metered
- HDHigh Discharge
- HEHigh Engine Water Pressure
- HFInterest Only
- HGGraduated Payment
- HHPrincipal Balance Exceeds Maximum Negative Amortization
- HILast Change
- HJLiability Released
- HKLiability Not Released
- HLHearing Limitations
- HMLiability Determined by Note Holder
- HNAfter Conversion
- HOHostile
- HPAfter Modification
- HQBalloon
- HRCapitalized Mortgage
- HSFederal Wages in Effect
- HTSocial Security Number (SSN) Never Issued
- HUName Does Not Match Social Security Number (SSN)
- HVBirthdate Does Not Match Social Security Number (SSN)
- HWImpossible Social Security Number (SSN)
- HXEmployee is Ineligible to Work
- HYMetes and Bounds
- HZConsolidation, Extension, Modification of Mortgage Loan (CEM)
- I0Based on Operating Data
- I1Uses Outside Services
- I2Very High Level
- I3Very Small
- I4Voluntary Bankruptcy
- I5Well Balanced
- I6Well Regarded in Business Circles
- I7Organization has Delinquent Federal Debts
- I8Organization has been Placed on the Federal Debarment and Suspension List
- I9No-show Indicator
- IAInterest Paid in Advance
- IBInterest Paid in Arrears
- ICInterest Carryover
- IDSells Directly
- IESells with Agents
- IFSells with Storage
- IGSmall
- IHIndependent at Home
- IISome Increase
- IJSomewhat Declining Tendency
- IKStarted Some Time Ago
- ILIndustry Location
- IMSufficient
- INIndifferent
- IOTermination Date Set
- IPInjury occurred on Employer's Premises
- IQTerms Include Lump Sum Payments
- IRTerms Include Progress Payments
- ISTerms on Cost Plus Basis
- ITTerms on Fixed Fee Basis
- IUTrade Style Registered
- IVTrading Address of Sole Proprietor
- IWUnchanged Situation
- IXUndetermined
- IYUnsatisfactory
- IZUnsecured
- J0Qualifies as an Energy Efficient Home
- J1Military Services Barred from Recruitment Activities at the Proposing Organization's Site(s)
- J2Rate Negotiated
- J3Under Penalty of Perjury the Information is True and Correct
- J4Project Requires Inter-Government Review for Activities that affect State or Local Government or Possible National Security Implications
- J5Filing on Behalf of Debtor is Authorized
- J6Debtor Understands the Relief available under each Bankruptcy Chapter
- J7Attorney Declares that Debtor has been Informed
- J8Attorney has Explained the Relief available under each Bankruptcy Chapter
- J9There has been a Transfer of a Claim Against the Debtor by or to any Petitioner
- JAThird Party Originated
- JBExisting Construction
- JCOther Lien
- JDSubject Lien
- JENo Evidence of Property Damage Observed such as Dampness, Termites, or Structure Settlement
- JFPrimary Underwriting System
- JGNon New Parts Used
- JHPledged Loan
- JISecurity Delivery
- JJSecondary Underwriting System
- JKDistribution is Stopped
- JLSentence was Suspended
- JMVery Negative Information Exists
- JNPayment Notes Exist
- JOImmigrated
- JPAudited with Qualifications
- JQAudited
- JRTemporarily Closed
- JSPartial
- JTTelephone Number is Unpublished
- JUTelephone Number is Not in Service
- JVNegative Information Exists for the Group
- JWThe More Important Items are Only Included
- JXInterest Owned by Affiliated Company
- JYInterest Owned by Subject of Inquiry
- JZQualifies as a Government Approved Condominium or Project
- K0Account Receivables Breakdown Undisclosed
- K1Additional Record Items Available
- K2Address is Qualified
- K3All Paid In or Issued
- K4Appears High
- K5Appears Not to Guarantee Sufficient Coverage
- K6Appears Sufficiently High
- K7Appears to Indicate a Strained Situation
- K8Banks with Main National Banks
- K9Bills Paid from Branch Office
- KABills Paid from Division Office
- KBBills Paid from Headquarters Office
- KCBond Information Available
- KDChanged Accounting Date
- KEClear
- KFClear Declining Tendency
- KGClear Increase
- KHCluttered
- KICompany has No Other Locations
- KJCompany is Branch of Foreign Entity
- KKCompany is Perpetual
- KLCompany is Tax Exempt
- KMCompared to Same Period Last Year
- KNConducted at a Loss
- KOInventory Valued using FIFO (First In/First Out)
- KPLarge
- KQLetter of Agreement Present
- KRLetter of Agreement Withdrawn
- KSLetter of Liability Present
- KTLetter of Liability Withdrawn
- KULocation Inquired Upon is a Branch
- KVLocation Inquired Upon is a Branch; Headquarters is Provided
- KWLocation inquired upon is a Headquarters
- KXLocation is Foreign
- KYMeans Exhausted
- KZMedium to Large
- L0Immunization Mandated by State Law for Employment
- L1General Standard of 20 Degree or .5 Diopter Sphere or Cylinder Change Met
- L2Replacement Due to Loss or Theft
- L3Replacement Due to Breakage or Damage
- L4Replacement Due to Patient Preference
- L5Replacement Due to Medical Reason
- L6Land Contract
- L7Account Current
- L8Very Good
- L9Restored
- LALetter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision
- LBLegally Blind
- LCProducer of Goods
- LDDrawback Indicator
- LELethargic
- LFCustoms Rule Applicable
- LGExported Pursuant to Law Regulation or to Cancel Customs Bond
- LHCountry of Origin Information Applies to All Prior Shipments
- LIPrice Estimated
- LJNorth American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Preference
- LKKit Form
- LLLockout Effective
- LMLetter of Appointment
- LNFacility’s Emergency Response Plan Includes Specific Actions to be Taken in Response to Accidental Releases of Regulated Substances
- LOLocomotive is Isolated
- LPLow Engine Oil Pressure
- LQFacility had a Safety Inspection
- LRLocomotive Engine is Running
- LSLessee Signature on File
- LTLender or Servicer Transfer
- LUEvidence of Dampness
- LVEvidence of Termites
- LWEvidence of Structure Settlement
- LXSalvage Moved
- LYAddress is Former Location
- LZAddress is Occupied by Others
- M0Facility has an Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Star or Merit Ranking
- M1Data Corrected
- M2Servicer Record Selected
- M3Length of Service is 3 Months or Less
- M4Length of Service is 3 Months or more, and Less than 1 Year
- M5Length of Service is 1 Year through 5 Years
- M6Length of Service is more than 5 Years
- M7Cataract or Corneal Transplant or Other Condition such as Keratoconus
- M8Vision in Worse Eye Correctable to 20/40 or Better with Regular Lenses
- M9Contact Lenses Corrected Vision in Worse Eye to 20/40 or Better
- MAMajor Alarm Flag Reported
- MBEquipment has Modified Configuration
- MCOther Mental Condition
- MDMarketing Time is 4 to 6 Months
- METrend Reversed
- MFMicroprocessor Fault
- MGMortgage Insurance Application Included
- MHMortgage Credit Report Included
- MIResidential Loan Application Included
- MJReal Estate Information Report Included
- MKReal Estate Title Evidence Included
- MLManually Search and List
- MMProperty is Occupied by Tenant (Market Rent)
- MNProperty is Occupied by Tenant (Regulated Rent)
- MOCooperative Project Includes or Owns Any Commercial Units
- MPUnits and Project Amenities are Complete
- MQEligible Trust
- MRResale Property
- MSMiscellaneous Skip-Trace Attempt
- MTPhotos Match Description
- MUPhotos Show Negative Influence
- MVExclude from Monthly Debt
- MWThis Broker Market Analysis is being Completed for Home Market Assistance
- MXThis Broker Market Analysis is being Completed for Homesale or Buyout
- MYProject Type is Single Family
- MZProject Type is Other
- N0Hospitalized over-night
- N1Claim Involves (a) Day(s) Away From Work
- N2Claim involves Restricted Work Activity Without Days Away from Work
- N3Strike or Lockout in Progress
- N4Shutdown or Layoff in Progress
- N5Work is Seasonal
- N6Natural Disaster or Adverse Weather Affecting Work
- N7Shorter Work Schedules or Fewer Pay Periods than Usual in Effect
- N8Longer Work Schedules or More Pay Periods than Usual in Effect
- N9Other Factors Affect Claim Frequency
- NANo User Available
- NBNeighborhood Predominately Single Family Dwellings
- NCItem has Direct Numerical Control
- NDNote Holder Permission Required
- NENotarized
- NFNew Construction
- NGMortgage Points are Customarily Paid by Seller
- NHNo National Flood Insurance Program map
- NISeasoned Mortgage
- NJIssues are Anticipated that would Affect the Ability to Secure Financing of the Subject Property
- NKCitizenship
- NLGroup Disability Insurance Mandatory
- NMRetail Origination
- NNAnswer to Referenced Question is "None"
- NOArm's Length Transaction
- NPCertification of a Non-attorney Bankruptcy Petition Preparer
- NQEligible for the Fannie Mae Neighbors Program
- NRNo Restrictions
- NS401K Plan in Effect
- NTLodging Provided
- NUNot Used
- NVContract Labor
- NWBonuses Paid
- NXMinors Employed
- NYMeets Requirements for Fannie Mae Community Seconds Program
- NZPurchase is a Result of Current Employer Sponsored Relocation
- O0Teaching Major
- O1Multiple Unspecified Instances
- O2Hires Part Time Employees as Needed
- O3Mexican Request
- O4Risk Management Plan Requires Predictive Filing
- O5Sanitized Copy
- O6Site Treated, Disposed, Recycled Waste On-Site or Discharged Waste to Sewer or Publicly Owned Treatment Works
- O7Toxic Chemical Claimed as Trade Secret
- O8Under Control of Reporting Facility or Parent Company
- O9Weather Conditions Not Known
- OASeller Provided Below Market Secondary Financing
- OBFixed Site
- OCMobile Facility
- ODTransfer Authorized
- OETransfer Complete
- OFCommercial Driver's License Verified
- OGResponsibility Accepted
- OHWaterbody Involved
- OICharges Pending
- OJDriver has Proper License Class
- OKDriver Compliant with License Restrictions
- OLOther Limitation
- OMDriver has Commercial Driver's License
- ONDriver has Medical Waiver
- OOOwn other Federal Housing Administration Property
- OPOut of Range Product Temperature
- OQPhotographs Taken
- OROther Restrictions
- OSOut of Service
- OTOriented
- OUPolice Officer at Scene
- OVOverridden
- OWProposed
- OXRating is Affected
- OYVeteran as Defined by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Veterans Administration (VA), or Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- OZLiability is Contingent or has a Co-signer
- P0Terminal Degree
- P1Patient was Discharged from the First Facility
- P2Patient was Admitted to the Second Facility
- P3Property has a Family Room or Den
- P4Property has Central Air Conditioning
- P5Property Typical of Neighborhood
- P6Property Deferred Maintenance Typical of Neighborhood
- P7Accepting Existing Patients
- P8Accepting New Patients
- P9Property Intended to be Occupied as Primary Residence
- PAParalysis
- PBPhone Skip Begin
- PCPlan is Attached
- PDPhone Skip Resolved
- PEPhone Skip Exhaust
- PFPaid Outside of Closing
- PGProject is Subject to Ground Rent
- PHPrepayable
- PIProgram
- PJProvider is Participating
- PKPreliminary Flood Determination
- PLProvider Certification in the Taxonomy Has Been Verified
- PMProject and Services Budget is Maintained
- PNAtypical Physical Condition
- POPersonal Property Onsite
- PPProperty Previously Winterized
- PQLiability will be Resubordinated to the Loan upon Closing
- PRPoor
- PSPublication is Included in Sharing
- PTProject is Complete
- PUNot Paid
- PVProperty Vacant 0-5 Percent
- PWPartial Weight Bearing
- PXPaid by Borrower Before Closing
- PYProperty for Sale
- PZProperty Vacant Over 5 Percent
- Q0Veteran
- Q1Export Product
- Q2Distilled Spirit, Beer or Wine
- Q3U.S. Goods Returned
- Q4Candidate for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Protest
- Q5Domestic Product
- Q6Prior Approval Letter and Official Orders on File
- Q7Importer's Substantiating Statement and Contract are on File
- Q8International Transport Movement
- Q9Piece Count should be Included in the Total Packing List Quantity
- QAShipment should be Held at the Port
- QBMultiple States of Origin for this Item
- QCMultiple Countries of Origin for this Item
- QDLetter of Credit Restricted to a Specific Bank
- QELetter of Credit Permits Transshipment
- QFLetter of Credit Covers Partial Shipments
- QGDutiable Item
- QHAmounts should be Pro-rated across Line Items
- QIToxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Certification Required
- QJVisa Required for this Item
- QKItem Subject to Quotas
- QLItem is a Set as Defined by the General Rules of Interpretation Section 3 (GRI3)
- QMItem is a Set
- QNItem is an Ensemble
- QOItem is a Metal Item
- QPItem is a Machine Part
- QQItem is a Hazardous Item
- QRItem is Eligible under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
- QSQuantity to be Imported has been Approved by the Necessary Agencies
- QTFiling Data is to be Withheld from Public Inspection
- QUProperty Type Cooperative
- QVPaid by Borrower at Closing
- QWPaid by Other At or Before Closing
- QXTreated as a Reduction to Income
- QYDoes Organization Receive Income from the Sale or Lease of Tangible Personal Property, the Lease of Real Property, or the Sale of Taxable Services?
- QZIs organization a contractor-retailer primarily engaged in retail sales?
- R0Exempt from Public Records Law
- R1Debtor Holds Claim to Real Property
- R2Entity Claims to Hold a Secured Interest
- R3Debtor has Property of the Type Specified
- R4Debtor Elects the State Exemption
- R5Debtor Elects the Federal Exemption
- R6Co-debtor may be Jointly Liable
- R7Claim is Contingent
- R8Claim is Unliquidated
- R9Claim is Disputed
- RAReference Telephone Attempt
- RBDebtor has No Creditors Holding Unsecured Priority Claims
- RCReference Telephone Contact
- RDRent Delinquent
- REClaim is Subject to Setoff
- RFDebtor has No Executory Contracts or Unexpired Leases
- RGLease is for Nonresidential Real Property
- RHDebtor has No Co-debtors
- RIDebtor is Married
- RJDebtor's Spouse Maintains a Separate Household
- RKReal Estate Taxes are Included
- RLProperty Insurance is Included
- RMDebtor has No Creditors Holding Secured Claims
- RNRent Control
- ROEquipment is Rebuilt
- RPIndividual Injured in Performance of Duty
- RQIndividual Injured by Third Party
- RRQuality of Management and its Enforcement of Rules and Regulations Based on General Appearances
- RSPay Continued
- RTSick Leave Taken
- RUSignature on File
- RVLow Refrigerant Capacity Shutdown
- RWRecent Defrost
- RXRated Horsepower can be Produced
- RYForeign Military Sale
- RZWaiver of Prior Notice
- S0Alternate Certification Program Participant
- S1Services Provided at the Second Facility were available at the First Facility
- S2Under Treatment
- S3First Time Vacant
- S4Adverse Easement
- S5Disclosure Indicator
- S6Atypical Off Site Improvements
- S7Toxic Substances
- S8Adverse Encroachment
- S9Atypical Functional Condition
- SASubject Property is Currently Listed
- SBDebtor is a Small Business as Defined in 11 U.S.C. Section 101
- SCSpecial Services are Mobile Home Only
- SDSpecial Services are Leasehold or Mobile Home or Both
- SEDebtor Elects to be Considered as a Small Business Under 11 U.S.C. Section 1121(e)
- SFSensor Fault
- SGStreet Lights are Public
- SHSpecial Services are Leasehold or Subleasehold or Both
- SIHazardous Waste
- SJPest Infestation
- SKRoad Maintenance Required
- SLSpeech Limitations
- SMCurrently Serving in Military
- SNMajor Base Support
- SOCritical Support Level Met
- SPStreet is Public
- SQLocal Wages in Effect
- SRFederal Worker Displacement
- SSAdverse Zoning
- STNew Services Requested
- SUContinued Services Requested
- SVMajor Corporation/High Tech
- SWSidewalk is Public
- SXCollective Bargaining Agreement Sent by Mail
- SYCollective Bargaining Agreement Sent by Facsimile
- SZContract
- T0Under Contract
- T1Road Test Performed with No Problems Reported
- T2Road Test Performed with Problems Reported
- T3Tires' Brand Match
- T4Real Estate Taxes are Current
- T5Hazard Insurance is Current
- T6Terminate Guarantee
- T7Atypical External Condition
- T8Subsidence (Settlement of Ground Surface Caused by Loss of Support)
- T9Utilities Inadequate
- TACollective Bargaining Agreement Sent by Electronic Bulletin Board
- TBDebtor has No Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims
- TCTransport via Cargo Aircraft
- TDAnnual Leave Taken
- TEItem is Special Test Equipment
- TFOperates as Representative For Others
- TGClaim Involves Work Related Death
- THClaim Does Not Involve Work Related Death, Days Away from Work, or Restricted Work Activity
- TIEmployee Has Not Recovered to Return to Work
- TJEmployee Has Retired
- TKEmployee Has Resigned
- TLEmployee is Permanently and Totally Disabled
- TMTraction Motor is Cut Out
- TNAtypical Quality of Construction
- TOAtypical Remodeling
- TPTransport via Passenger Aircraft
- TQAtypical Additions
- TRTransfer to Bed, or Chair, or Both
- TSAdverse Marketing Conditions in Subject Property's Neighborhood
- TTNeighborhood Water Source is Public
- TUNeighborhood Sewage Treatment is Public
- TVTelephone Number Verified
- TWNeighborhood Street is Public
- TXOther Miscellaneous Adverse Characteristics
- TYSubject Property's Street is Public
- TZSubject Property's Sewage Treatment is Public
- U0Disability
- U1Minimal Change
- U2Neat Appearance
- U3Net Worth Computed after Exemptions
- U4Net Worth Considerably Higher
- U5Net Worth Higher
- U6No Employees
- U7No Employees - Business Managed by Owner
- U8No Employees - Business Managed by Partners
- U9Not Out of Business
- UAUninsurable, 1316 Property
- UBConducted at a Profit
- UCContingent Debt Indicated
- UDContinue
- UEContracts Obtained by Bid
- UFContracts Obtained by Negotiation
- UGConverted to Holding Company
- UHCross Claim Filed
- UIDeclining Tendency
- UJDetrimental Events in Past, Relating to Business
- UKDetrimental Events in Past, Relating to Management
- ULDown or Decline or Decreased
- UMEmployees Include Officers
- UNUncooperative
- UOEmployees Include Owners
- UPEmployees Include Partners
- UQEmployees Include Temporary Workers
- UREmployees Vary According to Needs
- USEnclosed
- UTUp as Tolerated
- UUExtent of Audit, if any, Not Indicated
- UVFavorable Personal Reputation
- UWFigures are Abbreviated
- UXFigures are Converted to Agency Format
- UYFigures are Individual
- UZFigures are Restated
- V0Ultimate Parent Company Financial Statement Used
- V1Valid Borrower Address or Phone Attempt with School Attended
- V2Lender Determined Borrower Moved Out of State
- V3Lender Determined Borrower Moved Back into State
- V4Lender Determined Borrower Incarcerated
- V5Lender Determined Borrower No Longer Incarcerated
- V6Original
- V7True and Exact Copy
- V8Subject Property's Water Source is Public
- V9Pictures Required
- VAIntercompany Relations Exist
- VBInventory Valued at Lower of Cost or Market
- VCInventory Valued at Other Methods
- VDOperates as Sole Agent
- VEWithout Personal Judgment
- VFWork is Subcontracted
- VGNot Registered
- VHImmediate Attention Required
- VIVehicle Inspection Report Completed
- VJMiddle to Medium
- VKRent Control Likely
- VLFurnished
- VMPrice Range Single Family or Planned Unit Development Not Applicable
- VNPrice Range Condominium Not Applicable
- VOPrice Range Two to Four Family Not Applicable
- VPFinancial Figures are Projected Based on Sales
- VQFinancial Figures are Projected Based on Employees
- VRParent Company has Bankruptcy
- VSHeadquarters has Bankruptcy
- VTCommercial Motor Vehicle was Involved in this Conviction
- VUCommercial Motor Vehicle was Carrying Hazardous Materials when the Offense was Committed
- VVPrepared from Internal Book Figures
- VWQuantity Declined
- VXQuantity Details Unknown
- VYWas tax paid when purchased by seller?
- VZWas item depreciable?
- W0Statement is on a Trading Trust
- W1New Registration
- W2Mailing Address Change
- W3Residence Address Change
- W4Name Change
- W5Party Enrollment Change
- W6Needs Absentee Ballot
- W7Would Like to be Election Day Worker
- W8Duplicate Registration
- W9Forwarded Application
- WAWalker Required
- WBWater On
- WCApplication Incomplete
- WDVehicle Plate Surrendered
- WEWritten Notice to Note Holder
- WFWritten Notice to Borrower
- WGWithin Specified Time Period
- WHWithin Specified Range
- WIInjury was Work Related
- WJDealer Pricing Authorization
- WKSummary Level Information
- WLDetail Level Information
- WMNon-occupant Co-borrower
- WNUnit is a Studio (Efficiency)
- WOEquipment in Working Order
- WPTo be Watched
- WQUndetermined Out of Business Status
- WRWheelchair Required
- WSBalance Sheet Filed
- WTWinterized Tag Observed
- WUMaterial Safety Data Sheet
- WVAccepts Credit Cards
- WWAll Purchases Made from Headquarters
- WXBusy
- WYExcessive
- WZFairly new
- X0No Employees - Business Managed by Director(s)
- X1Gross Weekly Amount is Estimated
- X2Waiting Period Disability Days are Non-consecutive
- X3Report Depicts Most Recent Data - Interim Period(s) Omitted
- X4Permanent Impairment Paid at Minimum
- X5Employee's Death is a Result of Work Injury or Illness
- X6Employee's Written Social Security Number Release is on File
- X7Employee's Medical Records Release Authorization is on File
- X8Employee Returned to Work with Pre-Injury Employer
- X9"Cafe" Plan in Effect
- XAFigures are Average
- XBImports
- XCIn Process of Establishing
- XDIntercompany Relations Consist of Endorsements
- XEIntercompany Relations Consist of Guarantees
- XFIntercompany Relations Consist of Leasing Arrangements
- XGIntercompany Relations Consist of Sharing Accounting
- XHIntercompany Relations Consist of Sharing Facilities
- XIIntercompany Relations Consist of Sharing Management
- XJIntercompany Relations Consist of Sharing Personnel
- XKInterest in Other Business(es) Along with Family
- XLInterest in Other Business(es) Along with Others in Reported Company
- XMInventory Valued at Company's Estimates
- XNInventory Valued at Cost
- XOInventory Valued using AVCO (Average Cost)
- XPJoint Ownership
- XQLeases with No Rent Payments
- XRLeases with Option to Buy
- XSLeases with Token Payment
- XTLimited
- XULocated for Several Years
- XVLocated Since Opening
- XWModern
- XXNon-Existent
- XYOfficer or Owner in Other Businesses in the Same Field
- XZOperates as a Distributor for Others
- Y0Insured Cooperative
- Y1Worked in Industry for Several Years
- Y2Aircraft Operation
- Y3All Classifications on Policy Accounted For
- Y4Board Provided
- Y5Casual Labor
- Y6Certificates on File for All Subcontractors
- Y7Commissions Paid
- Y8Condition or Type of Records Cause Additional Audit Time
- Y9Domestic Workers Employed
- YAOperates from Residence
- YBOperates under License by Others
- YCRents from Month to Month
- YDSemi-modern
- YEUnder Construction
- YFUnlimited
- YGUsed
- YHVariable
- YIHolder is a Subsidiary of Reporting Agent
- YJContact is Unchanged From Previous Report
- YKReport was Filed Last Year by This Agent
- YLParty is Authorized to do Business in This State
- YMClear Decrease
- YNEmployees Temporarily Laid Off
- YOEstablished in the Industry
- YPGlobal Business
- YQInformation to be Followed Up
- YRKnown Details are Listed
- YSLand is Rented
- YTLow
- YUPrime Commercial Area
- YVShares with Affiliated Company(ies)
- YWSlightly Higher
- YXSlightly Lower
- YYStagnant
- YZTerritory Information is Available
- Z0Subcontractors Used
- Z1Insured Is a Subcontractor
- Z2Insured Has Multiple Entries
- Z3Insured Has Retail Operations
- Z4Insured Requested Division of Payroll of Employee(s)
- Z5Owner or Officer Interviewed
- Z6Premium Overtime Excluded
- Z7Records Reflect Proper Division of Employee(s) Payroll
- Z8Records Satisfactory for Audit
- Z9Relatives Employed
- ZACustomer - Configuration Change is Required
- ZBCondition Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) is Mission Degrading
- ZCCondition Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) is Maintenance Related
- ZDCondition Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) is Safety Related
- ZERepair is Mission Essential
- ZFRepair is Safety Essential
- ZGPeriodic Maintenance is Required
- ZHCondition Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) Discrepancy is Corrected
- ZIProgress is in Jeopardy
- ZJEmployee's Injury or Illness is Work Related
- ZKFinal - Configuration Change is Required
- ZLFinal - Delivery to Shop is Required
- ZMFinal - Requestor Workforce will Assist
- ZNJob is Level 2
- ZOPreliminary - Configuration Change is Required
- ZPPreliminary - Delivery to Shop is Required
- ZQPreliminary - Requestor Workforce will Assist
- ZRConfiguration Change is Associated with Time Meter
- ZSShop Has Lead Responsibility
- ZTEstimate is Derived From Job Template
- ZURequestor Holds Technical Documentation
- ZVReplacement Item
- ZWCanadian Standards Association (CSA) Approved
- ZXNon-convertible
- ZYUnderwriters Laboratory (UL) Approved
- ZZMutually Defined
- 000In Progress
- AFMAccepting Family Members
- ATRAtrophy
- BPDBeneficiary is Partially Dependent
- BTDBeneficiary is Totally Dependent
- CAIComponent Assembly Inspection Required
- CFDClaim is Fraudulent
- CLDContractor Liable for Discrepancy
- CNJCumulative Injury
- COSCost
- DDSDefined Distribution
- DFRDeductible Amount Fully Recovered
- DNRDeductible Amount Not Fully Recovered
- EQREquipment is Remanufactured or has been Assigned a New Equipment Initial
- HOMHomicidal
- JCAJoint Coverage Applies
- LSDList Specialty in Directory
- MDRMild Retardation
- NDPNo Deductible Program
- ODSOpen Distribution
- ODZOccupational Disease
- PALPatient Is Allowed To Leave Residence
- PARParaplegia
- PFBPreviously Failed Board Certification
- PNAProduct Substitution is Not Allowed
- POCPurchase Order Carton Consolidation (POCC) for this Carton
- POSPurchase Order Carton Consolidation (POCC) for this Shipment
- PRDPrior Damage
- PSAProduct Substitution is Allowed
- PSEProduct Substitution is Allowed as Specified
- PTHPatient Is Homebound
- RCARental Car Arranged
- REFReferral Required
- SELSell
- SERManufacturer Product Serial Numbers are Included
- SPPSpecialty is Primary
- SPSSpecialty is Secondary
- STBSelf-Threatening Behavior
- SUBSubrogation Open
- SUDSuicidal
- TBOThreatening Behavior Toward Others
- TNJTraumatic Injury
- VODVolume Decrease
- VOIVolume Increase
- VTLVehicle was Declared a Total Loss